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March Madness

Drac0's picture

Where does the time go?

Sorry for being absent but I have a lot going on in my life at the moment. For starters, my department is currently being audited. No, nobody is in trouble or anything, but I swear you would find more cheer in a graveyard. The guy doing the audit has the sense of humour of a Vulcan. Whenever I pinpoint him to documents he is looking for, he doesn't even give me anything that remotely smells like gratitude.

In other news, my car died. This happened at the time that DW and I were shopping around for a tutor for SS. I hated having to put that on hold, because the longer we wait before hiring a tutor, the less chance SS has at passing this semester.

Speaking of, Donkeykong finally weighed in on the matter. To be blunt, he said that he doesn't care if SS has to go to summer school. Yes, he realizes that means he will be losing out on custody time, but (and I quote) "I am no educator but maybe this is the type of harsh lesson SS needs in order to realize that he needs to work to get results and not just sit there and expect the answers to come to him".

I hate to admit it, but I kinda agree with him. No, it is not the end of the world if SS has to go to summer school, I am just worried that this will put him on the slippery slope of feeling more helpless and stupid. I know SS well enough to know that if he feels he is being punished, he becomes utterly useless; he can't think and he can't learn from his mistakes. He just sits there, and cries.

Speaking of, I had to reset the "SS waterworks" meter. It has now been 2 days since SS last cried.

DW prepared his lunch as she does every morning. She leaves it in SS's room (normally on his bed). Well that day, the dog decided that SS's lunch was too appetizing to pass up and snuck into SS's room when he wasn't looking and tore through his lunch bag like it was the last meal on earth. SS called DW in a bit of a panic wondering what to do. DW told SS to calm down and just told him to make himself another lunch. Problem is, SS doesn't know how (remember, he is a 13-year-old with the self-help skills of a 6-year-old). DW tried to instruct him, as best she could over the phone, to help SS find where everything is and make himself another lunch. SS wouldn't hear any of it. Seems nothing would appease him unless DW dropped everything and rushed home to console him and make him another lunch.

"Look!" DW said "Either you make yourself another lunch, or you starve. I got to get back to work!" and she left him to his own devices.

SS took a slice of bread to school in a brown paper bag. That was his lunch for that day.

There was another incident involving SS's winter boots. For a solid week straight he has been coming home with just his sneakers. How his toes have not snapped off from frost bite is beyond me.

Now, usually SS would state "I forgot" and DW would berate him for it. Well earlier last week SS said that he didn't forget, but that a friend of his "stole" one of his boots as a joke. Immediately DW asked him which friend it was and he answered "Mike" (someone we don't know). DW told SS to tell Mike that unless he returns SS's boot, Mike's parents can expect a phone call from us.

A day passes; still no boots.

DW is furious. SS says that he asked Mike and he doesn't know where it is. DW asks what Mike's last name is. Surprise, surprise, SS doesn't know Mike's last name.

DW couldn't go to the school and I offered to go to the school and somehow settle this matter. I drove SS to school. He was silent the whole time. I wasn't about to walk into the school and confront this guy "Mike". I went to the VP's office, introduced myself and and explained the siuation.

The VP (a very nice lady) looked at SS and asked "Did you check the 'lost and found'?". SS just shook his head and we both went to lost and found (3 rubbermaid garbage cans) and started fishing through them. Sure enough, there was SS's boot. I was happy that this issue was resolved, but whether or not this "Mike" was the culprit remains a mystery.

So that's how my March Madness has been. How's yours?


overworkedmom's picture

Oh Draco, I can always count on your blog to make me giggle! A slice of bread in a paper bag?? Talk about a kid who will turn into a "victimized" adult his entire life! Even my 6 year old can do everything but spread the peanut butter (and you have to admit, that is a little tricky).

Drac0's picture

SS used to have one of those thermal insulated lunch box/coolers, but he kept losing those. SS stated that he prefers using a simple brown paper bag because it's SOOOOOOOO much trouble to bring the lunch box/cooler back to his locker.

Sunflower1's picture

Most peoples it seems. The sports bar I manage has a great deal of pissed people right now.

farting_glitter's picture

yep..and I just laughed and laughed.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good times good times......

go Carolina Tarheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drac0's picture

Heh! Nice idea, but if I post it up on the wall, I am worried "Scrounger" and "The Cooler King" will think it's a blue print for a time machine and do something "bad" with it.

"Look Daddy! We gots a dinosaur! Can we keep him? Pleeeeeease?"

DarkStar's picture

That collective groan you heard about an hour ago was a million brackets smashed to pieces as Duke LOST to Mercer! Tee hee!
The guys in my department hooked up a laptop to a TV monitor and we are watching basketball this afternoon! My boss is so cool. He left early today. As he was walking out, he looked at the TV and all of us standing around it, shook his head and said, "Have a good weekend everyone!"

And Draco, I rub my hands with glee everytime you post and again, you (or your SS, I suppose) did NOT disappoint.
I wonder what the DOT is going to think when your SS cries because he can't pass his drivers test?
Or what the voting volunteers will think when your SS cries because he can't figure out how to fill in those little circles to vote?
Or what his first boss will think when your SS cries the first time he is told he is doing something wrong. Like the first day. }:)

Go Iowa State!!!!!!

Drac0's picture

I don't follow basketball so I appreciate the explanation Biggrin

I am still wondering what is going to happen when his GF decided to upgrade. A cruel thing to say, I know, but if you met this girl and met my SS you would be scratching your head too....

Tuff Noogies's picture

ditto. that's a new low of intentional ignorance. he has no idea nor care that he's the one that looks like an idiot by trying to prove his point.... oy.

Drac0's picture

Beats me.

All I can do is imagine what the conversation around his lunchroom table was like.

"Hey SS. You on a diet or something?"

StarStuff's picture

For some reason, whenever I read about your SS I think of Dudley's character in the Harry Potter books.