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UPDATE: I Told Chef that OSS is No Longer Living with the BM

thinkthrice's picture

And he was SHOCKED! I told him it seems to be an emancipation event which he agreed to. But I think he is more afraid of fighting his brother in court than the BM!!

He is more concerned that OSS will "become gay" like his brother!! Which he said he accepted long ago.

I also told him not to say ANYTHING to ESPECIALLY one of his other brothers who is good friends with the BM, this uncle of OSS's and has often told Chef to do ANYTHING to re-establish ties with his ne'er-do-well children again including going back to kissing their nether quarters!! :sick:

I'm sure if Chef could just fill out a paper and not have to show up at court he would be ok with getting CS reduced. But because the mere THOUGHT of seeing BM or his bro again scares him shitless, I doubt he'll do anything.

He's often said stupid things like:

"I've put you in the BEST financial situation of your life! (not)
"I don't care if I have to pay CS until the day I die" (just to avoid having to go to court or wrangle with the BM again)


thinkthrice's picture

The BM took them a looooooonnnnnnngggggg time ago.

Disneyfan's picture

He'll get over his so called fears quick,fast and in a hurry if he didn't have someone paying for his stupidity.

If he to actually get out there and support himself like a real man, he would do everything in his power to have CS decreased. He sure as heck wouldn't volunteer to pay more than what the courts order.

thinkthrice's picture

agreed. I wouldn't mind if he was some sort of appreciative eye candy. He has let himself go REALLY BADLY and is not one bit appreciative of me or my salary. TOTALLY takes it for granted.

What is super messed up is when he was with the BM, he took great pride in being the breadwinner. She was a stay-in-bed mom the whole time of their marriage.

Tuff Noogies's picture

stay-in-bed mom - perfect phrasing!

thrice, i think chef needs some serious help. idr if u've said he was in therapy or not, but sound like he needs it, and stat.

thinkthrice's picture

Oh no he would NEVER go to therapy. He is like Mary Poppins. Practically Perfect In Every Way.

He has no health insurance so he couldn't AFFORD to have therapy. Any gov't program doesn't count his massive CS payments as a deduction from his income. He's screwed six ways to sunday. The ONLY way he could get on my insurance is if I married him and no way in HELL would I EVER do that considering the circumstances.

When he was on my insurance back at a couple of my old jobs that considered cohabitation, and I was paying $300 extra a month to have him on, it was NOT appreciated. So I took him off.