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Toastergirl's picture

Do you ever laugh at your stepkids meltdowns? The hilarity is overwhelming. My SD(9) is very much the stereotypical COD that is talked about on this site. No concept of responsibility or consequences. Dr. Evil thinks Mini-Me can do no wrong, and Disney Dad likes to look the other way/make excuses. Lately DH has really started to step up as far as making her do things herself. She has been catered to all her life. Maid at mom's. Got to choose what to eat and when. I told DH she needs to write thank you cards to learn the concept of humility. I am also a huge thank you card person. Lets be honest: most people do not do them anymore and it comes across as thoughtful and classy.

No kid enjoys writing thank you cards, I get that. I hated them as a kid. But I did them anyways.

DH tells SD to start doing them in the living room. She has FOUR cards to write. I told her I would help her, as I have several to write myself. She groans and sits down. SD uses a pen and messes up on two cards. I inform her that a pencil would probably be helpful. She rolls her eyes and gets one. After a minute, she exclaims she is done and hands the card to me. The following is what was written:

Dear aunt ___

Thank you for the rambow lom

She left out capital letters, a comma, misspelled Rainbow Loom even though the box was three feet away and did not sign her name. She is dogging it. I cannot STAND it when SD does crappy work because she thinks someone else will do it for her. It works over at Dr. Evils. It had worked at DH's for the longest time. Hex will spell words for her, or even end up doing her homework for her. SD has tried this tactic with me before. It does NOT work on me. SD has tried to get me to read books to her, spell things for her, do everything for her. NO. I believe in teaching children to be self reliant.

"SD, this looks awful. You need to write more than just one sentence. You enjoyed your gift, write about what you made with it. You put no effort into this and it shows. Do it again."

SD sighs and just sits on the couch. I asked her if she was going to continue. She replied no.
"SD, you can't have your parents do everything for you."

At this point SD gets up from the couch, races to the bathroom and slams the door. I hear the tears flowing and the BAWLING. She is crying hysterically. At this point I start laughing. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop. She freaks out over the smallest things. After 5 minutes of her in the bathroom, DH knocks on the door and asks to come in. SD complies. She starts in that I am MEAN and she wasn't doing ANYTHING wrong. She babbles on and on. DH says he will help her with the cards. She then starts sobbing that I stated her parents do everything for her. Dh said, "Well SD...that's true. You have no chores at your mothers. I have to get on you to wash your hair, brush your teeth, wear a coat." And that's when SD yells, "That's not true!!! I do a lot by myself! I CAN WALK BY MYSELF!!"

At this point I burst out laughing. They cant hear me, but dear lord this is the most ridiculous thing ever. You know what my Dad used to do if I wrote a bad thank you note with horrible handwriting? He would tell me that it looked like shit, then ripped it up in front of me and tell me to do it again. He would keep me at the table all afternoon. My parents did not tolerate acting crappy on purpose. I hold SD to a standard because she is more than capable. DH comes out of the bathroom rolling his eyes, and tells SD to get back to doing them in her room.

We shall see how they turn out. Maybe this makes me an evil SM, but I'm firm on this issue. SD needs to write FOUR quality thank you cards to learn humility and gratefulness. We will see how it goes...


Toastergirl's picture

I agree. ThiS isn't rocket science, it's a "thank you for the ___. I am so glad you thought of me. I loved using the ___ last night. It really comes in handy! Love, blah blah blah"

Three sentences max.

NotMyMonkey's picture

I have laughed at my own bios for acting that way. It actually is that funny to me. Of course, my bios only behaved like that when they were in the toddler years. 9 is a bit old to have a toddler fit.

Toastergirl's picture

Sigh. You are right. I keep thinking I can be a positive influence.

It's sad that it is hard not to care.

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

It takes time and practice to not give a shit. You try and be a good influence and it generally just gets thrown in your face bc you are so mean for making her write boring thank you cards.

Come to think of it, my niece32 never thanked me for going to her baby shower after getting over a nasty bout of flu last year and giving her an expensive gift. I guess that is why I got no gift for the baby for Xmas.

Raggles's picture

I insist on thank you cards too. My bio daughter used to resist. One sentance and that was it. Now at 16 the lucky reciepient gets a page and a half and my daughter enjoys writing them Smile
Your post did make me laugh lots.

Toastergirl's picture

This helped a lot! Thank you. Next time a predicament happens I will rethink these ten realities in my head, take a deep breath and leave the room.