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Conversations with SD - 15 - AKA CRAZY LAND

KeepTrying's picture

Me: (in a whisper as we walk into the mall)"honey, you need to rub your makeup in a little on this side, you have a little line"

SD: Oh, ok...thanks...

Me: "I didn't hurt your feelings did I?" (very sincerely)

SD: No, of course not.

Fast Foward to a counseling appointment 6 months later.

Counselor: "SD, why don't you tell SM some of your concerns"

SD: "Sometimes you make me feel really bad about myself"

Me: "Honey, I would never want to do that. Can you give me an example?"

SD: (Without hesitation) "The time you told me I had a make up line"

Me: "I wasn't trying to be ugly, i just figured you would rather I tell you than having others see you, like i would want you to tell me if i had spinach in my teeth."

SD: That's different, I looked in the mirror and knew how i looked when i left the house, so it wasn't like something that just happend, i don't want you to comment on how I look"

Prologue - We have now had 4 arguments that stem from the makeup comment, she has cried and screamed an carried on about how badly this exchange hurt her! I finally told her that I had apologized to her for this at least twice and that i never meant to hurt her and that she needed to make the decision to either accept my apology or not, but that I would not apologize for that again, nor would i entertain another conversation about it. She said that she could forgive me, but she would never forget.

I may be a professional woman now, but there was a time that I was a pretty rough gal...She may have to see that side of me one day. Blum 3


now4teens's picture

You, as the stepmom, are an easy scapegoat for all that is wrong in her life.

I mean ,come on, FOUR arguments resulting in crying and screaming, and all over...a makeup line???

This is clearly deeper than that. This girl is a serious drama queen. I hope you are working with a good conselor who can see past that nonsense!

Good luck- sounds like you'll need it! How does her father react to it all?

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

KeepTrying's picture

I personally think SDs counselor (of over 2 years) feels bad for her because her mom is such a nut case that she doesn't dig into all her stuff. She's still scraping away the layers of crap that her BM has piled on her.

The way I see it, my DH and I have worked really hard to get thru a lot of this stuff. We have been together for 10 1/2 years. She will be 16 in a few months and is determined to "never have to deal with any of us again once she is 18" Now, I'm not naive enough to believe she will actually go to college/get a job/ or not live on my couch, but once she is no longer a minor, she is no longer my problem. My husband and I have been preparing her for the fact that when she graduates from HS (or drops out and gets pregnant...whichever comes first) we will be moving out of the state. So...I figure, I made it 10 1/2 years, I can make it 2 1/2 more.

now4teens's picture

But it sounds like you and DH have it figured out and are at least on the same page when it comes to her.

Hang in there. And try not to let her get to you. You KNOW it's not about the makeup, so I wouldn't even bother entertaining things like this because it sounds like you are in a no-win situation with this little girl. (And you've given it more than the good old "college try").

I'd start with a little disengaging if I were you. Trust me, it works WONDERS for your sanity! And it will make that 2-1/2 years fly by even faster!!!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

frustrated454's picture

This can't be about he makeup. You apologized and explained you were trying to be helpful.
I always tell my husb kids friends, you better tell me if I got something hanging off my teeth etc.
I am sorry you are going through what you are going through.
what did your dh say about this big fit?

stepmom2one's picture

I agree. Do you think it could be something else?? Well she is 15, it is hard to tell I'm sure.