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Another BM WTF

HappyCow's picture

In all my excitement about the prospect of BM moving I forgot another hum dinger.

Text Messages

DH: Can you please let me know when you are going to send the child support payments for Dec and January? Also, you agreed to split drivers ed with us so I will need $175 to cover your half. I can send you the information regarding the class if you need it.

BM: (three days later at 2 am) I have decided to deposit my child support payments into an account that I opened for SD16. This is just for her.

DH: Great! Can you give SD16 the debit card for the account so she can start using it?
(Side note: DH knows this is BS but wants to see what she says)

BM: No, this account is private and I will share it with SD16 when she turns 18.

DH: Great! I am contacting my lawyer in the am.

BM: All I am trying to do is provide for my daughter.
(Side note: WTF)

DH: Me too.

Guess what was in the mail yesterday? $500 check dated for March 1st.


WTF...REALLY's picture

Your DH handled it perfectly!!!!

And wow - your BM gives CS. Lucky. The BM in my life gives zero and we have her full time. sigh

canigetabm's picture

Same here! And if she takes her for a special occasion we have to provide the food and gas money for the weekend!!! Haha what a loser...BM I would be so ashamed and embarrassed!!! Some BM's are ridiculous!

ChiefGrownup's picture

hahaha! I'm putting the child support in a private account nobody can see but me and my imaginary friend here. Hahaha! That's a good one. Your dh handled it great.