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Babysitting class

Cover1W's picture

DP: SD11 I have an idea of how you can make money....goes on to explain some online stuff
Me: So babysitting is out? (I've paid for a class back in the spring, before I totally stopped paying for stuff, AND had at least two paying jobs for her no one did anything about)
SD11: I'm too busy (which she promptly took back in my withering stare).
DP: I'm trying to prepare her for the next generation of jobs.
Me: I want my $40 reimbursed for the class I paid for, tomorrow.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

You might let DH know that some of the best occupations in the future in terms of salary and job openings will be in health care and personal care - including nurses. Babysitting seems like a good place to start. Not all jobs will involve sitting in front of a computer!

I have to ask - how does an 11 year old make money on the computer?

Cover1W's picture

It involves giving feedback for things...DP is in tech industry and he came across it in his job.
So it's legit.
BUT he will be the employee and SD11 will do the work and get funneled the money by DP. Yeah, allllll above board.

Here kids at age 11 can babysit a certain age group of younger kids (not toddlers or babies). SD11 (actually 12 in a month) has sat for a friend's kid before and she's really good at it. But she's discovered the ease of never working at our house so her goal is to never exert herself. babysitting would involve talking with new people, going to another house, watching kid w/out being online (she said this would be a problem), making food and cleaning up. Work. Not just sitting on her ass on the computer.