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Medusa update...

WalkOnBy's picture

So, the deadline for her responses to the financial discovery did not show up on time, and no, I am not the least bit surprised. A "reminder" letter went out to her yesterday, and next week, assuming that she doesn't respond, a motion to compel will be filed. I sense a lot of trips to the west side of the state in the future - lol!!

In other news, FOC finally got around to adding her share of BabyVoice's braces on to her account, so now she is $3503.26 in arrears.

MOTY, that one, MOTY...


Cooooookies's picture

She's a peach :O

What happens when this all probably goes to court? Will anyone make her actually pay or does her having a uterus make her exempt?

WalkOnBy's picture

well, she has filed to have her child support reduced. Typically, those requests are not granted if one is in arrears, but you know, uterus and all.

robin333's picture

Whoa, you actually expect her to contribute financially to the kids she chose to have? Wtf are you, a responsible adult that is ensuring those kids are taken care of? She is a total f*cking loser.

WalkOnBy's picture

LOL!! Yeah, how rude of me to expect the uterus from which these kids were expelled to actually support them.


Monchichi's picture

Your resilience is impressive. We no longer bother with expecting Jabba to pay for anything. Not even her own smokes and booze.

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh, I don't expect her to actually pay, but I do want to watch the numbers add up. At some point in the future, she will need to renew her driver's license or passport or even apply for a new business license, NONE of which she can get if she is in arrears.

That is how we got all of her arrearage back in October cleared up. She registered a new LLC with the state and had to get her back child support clear before it would issue.

luv2luv's picture

That is fantastic. I am perpetually reading about Medusa, hoping you get her and she has to fork up some money. ASS did not fall from that entitlement tree