O/T Can't WAIT Until Football Is Over
Unfortunately Chef's team made the playoffs. Its wall to wall football here. EVERYTHING revolves around the football programming. All necessary house maintenance/repairs comes to a grinding halt.
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I was at Lambeau Dec 2013!
I was at Lambeau Dec 2013! Actually DS and DIL are Packers fans.
amen, echo. amen. i've always
amen, echo. amen.
i've always like g/b - they're my next pick since my team kinda sucked this year... dh's team didnt do any better either. so, GO GREEN BAY!
My Dad is a Lions fan. I'm a
My Dad is a Lions fan. I'm a Pack fan (go Cheeseheads!). Da Yoop is split like that.
We have a Lions rugby team
We have a Lions rugby team here. Useless piece of African info. Rugby is our national sport. My H is addicted to rugby and American football
You and me both. My H didn't
You and me both. My H didn't wipe down the kitchen last night because some or other game he wanted to watch.
I'll take football over
I'll take football over NASCAR. DH LOVES NASCAR.
Back before we started dating I thought to myself "why can't I just find a normal, red blooded man who likes to watch sports. Doesn't watch porn for hours a day, not into bar hopping every weekend, no substance abuse issues, etc." Then DH and I started dating. So. Many. Sports.
I had no idea this many sports were even on TV. Football, baseball, hockey, NASCAR, basketball, golf, I have seen him watch soccer or tennis in a real sports emergency.
So. Many. Sports.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I
Hey, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a few things. I enjoy watching the Olympics and if my favorite college team is in a big game I will glance at that on occasion. I will be in the room during the Superbowl and tune in for the commercials.
DH watched reruns of classic games from years ago. Why? Just why? I mean sure, I will watch the same movie multiple times....but the same game? Why? You know how it's going to end.
Um - I love football AND
Um - I love football AND NASCAR
join the club. it's a boring
it's a boring time tv-wise at the noogies house in between the end of football and the beginning of race season.
Yup - those few weeks post
Yup - those few weeks post Super Bowl and pre Daytona 500 are pretty horrible in my house
Come on over to my house,
Come on over to my house, you'll fit right in.
DH even has both kids watching NASCAR now.
Come on over to my house,
Come on over to my house, you'll fit right in.
DH even has both kids watching NASCAR now.
I stop watching when the
I stop watching when the Eagles don't make it which is usually very early LOL.
It is sport NON-STOP in my house. They will ask if they can change the channel before they put on any games. In the beginning I would just sit with them in the living room and read but after the first season DH put in the cable and flat screen in the bedroom for me. Now when the football comes on I'm in my cloud. During half time I will have all three of them curled up with me watching Haunted.
Please . I'm a Jaguar fan.
Please . I'm a Jaguar fan. Any sympathy or good feelings need to be sent my way.
oh yeah? I am a Lions fan. I
oh yeah? I am a Lions fan.
I win....
well i wouldnt exactly call
well i wouldnt exactly call that a win
it is rough when your team is doing $#itty.
My H supports Stallions if
My H supports Stallions if that means anything. No clue if they're good or not.
do u mean "broncos" maybe?
do u mean "broncos" maybe?
Tuff, is their emblem a
Tuff, is their emblem a stallion?
here, mon -
here, mon - https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZkWuAocd-RAPkEee3...
that's their logo.
That's the horsie head on his
That's the horsie head on his cap! Bronco's it is.