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Lol! Is this karma?

nengooseus's picture

When last I wrote of our infuriating BM, we had been served with modification papers that would take DH's parenting time from 4 days out of 14 to 2 days out of 14. He was broken and miserable, not sure of what to do, and flirting with the idea of signing away all custody due to BM's constant BS and PA, especially of his son, 6, who has been refusing visits since July.

Since that time, we hav brought on an attorney and filed our own motions to modify the CO to make things clearer, like transportation and holidays, which have been bones of contention. We plan to request both comparenting counseling and communication through our family wizard at our court date Wednesday.

So this weekend, SD is with us. She and DD were bickering yesterday. DH and I were staying out of it, but after being irritated, DH asked what caused it. Both lied and said nothing. I took both cell phones, because lying is a huge peeve for DH and me. SD had the gall to tell DH that her mother told her that DH couldn't take the phone because it is her property. Well, that suited DH just fine, he didn't want it in the house anyway! So we emailed BM and took the phone back to her! No more phone in our house for SD.

We segregate emails from BM, and we hadn't looked in her folder for a couple days until sending the cell phone email. When we were in there, we found an email notifying us that she'll be deploying in July! And she thinks that DH will agree to have her husband take custody of the kids in her absence.

So you alienate the kids, you behave generally terribly, and then you file to essentially take away visitation, but then you expect DH to just do what you want? Lol


DPW's picture

C'mon... is she kidding with this sh*t?

Get a lawyer involved pronto. The kids should be in his care while she is deployed and if the stepfather gets any visitation (if there's half siblings), it should be every other weekend.