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Cover1W's picture

Work front:
Well, bummer. I didn't get the new position position.
Someone from oustide swooped in at the last minute and got it (with the exact qualification I was a little weaker on dang it).

The good news is that department wants to use me because now they know I am good at it and want it, and I will use it as a negotiating point for a wage increase. With all the changes coming to our office in the next year you better believe they can't use me for my knowledge and senior level input without payment! I get to talk with our Director about it too.

Home front:
Bad news, DP got REALLY REALLY mad at me on Saturday because I left some things for him to take care of that he apparently had told SD10 to not worry about, but neglected to tell me. So I was PO'd because it wasn't taken care of the way I asked, but DP gave her a waiver on it. This also lead to me letting him know that it wasn't just the lack of support from him on SDs but also basic housecleaning (he's been kind of bad lately on certain areas that really bug me).

Good news, we talked about interactions with SDs. He acknowledged undermining me, not informing me about his parenting decisions until I'm po'd about something I had no idea about, guilty parenting...we both agreed to work on our communication about it. He was really concerned about what he was doing/not doing and saw how it effected me. Told him I couldn't be the "parent figure" he wants me to be but not allow me basic parenting decisions, NOT the 'big ones' like visitation schedule, school choices, etc, but freaking let me ask them to change their socks or make an adult decision.

I am still not going to engage much more than I have been and see how it goes over the next couple weeks. He admitted he's not always engaged with what's going on and he needs to be. Maybe this'll be watching over the next couple of months...
At least it's pretty much in the open at this point. Which is good.

I need to take the rest of the day off - if only!


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

awwww/ I'm sorry. I'm having a crappy day at work too. My coworker canceled two of my three overtime days where I was going to work for her and make mad money that I really need.

Cover1W's picture

Yep, we had a little discussion about that.
I'll open up the conversation about parenting with him, no problem, because HE wants to do it. If he gives me any gripes about it, then I'll be back to no discussions.

And oh, yes. Still disengaged from doing things for SDs.