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Going Well, Just Minor Forehead Slaps

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Been pretty nice lately.
Week on / week off essentially for the summer so far, much more regular than crazy school-year schedule.

SD12s room was cleaned out and most of it trashed/donated and DP made her clean up the rest.
I've told both DP and her that my help is 100% over. I don't go in the room any longer to check for rotting food, containers or serveware/plates/bowls.

SD10 has a job for a couple days taking care of neighbor's dog, a huge leap for her since she used to be petrified of them. SD12 is incredulous she has a "job" let alone helping with a dog. Yes, SD12, she's getting paid...DP keeps making noises about SD12 doing some easy job or something. My response: "Yes dear."

DP is getting concerned with SD12s time online - but continues to float ideas with little follow through. My answer to his ideas, "Sounds good darling."

The kitchen is remaining clean so I haven't had to resort to replacement of kitchenware with disposables. This is major progress. He's making sure SD12 helps with clean up too (SD10 does it normally). I still don't touch SDs dirty dishes, ever.

So got this from DP a few minutes ago.
DP: SD12 dropped a curling iron on her leg and there's a burn
Me: Ice. That's it lesson learned.
Then I added: Did she turn it off or is it still "on" and laying on the floor? She should NOT be using that on carpet in the bedroom BTW, for above reason. AND FIRE HAZARD.
...looks like I'll have to discuss this with DP - she uses it on her desk/dresser or in bathroom only. This needs to be monitored and iron taken away if left hot on floor. My GAWD what do people think? Bugs/rotten food/now fire hazards? HELLLLOOO?

Good news: three weeks SD free starting Saturday morning....


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I will put that on DP's Amazon list.
However, based on experience, something like this would remain unused and shoved under the bed as unnecessary, ugly, and stupid.
There is no "organization" capacity with SD12 right now whatsoever.

Cover1W's picture

Oh, if I find it on the floor...It will be gone.
I believe some of the extra pieces disappeared in the last room clean... }:)
The iron itself was saved only due to the fact it was on her desk.

Yeah, it's going well!

DP is slowly getting it, that I will not bail him out.

The SDs had a dental appointment last week and it did not go well at all.
I don't know what email BM sent after the appointment, but apparently it was looooong. Because they have NO dental habits whatsoever (ok, SD10 does brush her teeth every night but I recently found out she is no longer brushing in the mornings).
DP said that essentially he needs to stand there while they brush their teeth and make sure they do it right (because that's what BM is now doing). And then COMPLAINED about it.
So you want to pay out the nose for preventable teeth issues?
"But it's all the way down stairs!"
REALLY DP? Oh, really hard to do.
"But to get them to do it is hard!"
REALLY DP? Who's fault is that?
"You are always blaming the parents!"
REALLY DP? Yes, yes I am. You parents are the ones who failed to instill regular teeth brushing habits when they were young and the result is they don't have any habits. So you have to now treat them like 5 year olds because that's what they are acting like.
"But they go to bed at different times."
REALLY DP? Who cares? Make them brush their teeth at X time each night, period.
But I foget, no rules, no expectations.

So has any of this been happening? No.

LOL - and I don't say a single freaking word. No bathing, no teeth brushing, no room cleaning, no laundry washing, no cooking, no cleaning up after them. Not on my time.