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being a stepmom of 2 boys

stepmom18's picture

:? Hi everyone,
i am a stepmom of 2 boys. "J" is 5yo and "C" is 7yo. I am mom to "H" who is 10months old. I have been with my fiance, "dad", for 5 1/2 years so I have known my stepsons since they were really small.
It has reached a point where I have a lot of venting to do and I'm so glad I found this site.
So a little about our family.....
"J" has been living with dad since he was about 6 months old. He visits mom every other weekend.
"C" lives with mom and visits us every other weekend. This year we moved closer to his school so we can have both kids in the same school and have "C" visit us more often. Now "C" stays with us for a whole week, every other week. So he lives with us half of the time now. A few things that bother about this are:
1. we pay full child support ($315/month) although he stays with us half of the time now but mom doesn't want to go through child support so she doesn't lose that income and dad doesn't want to go through it because he's afraid they will raise the amount. Recommendations?
2. "C" is extremely picky when it comes to food! To say I made him one of his favorite things, SOUP, but he would not eat it because we did not have any limon! -_-

Dad has reached a point where he says that I don't care, love, or do anything for they boys since "H" came along. But I beg to differ....this has been going on since before that, it's just gotten worse since most of my attention goes to "H".
just this past weekend dad bought pizza so we could eat. Mind you, the kids says they don't like cheese and he himself doesn't like cheese except Mozzarella cheese. I have told dad several times that we should not buy pizza because nobody 'likes' cheese, but of course does it anyways. and of course kids eat. "J" has reached a point that he asks 'does this have cheese' to every food he eats and of course pizza has cheese so he says 'i like cheese'. the following day I made dinner, ribs, mashed potatoes, rice w/ broccoli and cheese. No one ate the rice!!! I mean seriously!!! So dad has a talk with me that turns into an argument. Says things like "well why do you do stuff like that when you know no one here likes it. you do it on purpose. You're just causing me to get mad at the kids"
I get upset...and say "look I like cheese, i'm the one that cooks, if i want cheese on my food i'm gonna do it. I am not gonna make separate meals for everyone that is too much work it's enough work having to make dinner" and he goes on to say "well just add cheese to your food" i say "no, it doesn't come out the same"
but anyways...who is right in the situation?
also, because I have become so annoyed with the whole "I DON'T LIKE CHEESE" thing I have told dad, "C", and "J", that I will no longer give them anything containing milk; milk, cereal, ice cream, cheese, etc...
Am i wrong for telling them that?


ksmom14's picture

I know the picky eating thing can be frustrating, but people are okay with foods in different presentations. My DH isn't a big cheese fan, but will eat certain kinds of cheeses on certain things. Same with SS14, he doesn't like cheese, but loves mac n cheese, and pizza. It's just a taste thing, so I wouldn't get too worked up about the pizza, don't be upset that they like the pizza but they "aren't supposed to because it has cheese". You'll drive yourself crazy. Tell your DH that if he doesn't like what you make for dinner maybe he should start cooking dinners, simple as that.

fakemommy's picture

You're right, if you cook, you choose what you make. If DH doesn't like it, he can make something else. But you are also wrong. If DH and the kids like pizza even though they usually don't like cheese, why do you care? Let it go.

twoviewpoints's picture

IDK, I guess it's just me. I would not cook a dish that three out of four people didn't like... unless I also served an alternative dish. You enjoy broccoli, rice and cheese. Great. So do I. However my DH hates any cheese (except mozzarella in small amounts Biggrin ).

It doesn't stop me from making a small casserole of that dish, I would though have boiled ear of corn or served a veggie filled side salad for DH. Its not two meals, it's an additional dish.

My DH's lack of love for cheese doesn't stop me from fixing things like lasagna (I make two 8x8 with his no cheeses except small dabs of mozzarella). I'm not into cheese wars.

Let him cook part time.

For the CS question, run the numbers and other details through your state's CS calculator and check where DH and BM would stand.

Acratopotes's picture

Fine if you never can cook the right meal, guess what... DH will be responsible for it from now on.

I'm sorry these boys are young, their behavior will not fly with me, You will eat what's on the table, if you do not like it tuff dung.... there's bread or go to bed hungry, and seeing that you do not want to eat food, no more sweets and snack. End of discussion.

Regarding the CS, oh no... go back to court and make it 50/50 then with no CS....

nip this in the butt now Hon and safe yourself allot of stress and heart ache for the future