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Where do Birth Dads go for this?

instantfamily's picture

Hey all,
My FDH is intrigued (and I think a little jealous) by the content and camaraderie on here and is wondering where a dad would go to have similar conversations with his cohort? Anyone have suggestions?

WifeVersion2.0's picture has a good forum for dads wanting to spend the most time possible with their kiddos.

instantfamily's picture

Thanks, I'll tell him to check it out. We have physical custody so he spends all of his time with them (which is sometimes part of the problem). He's been in their lives every minute of every day for the most part and I'm trying to convince him it's o.k. and "healthy" to have a day to himself once in a while. Heck, it'll vastly improve his relationships with them, in my opinion!
Sending him to now! Smile

instantfamily's picture

HAHA- thanks, I'll let him know he has an invitation. Wink He's pretty fantastic as a partner and just as frustrated and bewildered by his children's behaviors as I am. He is the only one who has to deal with BM so he would have that perspective to offer, but I think he also has the same questions about how to bumble through this whole thing most of us do. Maybe this site would be the right place for him...

PoisonApples's picture

One of the forums here is called 'Step/Bio Father's Den' but I don't think it gets a lot of traffic.