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I am jealous.

thecrimsonghost's picture

Alright, I'm new here, and having read several posts already, I can say I already feel some relief knowing I'm not alone in my feelings.
My fiance has a 5 year old daughter that stays with us about 99% of the time. On the rare occasion that bio dad wants to step up and see her, she's gone for maybe two nights at the most - usually over a weekend.
I'm starting to feel horribly depressed and resentful and jealous on a regular basis. I feel terrible for having these feelings, but I just can't seem to stop them.
My fiance is in school three days a week, for very long hours, so I'm working to afford our household bills. I work nearly every single day of the week to make up what I need to, considering we have almost no help with my soon to be step daughter. I work until she needs to be picked up from school, and then I take her home and watch her until it's time to pick up my fiance. When I'm home, I'm cooking and cleaning, taking care of basically every aspect of the house, as well as catering to my sd. When my fiance gets home, she spends her time with her daughter until it's time for her to go to sleep. What drives me crazy is that at least half the time, she's putting her to bed in our bed. Either that, or sd later crawls in to our bed. My fiance doesn't mind, oftentimes pulling back the covers for her to get in next to her. I am a terrible sleeper, so every movement wakes me. I've been sleeping on the couch at least a couple times a week because I get so frustrated.
Me and my fiance have absolutely no time together on top of that. When she gets home from school, and after she spends time with her child, she's usually so tired and falls right to sleep. Even on her non-school days, she's working in those extra hours, so I'm watching my sd again, so it's back to the housewife chores.
I've tried several times to talk to my fiance about spending more time together, or not having her child in our bed every single night, but that only infuriates her because she thinks I'm being selfish and don't want her child around. Well, that's becoming true. every attempt to plan some time together turns in to a fight about how she hardly ever even sees her child, so if she has any free time, she'll be spending it with her child, and I'm welcome to come along.
I don't know what to do. I am aware that a child should be a parents priority, but at this point, where do I fit in? I feel like even my emotions have to be on a schedule to cater to everyone else.
I have band practice one night a week, and even that can cause fights if it doesn't correspond to her schedule.
I'm running out of patience, and my depression is worsening. I don't even know how to talk to her without offending her about my sd.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

on the fence's picture

Time for that kid to be in it's own bed for starters!

And your fiancee is going to have to listen at some point. You can't be expected to be cook, housekeeper and babysitter, still work to cover bills and not have anything in return.

Do you have a family member who cold watch the child while the two of you get away for some State of the Future talk? I think you need to let FW know that you are serious. If you can't communicate now, is getting married a good idea?

I do not let my BF become FDH yet because we are learning our way through all this. It may never happen, but at least I haven't let it go too far to escape from if I have to. I love him very much, but skids make some very real complications to an otherwise wonderful relationship!

Maybe you can keep it together for the holidays. Holidays with skids are sometimes not what they could otherwise be and everyone is tense and frustrated. Timing could be an issue though. Is your fiancee on break from classes right now?

bebegirl22's picture

Okay. I don't understand why you are being accused of not wanting her around by telling her you don't want SD in your bed at night. I'm sorry, but if I was in the situation, especially taking care of her daughter so she could go to school and doing all of the chores, you think she would show some appreciation for that. On the other hand she is gone long hours and wants to spend time with her daughter so she needs to find a way to balance that. Sleeping in the bed with the both of you is where I would draw the line.

Is there someone that can watch SD one night a week so the both of you can have a date night? Have you sat down and just told her you want to spend sometime with her ALONE because if that doesn't happen a relationship cannot work. I'm sorry, if it was yours and her child together and not your SD it's still recommended that you keep a night where it's just the 2 of you, a date night, or if that is impossible, a night that after SD goes to bed you both have a romantic meal, a glass of wine, a movie night and retire together ALONE to your room. That isn't much to ask.

thecrimsonghost's picture

The thing is, sd's room is the only finished project in the house, made up entirely to everything she wanted when we moved in. In addition, I do try to make dinner (I recently took up cooking as a hobby to get some alone time) and do romantic things for her, but we never know when we're going to get a moment alone.
Our anniversary just passed, and we still haven't even slept alone in the same bed, let alone have a minute to celebrate it. And she doesn't seem to mind! I feel like I don't matter anymore.

thecrimsonghost's picture

I've been contemplating leaving on several occasions, which I hate to even think about. I love her, and I want things to work out. Her school is only for a year, so I try to remind myself that maybe things will improve once she graduates. We have no family here to help; the only help we have on occasion is the bio dad's parents, but it is really not a good place to be leaving sd. Today she's there, but it's an extremely desperate situation, as I have to make up several hours.
My fiancee only has a about a week off for the holidays, since her school is about a year long program.
I'm afraid the communication errors are partly my fault too, because I typically fear the worst and am naturally very non-confrontational. But when it comes to her child and my issues, it's just a subject I try to avoid as much as possible. I just don't know how to bring anything up. I'm afraid I'll be perceived as a selfish, inconsiderate, etc. person for complaining, but at the same time, I'm anything but selfish in this relationship. I'm doing everything!

Ssamantha's picture

Why does you fiancee think you want to spend all of your free time with her daughter? It almost sounds like you're raising the little girl. No offense, but your fiancee is being incredibly selfish. I would just bite the bullet and tell her things need to change and if they don't....well you know what's next. Obviously you do not want to spend the rest of your life like this.

thecrimsonghost's picture

I'm somewhat hesitant to voice my feelings too much, I'm afraid, because I was the one who pushed her in to school. I told her I'd be there to help and support her, but I don't think I knew the extent of what I was getting myself in to... Considering I've never spoken to her ex, she felt as though he would help with his daughter, my sd, while she was in school, etc. I don't know whether it's my fault that I'm in too deep, or that she should have known better, but either way, I feel guilty and like I'm stuck in this situation. If I left, or tried to alter our financial and scheduling lives, it would create too much hardship on her end. That's something I really don't want to do, since I was so hellbent on her going to school in the first place. I just don't know how much more I can give or do...