what can i do :(
Hey people this is my first blog and i need some advise!!! ive been with my boyfriend for nearly a year we live together and is 6 year old used to be great but since her mum had another baby with another guy she is no longer an only child and hates it!!!!!! and so do i she comes round her 4 out of 7 days every week!!!!! but problem is when she is around i can not exist if my other half stops and gives me a pick me up hug she bounces right int he middle and is like I WANT TO HUG JUST YOU DADDY!!!!! in the mornings when are just me and you getting up daddy and ive been kind caring ive bought her stuff she isnt my child and i dont have to do any of it, i saw her jeans were way to small and i replaced them, i make things with her ect not to even be thanked!!! she acts like a spoilt brat and i have always wanted kids now tho it has put me of for life as i know they turn into her!!!! help me please!!!!
As long as you remain a GF
As long as you remain a GF you are likely to be insignificant to her. You have no rights in her life because she sees you belonging to her Daddy and not the 'family' as such.
That being said, involving yourself with a man with a child means you get both of them whether you like it or not. So your future with him means you already have a child in the relationship. He won't make her go away and she isn't going anywhere.
Of course she is jealous. YOU are jealous of her behaviour towards her father! You want him to yourself, she wants her parents to herself including her father.
But in time she will settle down and be OK. You just need to find something to connect on. If you intend being in his life get used to her and make some kind of relationship.
BTW, not using punctuation may be easier but it makes your blog extrmely difficult to read and difficult to comprehend. Just saying.....
My SD (then 5) tried doing
My SD (then 5) tried doing that when I met my FDH 2 years ago. I spoke with FDH about it & we came up with a mini game-plan for when it does happen. If he came in for a hug or kiss or wanted to cuddle with me, she'd come zipping right over to butt in...he started saying "SD, this is daddy & Anywho time...go play & I'll call you for SD & daddy time". He had to do this quite a few times before the behavior started to cease....just a note though, he was ALWAYS sure to make the SD & daddy time shortly after sending her to play...