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You have got to be kidding ME!!! BM is SUCH TRASH!!!

ivymlk's picture

So BM who was arrested 3 days after Christmas for CHILD NEGLECT AND ENDANGERMENT TO HER CHILDREN FOR DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ABUSE and had SS8 and her 2 year old permanently taken away from her has been going to classes (AA) every day and has a "worker" from the state who has to check in on her everyday to make sure she is sober left a message on our answering machine earlier slurring her words talking about how she got a job at a local country club and is going to be serving beer and sandwiches and wants to get DH discounts!!! I just heard this a little while ago and I am fuming! NYS is so MESSED UP!! They pay for this trashes rent, heat and electricity and WE who have her child FULL TIME PAY FOR THIS!! Not only SS but also her 2 year old who is by another guy (and yes, I am talking out of my paychecks). The baby's father got sent to prison for this child neglect case and she is still roaming the streets OBVIOUSLY on something. This slob doesn't even pay child support! I think it really freaking sucks that I, as the SS's "mothering/babysitting/proving/paying/nurturing" asshole that I am should be able to do SOMETHING about this! Vent!!!! OMG I am so upset right now. Just need to vent!!!

preachercassie's picture

I here ya I know all about the bio mom paranoid skitso. Alcoholic druggy I have two step kids raised by a momlike that and now I am left with fixing two teenagers that are use to doing what they want. Cause mom is drunk and sleeping woith some child molesting crack head she met on the internet.

ivymlk's picture

I guess it's deal with or bail right? I think about bailing a lot lately even thought I love my DH so much! Yet, it infuriates me that he allows half the crap he does when it comes to her! SS isn't supposed to be seeing her at all but he lets his mother bring SS to see her multiple times per week because SS thinks she is such a "GREAT MOMMY" AND "MISSES HER". I want to cry right now. that's all. It's so sad!

preachercassie's picture

I understand about letting you ss see the bm to I too have to let the kids go see their mom everyother weekend. I have recently put a stop to that and she has to come here to see them. So I have to have her in my house all day everyother sat. Just so I can keep an eye on the stepkids and bm. I also love my dh. And I have left twice because of my sd lies and the way I am treated. But I did come back because I do love my dh. I truely undrerstand where you are comming from

hismineandours's picture

if dcs is involved, please urge your dh to not go against their orders. They will take the children and place them in foster care if they think your dh is violating their orders.

Frustrated New Wife's picture

First of all, I am sorry you are going through this. Second of all, your DH is making a big mistake by letting SS see his mother in the condition she is in right now. She has already been deemed an unfit mother by the state and IMO he is doing SS more harm than good letting him see her. The fact is, is that she ISN'T a good mother. I understand that SS gets upset and misses her, but your DH needs to find a way to explain to him that he can't see her right now, otherwise he is just feeding SS's idea that she IS a good mother. That is just my opinion of course.

marissamae88's picture

Man do i bm got her kids taken away because the last child was born addicted to drugs!! so we have all four of the kids full time she pays no child support and she has to pay for a court appointed "babysitter" because she cant have the boys alone and she calls my bf to see if he can drop them off at her house and not tell the court because its to expensive to pay the sitter.....did i mention its every other week for an hour. which she always arrives late and leaves early. hot mess!