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She is a MORON!!! (Visitation related)

Halgsmom's picture

So, BM has been emailing DH about what she wants as far as visitation with Stepkids. SD has only been to see her BM ONCE since October. And she came home mad as hell at her BM. SD doesn't want to go back.

We have been hashing out visitation with her for the past week. (We were supposed to go to a custody trial on March 21st but she said she wants to drop it and not fight to have them back, kids were taken due to neglect and abuse and more) So, now she thinks we are going to just hand them over during the WHOLE summer. We said no way since she never does anything with them, she makes them go to her DHs work and sit in a tiny room all day and watch TV AND she is only doing it for the $$$$ (We still pay support even though we have custody) PLUS she lets SS8 administer his own medication (blood pressure meds and more) without any supervision at all. He spent his whole summer last year like that and winter break ect.... NO WAY when he could be active and with family/friends and siblings all summer.

So we offered her 5 weeks broken up, she said NO. Then she said that she wanted 6 weeks, we said no. She said she wanted 7 weeks we said NO. We offered her exactly HALF of summer she said no. So we offered to do week on/week off. She says NO, too much driving. She wants to do TWO weeks on/two weeks off. So, we looked and we said ok that works IF we get the first two weeks, because Father's Day is within those first two weeks PLUS she is demanding 4th of July so that works perfect if we take the first two weeks.

She only gets 4 weeks though. She is a total dummy.

Rags's picture

Why are you negotiating with her instead of dictating what she will do?

My wife used to try to be nice and negotiate with the SpermClan (primarily SpermGrandMa) and always ended up in a ripping fight and telling them what they would do. They were never interested in negotiating, only in manipulating.

Time for DH to tell his X exactly what she will get since he is the CP. If the CO does not stipulate that BM gets specific visitation then she gets what he will give and that is it.

Once my wife finally quit trying to negotiate with the SpermClan our lives got a whole lot less drama filled. She finally just gave them exactly what the CO stipulated and not a second more. They still tried to manipulate but she quit playing their games.

I recommend that your DH do the same.

Jsmom's picture

I agree with Rags. Stop negotiating with her. Also, seriously why are you paying CS if she doesn't have the kids. That is crazy...

Halgsmom's picture

We are paying support because she CHOOSES not to work and my DH works works works.... he makes a ton more money than HER (but her DH works a couple jobs AND they own a business that she hides and claims she gets no benefits from) so the court sees fit for her to STILL get over $300 for having one of the two kids for 4 days a month.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I say all bets off and she wanted to go to court, then finish it in court. Let a judge decide if and when she tts to see her kids. If they were take. Away from her and she rarely sees them it can't be good for them to all of a sudden have to spend two weeks with her.