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SD sent to school in PAJAMAS

daysleeper's picture

:jawdrop: Trailer trash BM sent SD5 to school IN HER PAJAMAS. She does this ALL THE TIME. It's because BM is such a fatass that she owns effing PAJAMA JEANS, and thinks it's okay to send this kid to school smelling and wearing fucking PAJAMAS. Christ.

daysleeper's picture

BM is trailer trash and lazy as hell. I don't begrudge her the freedom to wear her jammie jeans, but she shouldn't be sending her daughter to school in white trash pajamas. What an example.

daysleeper's picture

Amen to that. It'll be fun when SD gets teased and ostracized later on, I'll tell you.

daysleeper's picture

If the kid is sick, then the kid isn't at school. You don't take a kid out in public with fucking pajamas on, man. That's lazy parenting. Sick is different, and CERTAINLY being at the doctor is different! If I'm sick, I'm not gonna get dressed up for the doc! You're not unfit. SD is perfectly healthy and fine, except for her lazy asshole of a mother. And it's SCHOOL. Being sick at home/at the doctor is completely different!

daysleeper's picture

Maybe I was raised differently, but a) I don't find leggings and tees comparable to pajamas, and b) you don't send a 5 year old to school in pajamas!

Superstopmommy's picture

Actually when my kids were in school, a lot of kids wore their PJ bottoms to school. I always thought it was bizarre but the school didn't consider it against their dress code. None of my kids ever wore their PJ's to school nor did I let them wear their PJ's out of the house.

I sure hope the little girl didn't wear frilly pajamas or a nightgown!

Anywho78's picture

IMHO, the ONLY day children should wear pajamas to school is on PAJAMA DAY. How horrid for your SD! My SD is highly fashion conscious & she's only 8...she's been that way since I met her at 5. They know at that age when they are out of place. Poor little thing!

Momof6...leggings & a t-shirt are NOT's actually a style.

daysleeper's picture

EXACTLY!!! My best friend said "Maybe it was pajama day," and when I said it wasn't, he said, "Maybe it was lazy parenting day." Pajama day exists specifically because pajamas are not acceptable school attire!!!

Lalena75's picture

For weeks when my son was little he HAD to go to school with his spiderman mask I did NOT want him to my ex let him and after 3 days he stopped wanting to wear it. I caught my teen wearing pajama pants to school just a week ago because she was to tired to really care, I made her change. Personally I want my kids dressed for the occasion, sometimes they want to be their own individuals and I try to compromise, are you sure she's just not fighting what the kid wants? Lazy is wrong but sometimes we as parents pick our battles.

daysleeper's picture

Picking your battles is one thing; this is like allowing your kid to eat ice cream and cake for breakfast every day. It's just plain lazy.

daysleeper's picture

They just had pajama day there two weeks ago! BECAUSE pajamas are INAPPROPRIATE! I'm right there with you, Flabbergasted.

daysleeper's picture

Man. That article.... when I was in school, I went through a phase of wanting to wear my pajamas in public. It faded pretty quickly, though.

egorhythmia's picture

Of course they fit - last time I checked young people weren't applying for any San Diego colleges because of being afraid of the "Pajama nightmare". Teachers would do anything to give an example - although in this case a very good one indeed.

midnyt's picture

I threaten my oldest on a regular basis that i will send him to school in his pj's coz he wont get dressed in the morning, i would never actually do it, but he doesnt know that thank god! and he would be just as mortified to go to school in his pj's as i would!! We sometimes have a jammie day on the weekends when we arent going anywhere and no one is coming over where they dont have to get dressed if they dont feel like it but even if we are going to the doctors my boys are dressed.

Having said that, I have gone out in public in my pj's, when i was pregnant with my oldest son, his dead shit father was out drinking till god knows what time while I was at home and I ended up having to go out in the middle of the night and pick him up, i wasnt getting dressed to do that, i just threw a jumper on over the top and my ugg boots and got in the car, half way there i just hoped to god I wouldnt be pulled over by the cops or something!

smomof2's picture

To be honest, I don't think a 5 year old going to school in PJ is a big deal. Kids around that age want to assert their independence and personality. As long as the PJ's not dirty or have holes in them, if she wants to wear them to school, fine. My SS4 LOVES his rainboot and wants to wear them everywhere! I used to fight him on it all the time but last week, when I told him to put on shoes so we can go to school, he put on his rainboots. I asked a few times for him to take it off, he said no, I wanted to force him but then realized if it makes him happy, what's the harm? I let him wear those boots to school and put his tennis shoes in his backpack in case he changes his mind during the day.

Arthur212's picture

The prejudice era has fallen long time ago, or at least this is what I would like to think on this matter of concern. Racism in the education system has been a long debated subject on the premises on extincting this kind of behavior, to the wealth and appropriate development of all children and young people. This has become a social issue moreover than being a legal issue above all. My online health administration degree has been the best occasion I had to polish my online communication skills and to work towards my career path.

SunnySkies's picture

Well, being a Brit we all wore uniforms at school (and still do), thank heavens for that. I'm horrified at the though of kids going to school in pyjamas! PJs are for sleeping in, full stop. There are supermarkets here that have banned adults from going shopping in their pyjamas - and damn right. Has everyone lost their self respect so much that they can't even be bothered to put a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on?! Ye gods :jawdrop: