Wow now that is just tacky and talk about entitlement!
SO just called me from Stwin8s game they are cheering at today. (i didnt go cuz 1 knew BM would show up with new 3wk old twins and 2 skids dont matter to me, dont hate em dont like em dont matter.) SO said he was going to sit in his truck. I said Yeah its hot out, he said Not really, but Skid17 and Skid 13 just went and got BMs new twins and brought them up to the stands to sit with my mom and I! so I left.
What the fu(k is wrong with her?! He does hate her. Never speaks to her. Never returns text. He is no contact. She NEVER comes to the skids events unless they happen to be on his parenting time. NEVER. He goes to all events, her time his time. ALL. Not only was it wrong of BM to let the SGirls take them to him and HIS family. It was malicious of the SGirls to do to thier dad. They know how he feels about thier mother. They were old enuff when the Divorce happend to remember andknow what thier mom did. He doesnt say anything to them or in front of them but BM does, so they know. What bitches! I hate when BM and those girls do this crap to him. He just doesnt deserve it. And on that note, Why the hell didnt Gma get up and leave too???? hmmmm? grrrrrrrrr
Ok he just called back and
Ok he just called back and said, Get your bike (harley) out. Im like arent you at their game? he says nope I left. F her. She wants to parent on my time then she can We are going riding". I know he is just angry but if he would just say "girls, take those kids back to your mom and get your asses back up here with me" but he just gest so angry and wont say anything. And Ive learned a long time ago, I can advise him , but he never does go by my advise. So I just dont give it any longer.
Thanks, the ride was nice.
Thanks, the ride was nice. Its the after effect that sucks.
eating in thier rooms (one of the 4 rules we have is no food or dishes in any room expect dining room or kitchen) screaming, running, arguing and laying on every couch (4 total) in the house.
He went straight to work just now after the ride and I came home to chill out for a moment before its time to go get my BD from her dads.
Gma and ALL SKids are here
Im gonna go lock myself in my room now.
Oh and BM sent SO a text while we were riding " Why are you mad at OUR daughters for loving thier baby brother and sister and helping me?"
She knows perfectly well what she was trying to do by sending them up to him with those illegitimate crotch droppings with his last name. Trying to make sure all the people from school and church thot he and her were the parents......
Yes the skids know, BM dated
Yes the skids know, BM dated a guy for 3 mos, lied about being on bc shots. Purposely got pg. Dude left. Dude came back to hosp with her to give birth. She wouldnt let him sign Birth cert cuz she wants all her kids to have same name as her :jawdrop: My SO was ticked at first, now he says whatever. Lots of people with my last name, Dont care.
As for BM and OlderSkids, they purposely did this to him today. Mil and I just had a discussion and she sides with BM and SKids. Says "they are Gods children and bla bla bla." Ok, but SO is your son and shouldnt you have said "hey SBRATS, take those babies back to your mother, they are not ours to parent at this time"?????
that bitch had twins twice?
that bitch had twins twice? ugh. i will never understand what God is thinking when He hands out uteruses the way He sometimes does.