was I wrong to burst his bubble?
So dh says to me, grinning from ear to ear, beaming with pride staring at a school picture of ss7:" He is a mini me! He looks just like me! Doesn't he! " I looked at him and the picture repeatedly trying to find ANY resemblance and the words fell from my face "no, he looks exactly like his mom". Sorry, but its true. His older son looks like him but no, not this one. It was like watching a balloon deflate. I felt bad that it hurt him like it did, but should I have lied instead??
No, he is an adult and if the
No, he is an adult and if the kid looks that much like him, I'm sure other people notice it, too. I know you feel bad but if the kid doesn't look like him, he doesn't look like him.
I kept trying to convince myself years ago that SD looked nothing like my husband. A good friend said to me, "You're nuts, she looks just like him."
DH's mom says no and that I
DH's mom says no and that I was brave to even say so because when she did, he FLIPPED out. And that is his mom who saw him at all stages of life! I am not sure if he just thought I would agree with him or what. I know it doesn't change anything, it is still his child, but not sure why he seems to want people to confirm what only he sees.
As much as I would never want
As much as I would never want to utter those words..unfortunately my BF's S11 looks like him but ONLY when they both make certain faces...I am hoping that he won't look like my man as he gets older though. I often tell my BF when he makes a face that his son makes where they look alike to stop making that face because it looks like his son and reminds me of skid!!! :sick:
Bleh! My SD looks EXACTLY
Bleh! My SD looks EXACTLY like DH but looks nothing like her own mother or her two half-siblings on her mom's side. She looks 100% like DH and his mom when she was younger. I find myself telling DH not to make certain faces as well because they look like SD, but it's hard because almost every face he makes looks like her. Sometimes I'm not even as attracted to him because I see her so much in him.
Also, inexplicably, people think that SD looks a little like me. I've had some comments from strangers who assume she's mine. This worries me. What if I have my own children with DH and they look exactly like SD? Will I inherently not be able to stand them the way I can't stand SD?
Ugh...it's awful isn't
Ugh...it's awful isn't it???!!! :sick:
I too feel that way when my BF makes a face that reminds me of skid...sad but true. I just have to look at him and sigh to myself...it sucks because my man has such a gorgeous face that I just love to look at
It's so difficult when I talk
It's so difficult when I talk first, think later. I'm sure the instant the words were out of your mouth, your brain went "Crap....I should have said .......instead." We all do it.
I would apologize for hurting his feelings but not for what you said. You were being honest that he looks like BM.
I swear there were times that I would have demanded a paternity test, except the fact that DH's kid is the spitting image of DH's mother.
He asked, you answered. It's
He asked, you answered. It's not as if he hasn't heard it before. I would have told the truth as well.
I wouldn't feel bad for
I wouldn't feel bad for telling him the truth. Honesty is best even though it may hurt feelings, it wasn't intentionally said to do so. You were just giving your honest thoughts and opinions. Should never feel badly for that.
SD14 looks exactly like her mom. I mean, I confuse the two if we're driving through their neighborhood and one is outside, or if SD comes to the door when DH is dropping something, I swore it was BM.
Now that I've seen SD14 up close again, she's gained a spare tire, her hair has gotten a lot longer and darker, she looks even MORE like BM! LOL Poor kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did say I was sorry if that
I did say I was sorry if that hurt his feelings and he didn't reply back. So I KNEW it hurt. It just baffles me that he SAYS he wants total honesty, but when I do, he takes it so badly. I said he looked exactly like his mom, I didn't say no the poor kid looks and acts just like his pos mom. I'm SURE that is what he interpreted it as. :/
2 out of 3 skids look NOTHING
2 out of 3 skids look NOTHING like DH. He suspects they're not really his bios but refuses to get DNA tests. Even his own mother doubts they're his kids.
My husband's first
My husband's first mother-in-law did not even believe OSD is my husband's!
Don't we all secretly wish we
Don't we all secretly wish we would find out that new evidence came to light and none of our SO's kids are his?? SKID FREE!
Hell yeah!
Hell yeah!
^^^^^lol at least from BM2
at least from BM2 
exPOS used to marvel at how
exPOS used to marvel at how bd17 looks like him, or so he says. it was non stop "she looks just like ME!" "she looks EXACTLY like ME!" and he would get the most irritating idiotic look on his face when he said it. actually, she looks like me. she has his eye shape and once in a while in a picture i can see a little of him, but anyone will tell you she looks like her mother. so no, i don't think you were wrong. sometimes i think these dads (i use that term loosely when referring to my ex) say it just to convince themselves. my son looks nothing like me. he's no less my child and i don't love him any less because of it. i certainly don't run around claiming he's my clone just because i'm his mother.
I don't personally care if
I don't personally care if any of my Bio kids look like me. I just hope they don't ACT like my x and starting to hope DD doesn't end up acting like dh too for that matter.
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Sunbeam, my DH refused to get
Sunbeam, my DH refused to get tested too. His son looks like him but his daughter does not. Why on earth would you want to pay child support for a kid that ain't yours? I don't think he was taking our finances into consideration. He could have paid that stupid bitch BM $350.00 month instead of $700.00. All he needed to do was let them stick a q-tip in his mouth and get a sample. Denial is a powerful thing, I suppose. :?