Is it selfish?
Okay so my birthday is in 2 WHOLE DAYS and I have yet to do anything for myself!!! I'm constantly a FULL TIME STEPMOM (please kill me lol) & DH is working like a dog doing full time and over time... Every time he asks me what I want to do to prepare for my birthday I feel slighted because I'm too worn out to even think about preparing for hat day dealing with these SKIDS (love how that feels to type it lol). He wants us ALL to go out to eat but I don't want to spend my day with those kids and I feel so bad saying that but I deal with them so much that I want my space! If you knew what kind of kids they are, you'd want to keep your distance as well. They're whiny, they nag nag nag to no end about the dumbest things and they're downright annoying! I don't mean to talk about young children like this but I need to vent somehow so it's better I type it rather than saying it aloud. I'm just feeling a way because DH is gong ho about having this picture perfect image of a family he never had being that the BM was a complete waste. Why do the guys do this? We're not replacements or are we? Oh, and the SKIDS (SS13, SD12, SS10) are the ones being mentioned here. They are so dependent it's scary! He says it's because they never had a real mom in their life to baby them so they're looking for that attention ---umm.. IM NOT THEIR MOM! I just don't know where that light that's supposed to be at the end of the tunnel..I sure need to see it
Well, happy early birthday to
Well, happy early birthday to ya! And when DH asks you what you want to do for your birthday? Tell him! If you want to go out to dinner and a movie, just the two of you, he should respect that and want to make that happen for you.
The skids are old enough to stay home alone for a few hours (unless they're totally untrustworthy and irresponsible) or have DH get a family member or a trusted babysitter so he can take YOU out for YOUR special day!
The kids shouldn't HAVE to be included in your birthday celebration. Let him know this. And if he can't muster a few hours alone with you to do as you want then you have to ask yourself a major question: Do you want to continue life this way or?????
I hope it all works out for your birthday and you have a great time!
^^^^ What she said. I got
^^^^ What she said.
I got screwed on my birthday last year, I got to choose where we went and what we did, but when we got there all focus was on SD10 and her friend having fun. Everybody ditched me at one point when I went to the bathroom, and then they couldn't understand why I was crying while they all went on a ride together. Oh and SO's bestie and his wife could have found a more appropriate time to bring SD her birthday gifts (my birthday is in August, hers is in February!)
Needless to say, I still had some fun, but our lives revolve around SD every other day of the year. Don't I get ONE effing day that is mine? I know it sounds a little selfish, but all the same it's how I feel.
Oh wow I would've been
Oh wow
I would've been bawling just as well, hope the the like never crosses my path!!
That is terrible and I would
That is terrible and I would have been fighting mad and crying too. It never ends with these people, not even on the one day out of the year that should be reserved to celebrate you.
Thank you!
Thank you!
What I would do, I reckon, is
What I would do, I reckon, is say 'OK, let's go daytime and have the portrait taken, eat something with the kids AND THEN you and I (DH) can go and do something on our own afterwards'.
I hear you with wanting time on your own too, your DH needs to cut himself some slack from the kids! What was your first date? How about doing that again? Tell DH that it brings you such good memories that you want to repeat them...even create some new ones? That should set his brain in motion to get a sitter...right??
its your birthday so just say
its your birthday so just say to him nicely i want to spend my birthDAY (whole day) with my husband.Get a baby sitter or ship them off somewhere! Just because your a SM doesnt mean you're being selfish, I know plenty of BM's that birthdays just want some peace and quiet without kids running around.
As for the other issues, yes I think DH's do see us as replacements. My DH is guilty of this too, lets create a lovely family portrait to everyone, I think we do this too well as no one on his side asks me how I feel about being a SM or if I want my own kids (god forbid!). It makes you sick at times that you are a replacement or as my DH has called me to his friend on the phone once 'upgrade'.WTF is wrong with them??
Look - even in intact
Look - even in intact families mom does not have to spend HER birthday taking care of the kids.
They shouldn't even need a babysitter at their ages. They are too old to need to be babied.
Thanks all for the advice as
Thanks all for the advice as I know I need it badly. But just the thought if telling DH how I feel is making me nauseous ! I just don't want him thinking I'm being bratty or selfish in anyway. I think it's my fault he has that ideal image in his head of a perfect family because back in the dating days I was so naive minded that I thought I could be mommy to poor helpless kids..Well, boy was I wrong! I will have a talk with him tonight (wish me luck!)
You don't know how cool that
You don't know how cool that sounds to me lol but I digress... I try to let off some steam by venting to my mom and such so I think I'm handling it quite well for now at least , thanks for the advice Lynn123!!
Happy Birthday!! And yes
Happy Birthday!! And yes pleeeeeeeeaaaaseee call him for me!! Lol ! A clean house does seem like the ultimate present, even though I know that will never happen lol. Actually, I do think it will cause an argument for some strange reason because DH is extra sensitive. The whole finding a babysitter for the kids things is out because everyone is miraculously busy ::rolls eyes:: ...
Do not feel selfish, there is
Do not feel selfish, there is nothing wrong with wanting to spend your birthday doing something without the kids.
If he wants to include the kids, perhaps you can have a small celebration at home with them and then you & your DH go and do something, just the two of you.
So, you're a Groundhog Baby? Me, too!
SDs are grown, though, so not an issue.
Oh wow! Happy Early Birthday
Oh wow! Happy Early Birthday to you!! Oh how I wish they were over 18 so he doesn't have to worry about who will take them for the day/night *sigh*
Here's to hoping you do have
Here's to hoping you do have a great birthday!
First of all, Happy Early
First of all, Happy Early Birfday!
Secondly, no no no it is not selfish!!! my bday just passed and sure as heck told fdh that I wanted to have a day alone with him. I did feel a LITTLE bad but it passed when I was having a fun day with fdh. You focus every other day focused on skid-take a day for yourself. ::Hugs::
I'm a BM as well as a SM.
I'm a BM as well as a SM. It's not selfish to want your birthday to be about you. What do you do for DH's birthday? As hard as it is, it would be a great opportunity for the Skids to see you being the center of attention for a change. If DH insists on the Skids coming along, also ask a few friends who will help entertain you while DH deals with HIS kids. Pick a restaurant with a bar. If their behavior gets awful, give DH a peck on the cheek and take your friends to the bar! "Honey, while you deal with this, friends and I are going to grab a drink." After the dinner, say, "Honey, this wasn't at all what I pictured for my birthday dinner. The skids were (insert specific behaviors). Why don't we go to dinner ALONE tomorrow?"
I'm reading "Babyproof Your Marriage"'s mostly for parents with infants, but they do encourage Date Nights, Husband Training Weekends and Birthdays/Anniversaries without the kids.
Enjoy your birthday and tell
Enjoy your birthday and tell your husband out loud that you want to spend the day without the kids. You deserve a break. It is not always about the kids, biological or step.
Happy Birthday! I hope you
Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy it any way you want! It is your day and you get to enjoy, so do whatever you'd like and no it is not selfish!
I haven't read all of the
I haven't read all of the comments, so I may be repeating what someone else says. I don't think you're selfish at all. You shouldn't feel that way! Maybe you could tell DH you want to make it a date night. Maybe if you word it like that, it won't seem like you're trying to exclude the SKs. I think it's perfectly fine for just the 2 of you to go out, but obviously DH doesn't. That's why I said "exclude the SKs." Maybe the whole family could have cake and ice cream together and that way DH would get his picture perfect family.
This is what bugs me. If you were the REAL mother, DH wouldn't think you were selfish at all. How come a real mom can say she needs some alone time or needs a night out and it's no big deal. But if a STEP mom says it, she's looked at negatively. Luckily my DH is very understanding, so I don't have to deal w/ this, but I come across it a lot on this site.
Agree completely - well said!
Agree completely - well said!
I'd like to see an update.
I'd like to see an update. I'm curious as to how the bday turned out. Youngstepmomm25, if you check back, please let us know what happened. Thanks.
UPDATE:!! My Birthday was a
My Birthday was a *drumroll*...
not because of the skids, whom by the way were tucked away with their grandma, but because I have caught the flu
We started to go out and I was dressed to kill! Suddenly I had a baaaaaaddd tummy ache and before I knew it, I was in head first in the toilet!
But I can say, my DH had bought me 2 dozen roses , 2 cards (one "from the kids") and a lovely dress. All in all, my day was swell up until the bathroom part
Oh no!!! Well, there's
Oh no!!! Well, there's always next year..!
A belated Happy Birthday to you!
That sounds about like my
That sounds about like my luck, DH actually do the right thing and send skid away so I can have the bday I deserve and then get sick with the flu. You poor thing. I would do a make up night alone when you are not sick. You deserve it.