I have to know...what is your nickname for BM and why
I call my BM, Mr. Ed, you know the talking horse because she is always flapping her lips about some BS! The picture to the right is her and that is what shows on my phone when she calls. DH's ringtone for her is a horse neighing!
We call her Tilla the hun
We call her Tilla the hun (sp?) I don't know why...but that is what DH referred to her as. I personally call her a lying, manipulative, back stabbing bitch...of course not when kids are around.
They are pretty self explanatory as to why I call her that.
Oh my god! I just laughed so
Oh my god! I just laughed so hard at the picture you have of her for your ringtone. That is funny.
Oh my God! That is hilarious
Oh my God! That is hilarious too!!!!!
Broom hilda was another one
Broom hilda was another one DH used to call the BM.
Stupid, ugly, lazy
Stupid, ugly, lazy bitch....because I calls em like I sees em.
Love it! Our BM's must be
Love it! Our BM's must be related - ours opened her nearly toothless mouth for any dick that was willing to go in it, including some of FDH's so-called friends.
Uberskank. Doubtful you need
Doubtful you need me to explain why. }:)
Rilka.....that is hilarious!
Rilka.....that is hilarious!
Shrek, cavewoman, oger (sp?).
Shrek, cavewoman, oger (sp?). That is what she looks like. Other names include stupid bitch, ugly bitch, etc. my favorite is psycho bitch.
No nickname SO has always
No nickname
SO has always used her name. I HAAAAATTTEEEE hearing it! Makes me cringe every time he says her name, I don't care what context it's in, I hate that word coming out of his mouth!!! Sometimes he says 'her', which feels better to hear, but I would seriously love to adopt a nickname for her to be used at ALL times between him and I!!
If I could pick... smeagol or gollum! depending on which one she is behaving more like at the time (the frightened victim or the selfish uber bitch face out to destroy everyone in the name of her 'precious' [SD])
Pick something with a decent
Pick something with a decent acronym so you don't have to worry about doing the over the shoulder Skid presence check.
Horse-faced bitch devil cunt.
Horse-faced bitch devil cunt. Because she is horse-faced. And twat waffle. Oh, and Evil Stink Wagon.
Princess, wasn't it your DH
Princess, wasn't it your DH who said he couldn't call BM a cunt, because she lacks both the warmth and the depth?
Truly one of my favorite lines ever. I wish I got to use it more in real life }:)
PBFH= Psycho Bitch From Hell
PBFH= Psycho Bitch From Hell
And I call SD18 Mini PBFH lol
And I call SD18 Mini PBFH lol
My boyfriend has the same
My boyfriend has the same name with an acronym
C Can't
U Understand
N Normal
T Thinking
Can't use it in front of the kids but,... it makes us giggle in private.
I do say "Empousa" in front of the kids. They think it is the name of a woman I don't like at work.
Empousa is a mythological seductive woman who lures men into her bed and then eats them alive,... very fitting...The Empousa also looks beautiful at first, but she hides her cloven hoof and leg of brass so men won't see who she is until it's too late,... -Again VERY fitting for BM
swamp donkey...
swamp donkey... }:)
Mine is a little longer...
Mine is a little longer... piss poor excuse for a mother.
Funny, this is mine as
Funny, this is mine as well!!! Although many of the others you guys have listed would be more than fitting
Dumbass or dip-shit, self
Dumbass or dip-shit, self explanatory and very fitting she couldn't fight her way out of a brown paper bag with her intelligence.
ditto! exact same ones we
ditto! exact same ones we use!!!
DH says he it's supposed to take an IQ of at least 38 to even open a car door. not sure how Dumbass manages that one. }:)
Cunt, Bitch, "her", crazy, BM
Cunt, Bitch, "her", crazy, BM (her name), schizo (because she will legit sign SSs folder one day with DHs last name...the next her maiden name she legally changed back to she flip flops a lot that is if she even signs the folder) and several others but those are the basics...
BIOBITCH.... or SFB which
BIOBITCH.... or SFB which stands for Shit For Brains because she's pretty stupid
We call her "The
We call her "The Breeder".....cause that's what she did every year untill her reproductive system finally said Enough....SD + 3 kids and a few miscarriages.
I have you beat! Our BM has
I have you beat! Our BM has 8!
OMG! 8 kids....that is
OMG! 8 kids....that is scary!!!....I think "The Breeder" would gotten there too and have kept going if her Uterus let her do it.
Slinky. Because the only way
Slinky. Because the only way she'll ever bring a smile to our faces is if we got to push her down the stairs
Best. Ever. I might have to
Best. Ever. I might have to steal this lol!
I have recently adopted the
I have recently adopted the good old standby - the C word. It's applicable and spot on as far as an accurate description. However it is usually used in conjunction with a variety of other expletives such as Motherf__king C word.
CB = cruddy bi+ch We use the
CB = cruddy bi+ch
We use the initials because they can't be identified specifically to her and if the skids overhear it, they don't know who we're talking about (initials aren't even close to her real name)
Since I am a StepDad my
Since I am a StepDad my nicknames are for the biodad.
DickHead - because it is accurate and sounds similar to his first name.
SpermIdiot - because he contributes only to the shallow and polluted end of SS's gene pool.
DipShitiot - because I like it.
Toothless Moron - see immediately above.
SpermGrandMa I refer to as the BitchFromHell.
My SS's half sibs we refer to as SpermIdiotHalfSibs.
DickHeads family I refer to as the SpermClan and where they live I refer to as SpermLand.
Pretty simple, direct, accurate and to the point.
Tbag (name starts with t) or
Tbag (name starts with t) or Crazy. Everyone in my world knows who we mean when we say that
Well, let's see... She tried
Well, let's see... She tried stealing my husband shortly after BD's first birthday, when he rejected her, she tried splitting us up by saying he kissed her during a visit with SD. THEN when that didn't work, she decided to take 4 months worth of antipsychotic meds. Then she got knocked up while in the mental institution... right after she gave up guardianship of SD. And NOW her baby has a fractured skull.
Add a lot of Munchhausen's symptoms and you get... Crazy/ Psycho...
Oh, and when SD is around, we
Oh, and when SD is around, we refer to her as DH's "psychotic former paramour"
Snaggletooth... 'nuff said.
'nuff said.
In real life I refer to her
In real life I refer to her by the town she lives in - honestly shes not worthy of coming up with any fancy name, not my time and effot for a rude one...this way I also dont have to censor around the sks...
Cruella. Alternated with
Cruella. Alternated with Psycho. But I like Cruella, I can see our BM killing little puppies to make a fur coat from. (She spends the CS on her own luxuries so the puppies are next). !!!
We call her "Peach". My BF
We call her "Peach".
My BF was telling someone about how she acts and they responded with, "Wow, she sounds like a real peach." It just stuck :).
One beer for each eye. All
One beer for each eye. All you need is two for beer goggles.
I've gone with Gothel! And SO
I've gone with Gothel! And SO said Yes! Lol.
I was watching the movie Tangled with SD4 yesterday, she loves that movie, Mother Gothel (the old woman who kidnaps Rapunzel and raises her) reminded me of BM, tries to keep 'daughter' to her self, makes daughter scared of the world, acts 'lovey' but really is an evil selfish manipulative ugly troll lol
I like it already, SO and I can talk a little more feely without worrying about SD hearing us talk about her Mom (before, we had to be very careful because we always used BM's name)
The Great Hulking Princess or
The Great Hulking Princess or Princess Hulkarina because she swears she's from royal Austrian blood and fancies herself a princess. And weighs about 350 lbs. Always cracks me up the idea of her dressed like a princess
I'd love to see that.
I liked Slinky
I might steal that one lol.
Potato Chip. We call her that
Potato Chip. We call her that because BM and a potato chip have the same IQ and motivation level.
We have 1 nickname for BM but
We have 1 nickname for BM but it is a play off of her name, so I'd rather not post it - BUT we don't use any nickname really because we don't talk about BM.
Literally I can't remember the last time we had a conversation about her. Probably around May when I disengaged from her. DH may occasionally tell me a crazy thing she said, but as time goes on I care less & less & I think so does he, so we will laugh & start talking about something else.
Ha! I love this topic. Our
Ha! I love this topic.
Our most common nicknames are cunt, cuntface, dumbcunt, and other variations of the word cunt. Why? Because we would never use that word to describe anyone else, ever, for any reason.
And that brings me to our other favorites: it, the thing, the subhuman. Why? Because this isn't just any old insult. Both of us think that to dehumanize a person and deny their humanity is one of the worst things you can do to them. This particular subhuman deserves much worse.
He has always called her the dumb bitch, stupid shit, shit for brains, and other variations of idiot. She really is intellectually inferior. He knew it when he married her but at the time, it made him feel like a big shot to rescue a stupid naive girl from her trailer trash parents and show her the world. lol.
We also call her the extortionist and "child support" is called ransom money since it's way more than any court would have ever agreed to give her when they split up. And yet, every couple of months, she still has the nerve to ask for more....
Bar Whore
Bar Whore
I call BM in our case "the
I call BM in our case "the Heifer". Mainly because she grows fatter each time we see her. She has 2 close friends and when all three are together - they become "the herd". Or the 3 bitches of ****** (her suburb).
My DH has two ex's, the first
My DH has two ex's, the first my BIL nicknamed Sasquatch (as in Big Foot) because she is not at all pretty and has more facial hair that my DH does. In my DH's defense he got married at 19 and was a heavy drinker in those days, he says he was wasted on their wedding day just to go through with it. The day she told him she was preggo with their oldest he quit the drinking though and then the beer goggles came off. The second ex I usually call the whore because she cheated on him their entire marriage, a month after their wedding she took off with some other dude, my DH didn't want to admit he made another mistake and wanted to make the marriage work so he took her back time and time and time again. At one point she left, moved in with another guy, got preggo and then wanted him back AGAIN and he took her back, even with that baby daddy around through the entire pregnancy. The entire time he was completely faithful even when she was living with another guy.