Damned if I do, Damned if I don't
DH treats me like a dog when I'm at home. Not to mention how SKIDS treat me. I'm their excuse for every pathetic thing wrong with them. SHOCKER. So, we where supposed to go away together this weekend and instead, I have chosen I am going by myself. I desperately need a break. This has been going on every day for 2 weeks straight. I'm exhausted from it. Well, you think DH said, sure, go right ahead? NOPE. He is now threatening me with a divorce. Says, I have a choice, I take him with and we stay married. I go alone and expect divorce papers when I get back. My comment to him was, you treat me like shit when I'm here and pushing me away yet threaten me with divorce if I leave FOR THE WEEKEND. Maybe you should take a good long hard look at what the problem is there. Am I wrong? Should I be taking him with still? Or can I go breath for a freaking second?
You need to do what makes you
You need to do what makes you happy. This guy sounds controlling and a total ass. You do not deserve that! Go out of town this weekend without his sorry ass and do what wannapunchu suggested! Kick him to the curb and slam the door in his face!
StepKat, I have had to do a
StepKat, I have had to do a whole new account on here. I think you saw my post on this. You have helped A LOT in the last 2 weeks with ALL of my issues. It has been a really rough couple of weeks. Thank you for being there!! Wish I could remind you of who I am, but DH is stalking me on here I am going by myself so I can make myself happy! No regrets of what I did do and I will not have regrets of what I DIDN'T do either!
Any time hun. Y'all have
Any time hun. Y'all have helped me as well in so many ways I can never express just how thankful I am. I see this forum as a second family.
Before I met DH I was in two abusive relationships. One was mental and emotionally abusive and the other was sexually abusive. You have to focus on your happiness and well being. You can NOT allow anyone (DH or not) to control you or make you miserable like this. I was nearly pushed to suicide and I never want to see anyone else in a similar situation.
I have been there twice since
I have been there twice since I have married him StepKat! That should've been my wake up call years ago. Just feel stuck. Ya know what I mean?
You're not stuck. You always
You're not stuck. You always have options. Even if they do not seem like you can use those options, they are still there. Never think you can't escape his abuse and NEVER let him push you to the point of suicide. Your life is way more important than staying with him.
If he doesn't want to be with you and treat you like you deserve then it's HIS LOSS, NOT YOURS!
I agree. And, what's really
I agree. And, what's really pathetic, I'm a retired police officer and now I own my own business cleaning up after crime scene's and trauma's. Pathetic!
Wannapunchu, do you have
Wannapunchu, do you have means to take care of yourself? If you do, then go. It is total crap that he is treating you so poorly and then the moment you say that you need a breather, he throws up a divorce. I wouldn't go so far as to leave papers on the table, unless you are done anyway. But going and enjoying yourself, there is nothing wrong with that.
Pretty pathetic if a guy has
Pretty pathetic if a guy has to threaten divorce to try to make his wife do what he wants. Especially when what he wants is to ruin her chance at some relaxation!
There are many many names I could call this guy. Too many to type right now. But selfish is definitely way high on the list. Self-centered would also make the top 10.
If you're done, you're done.
If you're done, you're done. But know that you can't take divorce papers back. But you're gut knows what your ego is too scared to admit sometimes. Just know that if you are emotionally exhausted, it might not be the best time to make major decisions.
In the end, only you know what is right. And taking a break to get some distance, perspective, and rest is the best way to do it. If he doesn't respect that, ...
Good luck, and I wish you the best. There's nothing pathetic about it - it is always easier to clean up others people's shit!