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I am freaking out!!!! Um, so I guess I can only post it here!

Motherof5@26's picture

OK, I just found out that I am 1 1/2 cm dilated today and two weeks ago I was very high and tight. Should I be worried? Reason I ask:

With my first pregnancy I stayed dilated to a 1 cm at 38 weeks until she was forced to come out at 42 weeks. My son I was dilated to a 1 cm, until his EDD, when labor started on it own, but I didn't dilate to a 1 cm with him until I was 38 weeks. With this one I am only 35 weeks and 6 days and already 1 1/2 cm dilated.....

On top of that I have to contact another OB in a town that is 33 miles away, just to be able to continue my care and then I have to have the baby in that town. Because the hospital here in my town just decided a few days ago they were closing down the ob/ delivering baby part of the hospital! Found out from my doc today that they told all patients and the doctors themselves all in the same day, no notice or anything!

Please can someone please tell me if I should be worried or not?! :sick:

AllySkoo's picture

Agreed, I wouldn't worry. One, you're going to be "full term" tomorrow. Baby would be fine even if it were born today. Two, dilation doesn't indicate how far away labor is. Could be tomorrow, could be in 4 weeks. Three, there's nothing you can do about it anyway until labor starts. It's not like you're going to go camp out in the hospital parking lot until the baby comes! Smile Relax. When labor starts just call your doctor and go to the hospital when she says. You're going to be fine!!!

yoursandmine's picture

I was 2cm dilated for almost 6 weeks, had my csection on the day and time it was planned. Its ok girl. Just continue your normal life until baby comes. I was hauling around a 40lb 3yo and walking up three miles a day. Enjoy this time and the clean house. My house wasnt properly cleaned again for almost 6months lol.

AllySkoo's picture

Sorry, I misread that - thought she said she was 36 weeks 6 days.

Even so, a baby born at 36 weeks would also be fine. Once you get past 34 weeks the chances of any long-term repercussions of being a premie go way down. Although like I said, dilation doesn't tell you how far away labor is - she's still fairly likely to go 3-4 more weeks anyway.

tabby yabba do's picture

I was dilated to 4cm the last six weeks of pregnancy #2. Thought *for sure* that meant I'd go early. I'm dilated to 4cm already! Well I did go early. One flipping day before my DD. But he was 9 lbs 3 oz and born 30 minutes after I arrived to the hospital. I always wondered if being so dilated sped the delivery up?

Don't worry unless your doc is worried. Being dilated was uncomfortable (for me) but worked out fine.

overworkedmom's picture

I was at a 3 for 6 weeks. Don't freak out, he/she will probably come a week or 2 early though.