A Beautiful Saturday Morning...For About Five Minutes
I go downstairs this morning and DH is at the gym, SD13 is asleep. It's my only quiet moment during the week, Saturday morning, and I often go into the kitchen wondering how many minutes I'll get to myself before SD13 wakes up. The sun was streaming in through the dining room windows as I came down the stairs. Yup, dried up pee under the curtain. Sigh. I'll have to clean that. No one else notices, no one else looks and they don't do as good a job as I do cleaning up. DH and SD13 tend to do it half-assed, if SD13 even notices at all. Don't clean it right now, Moon, I think to myself. Get your coffee and a bit to eat, relax for a few minutes. I tell myself I'm allowed to enjoy this peace, this quiet, before DH comes bouncing in from the gym all hyper and loud and full of energy.
I get my coffee brewing and get my meal ready to microwave. I open the microwave door and there is crap spewed all over the inside of the microwave. When did this happen? It was clean Thursday night after I used it and if I did it myself I would've noticed. It looks like pizza sauce on the side walls, the roof and even on the inside of the door which is colored black so it's hard to see, but it's there. I guess I'll have to clean this, too. Wait, .....No, I won't. Because I didn't make the mess. Someone else will clean it. I eat my breakfast and enjoy my coffee with my pups all around, looking outside at a brilliant clear, cold sunny morning here. I have a beautiful view out the back door of the house. But alas, it's time to go clean up dried pee from my dining room floor. SDog comes slinking through the first floor with a belly band on. At least DH put one on him, but its so loose the dog could step out of it. He did that one day this week. And the other few days SD13 "forgot" to put the diaper on him, so I made her clean up pee on those days.
I get down on all fours on the hardwood floor, my fibromyalgia making me creak as I move to clean. First thing in the morning there is aching from overnight, but it eventually works itself out. DH comes home as I am on my knees cleaning. I had texted him that there was dried pee under the window. I try to be a team player and clean it up once in awhile since we have another male dog in addition to SDog. This was just a little dribble, so I knew it was from SDog. I told DH to clean out the coat closet so we could donate some items to charity. We also went into the basement to look for more coats and I looked for dog pee down there, too. I looked under the basement bathroom sink and it was as I had left it two weeks after the underwear fiasco with SD13. I go to the storage closet and there are two boxes of crackers on the floor, empty. I call to DH. Nothing. I call again. Nothing. I walk over to where he is, looking through the coats and said, "Fine, you don't want to look, I'll deal with her myself when she gets up." If almost on cue, SD13 peeks into the basement a few minutes later.
I was very firm and angry and NOT nice this time. I am disengaged but this is a matter relating to my home. Right in front of DH I let her have it. I dared DH to say something to me in her defense. He didn't. I told her we have had this conversation plenty of times before about her weird clutter in the basement. I started using the word "MY" quite a bit and got territorial. I have read here that I have every right to bitch when it involves MY house. So I bitched. I told her to get her boxes off of the floor and told her that it wasn't Chef Boyardee with dried up tomato sauce, it wasn't underwear, but it was still FOOD TRASH in my basement. I even told the Skd I didn't want to start her day off like this, while she still had sleep in her eyes. If she needed to SAVE the boxes for anything, out them her own room. Do whatever you want in your OWN room. But do NOT clutter MY house again, the house that DH and I go to work everyday and work hard to pay for!
I told the two of them that the next time there was any crap in the basement like this, THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES! I will take away SD13's iPd Touch and her electronics and I am not going to consult with DH before I do! I also threw in that maybe since she had so much free time that maybe she should start improving on those shitty grades she has! Her eyes went wide and I knew she KNEW EXACTLY what I was talking about. DH said I was being a grump and I was grumpy as soon as he walked in the door from the gym. I told him at that point when he arrived, I had seen the dry dog pee and the explosion in the microwave, neither of which was left by me.
I told SD13 to "Clean as you go" and your life will be a lot easier. I told her to get started on the microwave, I wanted it to sparkle when she was done. DH helped her with that. Sigh.
I go upstairs to start the laundry, full well knowing that SD13 didn't empty the dryer the night before as she was reminded to. She's such a moron. She comes upstairs as she hears me filling the washer. I don't even look at her and say,"I don't need you up here right now. Please go away for 5 minutes so I can finish this. Thank you." She slinks back down the stairwell.
I have an OLD Xanax prescription from three years ago that I never used, pills just sitting in my medicine cabinet. I took one. That shit works. DH came to me later and was very sweet to me. I asked him if he wanted me to stop making the chore list and let him take over? He said No. He also said SD13 has good grade. I asked how he knew and he replied because she TELLS him. I just smiled.
I love the weekend.
~ Moon
We have the Swiffer mop, but
We have the Swiffer mop, but this was a small spot, so I just did it. I'm not disabled yet, just super-creaky! LOL I have thought about the Shark, too, with the washable pads.
Twice as wonderful as the
Twice as wonderful as the swiffer and shark, AMAZING! I Love my Bissel Symphoney...
" All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop is the revolutionary cleaner that can vacuum and steam at the same time"
p.s. the vacuum is the a shop vac! It even picks up cereal and peas and all the stuff the kids drop without a single issue.
I love it!
Cat, SD13 is like a limp
Cat, SD13 is like a limp sloth trying to do anything. She doesn't firmly grasp paper towels or Kleenex lol and wipe thoroughly. I was there as she started cleaning it with a wet paper towel and I told her to use Windex, or to wet a sponge with soap and warm water. DH came over to help because SD13 is short. I also said to use wax paper next time to cover her food. I have not been a drill sargeant like this in MONTHs but I want my shit clean! I have been cleaning dog pee some so that gets done right, so I was a little on edge about seeing the microwave. SD13 is turning into SD19, sneaking all kinds of food late at night. She ate an entire school bus last night after we went to bed. All kinds of trash in the can.
I had mentioned the microwave earlier when DH came home from the gym and SD13 was still asleep. His reply was "We'll have to clean that up," to which I said, "SD13 will clean it up herself since neither you nor I made the mess." I also told SD13 in the future to wipe it out immediately before the food dries overnight. Raindancer, I have also decided that the next time she leaves my things a mess, some of her stuff will suddenly go missing. Permanently.
Miss Kay, I noticed that when I was writing, it sounded like a book, lol. I have always wanted to be a writer, but have never gotten around to it. Thanks for the compliment! Maybe I can write a twisted horror novel aka Stephen King style, about evil stepmothers and what happens to bad Skids.
Annith, I am the only one checking grades online. I did it for the past two school years and tutored SD13 after school. I pulled away more from the reminders last Spring. This first term of 8th grade I saved her ass in September when she forgot to hand an assignment in. Right. The teacher gave her a do-over and she got an A in the class. But what does that teach this Skid? That she can procrastinate and do everything later, on her own schedule. So this time I am keeping quiet and not going into detail with DH. If I mention anything, he'll get on her for a do-over. I want to wait until it's too late. She just went from a 59% to a 61% in honors English. She got a 55% on an assignment and it popped her up from an F to a D. What a bunch of bull, these schools. DH knows how to look at her grades online. He just believes every word SD13 says to him about her grades.
When I was laying into her, I told her to "Buck up because Christmas was coming, so start doing your homework already." That's when her eyes went wide and she knew I knew. }:) }:) }:)
~ Moon
Another Step, maybe he needs
Another Step, maybe he needs to be fed, lol? The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.....works every time.
Meanwhile, DH is downstairs with SD13 while he has her vacuum, being the drill sargeant. He's being funny and nice but he is cheering, "Let's GO SD13! Let's GO SD13!" Kind of humiliating her and cheering her on at the same time. Good on him to invest the time in her, because I'm not doing it anymore unless my kitchen or basement is a mess, like it was today.
Why are these kids so
Why are these kids so worthless? At SS16's, I was working a full time job while going to high school and living on my own. He can't even put back the cereal where it goes and put his dish in the dishwasher? So lazy! How will these kids function in life?
Cat, as a refresher, I have
Cat, as a refresher, I have an SD19 who is 45 minutes away at college, and SD13. Their mother died two years ago and they came to live FT with DH and I. SDog the Peeing Wonder was also part of this glorious deal. BM died when the SDs were 17-1/2 and 11-1/2.
Their therapist says they are "fine." Bullshit.
Almost forgot to add earlier that when DH was being sweet on me after the events of the morning, I worked into the topic of me leaving. I have NEVER said these thoughts out loud. I think DH started it by saying, "If you keep on being a grump, then your rental is still there," and he was clearly joking (this is my first home that I bought at age 24 and still own 21 years later). But I calmly ran with it, just to see. He said I would never leave. I replied that if our tenant didn't renew then I could move back there........DH's face changed a little.....I continued, "Maybe for 90 days or so, I could stay there and then we could rent it in the spring." He was surprised by that and said if I left I would never come back, kinda macho but still baffled that I suggested it. I replied, "You're right because this place would go to shit here and I wouldn't want to come back."
Got him on his toes some when I said, "Hmmmm 10-miles more on the commute or SD13 FT and SD19 during the summer?"
~ Moon
“I have to believe what the
“I have to believe what the kid just told me. They can’t be lying all of the time.”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
Two of the most infuriating sentences that a Sparent can hear from their spouse.
How about verify before you trust when you know damned well that the Skid lies almost constantly and ….. DO SOMETHING rather than repeating your completely proven failed parenting behaviors that have resulted in the lies and bullshit behavior God damnit!!!!!!!!!!
Just reading this ruins my Saturday which has been great.
Moon, that rental is starting
Moon, that rental is starting to sound like heaven. Your description of your DH cheering on your SD cleaning made me want to laugh and gag at the same time. He's another one of those parents who seem to infantilize their children and then we wonder why the kids are so developmentally delayed.
Even though your SD is obviously messed up and I would hate being around her all the time, some of the stuff she does seems pretty typical for a 13 year old, like the microwave. What would send me over the edge would be your DH leaving me home alone with SD while he goes to the gym. And then coming back all refreshed and in a great mood because he's taken care of himself and now is being a lazy ass parent and causing me to do all the dirty work with SD.
You are incredibly smart, talented and driven and you will forever be the smartest, emotionally healthiest person in your home. You're outnumbered by lazy and probably severely depressed people. That cannot be helping your fibromyalgia.
And your DH is a jerk for what he said to you about the rental. I thought that was mean and you had a great comeback!
He seems like a passive aggressive who will refuse to help keep your home peaceful and then gives you shit when you express your dissatisfaction. It sounds like he needs you way more than you need him. Can you imagine how he would feel if he thought he would be stuck living alone with SD13? :O What are his chances of finding another quality woman willing to put up with him and SD? I bet he knows they are not good.
Maybe you could just do a month to month lease with your tenant after the lease runs up. Keep DH on his toes, keep him from getting too complacent. }:)
SD13 acts like a 100lb baby
SD13 acts like a 100lb baby because DH always talks babytalk with her and hugs her. He acts goofy too, which is nice, but he's too much of a friend when he needs to be a father. More later, no privacy now.
So last night we had a party
So last night we had a party to go to in the neighborhood, a mom who used to have SD19 babysit for her and who was good friends with BM when she was alive. This mom and her family are good people so I told DH, yes, I would go. It's 10 minutes before we have to leave and DH have been in our room for 2 hours napping, getting ready to go. He goes downstairs to the kitchen to feed the dogs. I follow a few minutes later and he is sitting on the couch. SD13 doesn't have her Epipen and I'm not reminding her. I look across the kitchen and see a pile of dishes in the sink, which DH missed, because he didn't LOOK. There is cheese sauce inside the colander used to drain the noodles. SD13, on cue, comes downstairs and enters the kitchen> I yell pretty loudly, because of the wonderful way my day had started earlier, and ask, "WTF is THAT in MY sink?" I couldn't believe there is actually CHEESE in the colander!
DH jumps up from the couch and looks across the kitchen at the sink, and asks SD13, "Why didn't you clean up?" OMG the giggling and nervous smile spreads across her face, annoying the shit out of me. "I don't know, huh huh huh, I don't know......" I get the wine out of the fridge to take to the neighbors and DH tells SD13, "Clean that up, right now!" I intervene and say, "Oh no it's already stuck on there, you will have dishes to do when we get home. We're not going to be late because of you!" THEN.... I actually walk over to the sink and SD13 scurries out of my way like a roach on a college dorm room wall. LOL I look into the sink.......dear God this Skid IS developmentally delayed!
Not only is there cheese sauce IN the colander, but there is about 2/3's of the macaroni left in the colander, all stuck and dried up in the bottom. Enough to be saved for another meal the next day. Wasteful! I scrape all of the shells into the disposal and run it, because it's all been sitting in the sink for over an hour, and I don't want bugs or mice to come in. The food is ruined and not worth saving at this point. SD13 has clearly made a mess, has been wasteful and what's even worse? Her empty bowl that she ate out of was sitting on top of the colander, which is full of macaroni and cheese, which is sitting on top of the saucepan she boiled the noodles in.
This all means she actually went BACK to the sink and piled her shit in it without even putting it in the dishwasher! So she SAW the mess she had left! She has NEVER done this! I asked her again why she was making this mess in MY house? "WHY do you keep FUCKING UP MY HOUSE?!?!?" I was furious! I have never been this rude and yelled this loudly at SD13, not since last summer when she was faking taking a shower and I disengaged. DH was right there and calmly said, "OK let's get going." As we headed out to the garage I asked her again. "WHY the FUCK do you keep messing up MY HOUSE?!!!" I was yelling at her like a crazy woman! I had the bottle of wine in my hand and I thought of what I'd like to do with it, but I never would. Mewling from SD13 like a small cat with that stupid dork grin still on her face, " I don't KNOW! I don't know WHY!" I yelled back at her, "Well figure it the FUCK OUT and stop messing up MY HOUSE! I have been patient and NICE to you for the past 7 years that I have known you! YOU haven't seen MAD! THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED to me being MAD!!!!!" DH calmly asks, "OK, can we drop this now?" I calmly reply, "Yes, but she is going to be doing dishes when we get home."
We went to the party and had a great time, met a lot of people who live on our street, but a ways up the block, so we never see them. We got home and SD13 started doing the dishes. I look over and she is fucking around at the sink, STIRRING the soapy water in the saucepan with the dish brush. STIRRING it!! WTF? She has the saucepan UP on the edge of the sink for God's sake, the moron. DH is glued to the last few minutes of the hockey game because the Caps tied it up in the third. I look at SD13 and tell her firmly , "Put the dish IN the sink and SCRUB it with the sponge! You actually have to get your hands WET!" She replies, all exasperated, "I have nowhere to puuuuut it in the siiinnnnnnk!" I told her that was her problem and to figure it out. O told DH to check her progress in ten minutes and I went upstairs.
DH came up to bed later and it was close to SD13's bedtime. I asked when she was suppossed to go to bed? "Usual time?" I ask when THAT is? I tell DH it's 10:25pm. He sends SD13 a text telling her to brush her teeth and get to bed. Otherwise, she would eat everything in the kitchen and stay up late. She is a big baby. She better not use my fucking stove without asking. F-ing moron.
~ Moon }:) }:)
Bark ~ I have decided that
Bark ~
I have decided that any mess in my house that I had nothing to do with ~ will be dealt with this way.
You leave anything out ~ anything ~ I will put it in your bed. Shoes on your bed. Empty ice tea container in your bed. Dirty dishes that were left on end table or in the sink. In your bed. With a lovely note ~ clean your shit up ~ Kizzy doesn't live her !!!!
Next day ~ not taken care of I will raise holy hell. I am no ones maid ~ your create the mess you take care of it.
I did that over the summer
I did that over the summer when I started finding random crap in the basement. All of the food containers would make their way up to her bed! She has a loft bed and would crawl up there in the dark and then find shit that I left under her pillow. I need to start doing this again. Problem is, she is never gone. She is always HERE. I would much rather sneak it into her room and have her be surprised, feeling around in the dark in a loft bed, lol!
Oh and don't forget that this big BABY is the skid who said she wants to be a boy last August.
I want to bang my head against the wall sometimes!
~ Moon
I would start doing it with
I would start doing it with stuff you eat ~ plates, cups, bowls, spoons ~ when you finish a box of something. I would just put it in her bed ~ then tell her. How's it feel ?? You can't respect my home ~ I won't respect your room. Pigpen !!
Fyi ~ easy trick to help clean microwave ~ put damp paper towel in the microwave for 30 seconds.
Moon, your SD is exactly like
Moon, your SD is exactly like my SD 16. Our DH's must be related, because mine is the same way with his daughter.
We need to send them both to Rags, so he can teach them about parenting. Reading your post, and knowing your SD is 13, just makes me realize that my SD, at almost 17, is still acting like a little child. Worse than that, DH allows it. I found a mess in the microwave the other day. Told DH to have SD clean it up. It was still there the next morning. I heard him tell her the night before to do it. She said, she did spill something, but wiped it up. She puts as much effort into it as your SD. Asked DH again the next morning to have his daughter clean up her mess. It eventually got done.
Wish I had a rental...if you were closer, you'd have a roommate.
I love me some Rags!
I love me some Rags!
DITTO! Maybe we could hire
Maybe we could hire him!
Moon, do you think your SD is
Moon, do you think your SD is smiling because she's succeeded in getting a rise out of you?
She seems like she's purposely trying to drive a wedge between you and your DH and she seems to think she's winning.
Your SD is pathetic and obviously needs to get her own life. If she's always home, sounds like she doesn't play well with others in general.
And the whole bit about her stirring the water. That's called learned helplessness or planned incompetence. These a-hole lazy kids do that so their clueless parents stop requiring them to do chores.
My former SS17... I actually caught him pretending to sweep the floor. He would wander around the house aimlessly and swing the broom side to side without the broom actually touching the floor!
Although he wasn't that bad at washing dishes. He'd actually do a pretty good job for a moron kid. Never managed to push the start button on that dishwasher though, lol.
And in another relationship, my ex bf's teenage daughter spilled purple Kool Aid powder on the white kitchen counter top. Did she clean it up with a wet paper towel or sponge? No, but she did try...she took her hand and rubbed the powder into the counter top so that it became a big purple smudge!
My ex said to me, "Why are you looking at that mess with disgust? Are you disgusted with my daughter?"
I really hate the fact that your SD is amused at you dropping F bombs. But go ahead, you need to get it all out. Maybe now your DH will take you seriously.
Hugs, Moon. Hang in there and do something nice for yourself
I had NEVER EVER EVER EVER........dropped the F bomb when disciplining SD13, until last night. I NEVER yell at her, but if it has concerned the house, I put her on the spot and ask her why she did what ever stupid thing she did. I make her squirm and I know a little fear goes a long way and she respects me.
So, last night was the fist time I ever cussed directly AT her, and it was the second time I yelled at her (first was last July with the fake shower crap).
I just went downstairs with DH to let the dogs out, and there is SD13 standing in the kitchen, flailing her arms and trying to be funny. She is totally opposite at school. She doesn't talk in class, she doesn't raise her hand, she is very quiet. Her science teacher put some notes online about her project, saying "It was nice to hear you talk." Well, it was a presentation, so of course she had to talk. So, SD13 was in the kitchen, wearing shorts that were way too small, no socks and a T-shirt. I looked at her and asked, "How many times have I asked you to put some clothes on in this house?" It's 35 degrees outside and we keep a cold house. SD13 just stands there, thinking nothing is serious. Not to be an ass, but just because she doesn't know what matters, I call to DH in the next room and I actually said to him, "WHAT do you want your kid wearing in this house? Be a father and make a decision for her!" He told her to go put on jeans. She protested. I offered up the fact that I knew SD13 had sweatpants. DH told her to go put those on. She hid in her room. She has the IQ of a fruit fly. Not even.
SD13 had a few very close friends at school, some that she has known for awhile, and while they still talk to her some, they don't INCLUDE her in anything. SD13 commented one night this week that she overheard her (ex) best friend talking to another girl, and inviting her to spend the night. SD13 was jealous and hurt because she would always go spend the night there. Since she declared that she wanted to be a boy (bulllllll-shiiiiiit), no one wants to be around her. This is Napoleon Syndrome at it's finest. She is trying to be all big and bad and get attention, but it isn't working.
Onefootout, I believe all of her actions are learned helplessness. DH seems to think she can take care of herself. She could do things if instructed to, on her own, she just isn't mature enough to plan ahead or to take initiative and responsibility. She doesn't think it matters.
This weekend, I made her realize: IT MATTERS.
~ Moon
Sally, that is a riot! I
Sally, that is a riot! I love that you didn't make omlettes because the pan was dirty! I had trouble in my kitchen as well this weekend with Fruit Fly brain....
DH wasn't feeling well yeterday morning and slept most of Sunday. I fear he is getting strep throat but he says he just feels "blah." So, even after all of SD13's antics this weekend, I offer to put something in the oven for her as I am preparing my own dinner. I tell her that DH won't be grilling chicken because he has no appetite, but I am cooking a chicken pot pie, so I will put one in for you. I told her they would be ready in about 45 minutes and I went back upstairs.
I come down to take dinner from the oven and I see scissors and the top of a potato chip bag on the counter, that had been trimmed off. I asked why she was using scissors since she was told NOT to after cutting her own hair? She was stupid enough to leave them, and her trash, on my counter. I asked WHY she was eating a snack when dinner was IN THE OVEN, soon to be ready?
"I only ate ONE....." she replied, in her quiet little mewly voice. I get the chips out of the pantry and the bag is half open. I said to her, "...and you didn't ask WHERE the chip-clips were because then someone would KNOW you were snacking right before dinner! And I'm not STUPID, SD13! You didn't eat just 'ONE,' so now you've LIED to me and THAT really makes me mad!"
::crickets:: A sure sign that SM is correct! }:)
I layed into her yet AGAIN, as the tides have turned in my house. I calmy but firmly lectured her on being responsible. I told her she was a 5-foot tall FIVE YEAR OLD. I asked her when she was going to start doing the right thing? While I am talking to her she gets distracted and just walks over to the back door. Not good and a big sign of disrespect. I said, "HEY! I'm talking to you! WHAT are you doing?" SD13 replies,"...duh-uh-uhhh the dog was at the door.....duh-uhhhh"
I told her that when I am speaking to her, the dogs can wait.
She. Just. Doesn't. Get. It. No respect and no clue. Big baby.
I asked DH later that night if he noticed all of SD13's little white lies, how they aren't world-ending, but she keeps on telling them. It's irritating as hell. He says he calls her out on them, too, like I do.
I checked SD13's grades last night and the infamous F in honors English is now a C at 73%, but she hasn't had the big mammer-jammer report due yet. That will come, it is weighted more heavily, and with the Fs on the other assignments, her overall grade will suffer. Sally, I am keeping quiet and I am doing pretty good. "Wheels will come off the bus sooner than you think....." like you told me!
~ Moon
ETA: Just received an email to the parents from the English teacher! The reading that was to be completed in October is the foundation for 500 points in their class, the teacher said it's a HUGE part of their grade....she can't emphasize enough....they've had class time to prepare....blah blah blah. The first two assignments, SD13 got Fs on each. The rough draft is due tomorrow and she didn't do shit all weekend. The FINAL report is due right after Thanksgiving break. Again, I know it's too late to dig out. I don't think she ever read the book.
SALLY, being quiet has its benefits! Keep me strong! Bwahahahaha! }:) }:)
Silence is golden, Moon! I am
Silence is golden, Moon!
I am being silent right now too. SD has herself in a bit of a pickle, and there's no reason DH shouldn't have caught it. I did.