Blended families don't fail marriages do?!
Hi everybody, i am just looking for thoughts and opinions on marriage to a man with adult stepchildren, like many of you my partners children are very passive aggressive towards me and our relationship and my 3 children.
Recently, I had a conversation with my partner that a marriage should come first then children albeit my first priority is my children's emotional health, safety and stabilty will always be my first priority however with a healthy loving marriage i believe brings emotional health, stabilty and safety/security. Now mind you my children are under the age of 16, his are 22 and 18.
My partner said his number one priority is his kids, I was shocked by that comment but not sure that the feelings of being "second" are justified, I was shocked and hurt b/c of the age of his children and that his children would always be his first priority then his marriage.
We had also a frank discussion about his daughter and grandson, i have been involved with my partner since before "his" grandson was born and have thought of "his " grandson as our grandchildren and bought cute things and visited and done all the "grandma" things grandmas do however my dh just told me im not the grandma and that if his grandson wants to call me grandma that he would support him but until then i am my first name to the baby(18mo) and i need to just accept it. As his daughter doesnt refer to me as grandma.
Semantics aside, some of you more experienced wives please offer your input as to what needs to change w/me (my thinking) in order to succeed in marriage (should we get married) do i just have unrealistic expectations of my partner and blended family?
The man I am dating has 2
The man I am dating has 2 adult children (18&19), 2 elementary aged children (7&9), and we have an 8 month old. Before the baby came along, he made it clear that his children will always come first. Always. He and I have lived together for several years, and honestly, it doesn't bother me that the kids come first, including our little one.
In our lives, although the kids come first, he has never let me down, he has never made me feel like #2. Honestly I would choose our daughter over him if I had to, as would most mothers/fathers. Perhaps he isn't trying to make you feel inadequate, it may be that he just does not know how to communicate how important his children are to him. Grown or not, I will always be mommy first.
As far as the grandma thing goes I have a unique perspective. My father re-married long after I became an adult. Once I had the baby, I was not very fond of his new wife being "Nana". However, my brother has a toddler that calls her Nana already. I chose to just let her be Nana or Grandma, even though I don't particularly like it. Perhaps his daughter isn't adjusting to the whole "dad is not with mom anymore, and who does this lady think she is coming into our lives like she's been here all along." I confess to having those feelings towards my step mother who has been nothing but kind to me from day one. She goes out of her way for the baby, and slowly, I am warming up to it, although it still feels weird at times...
I think the things we all face as blended families are uncomfortable by nature. That doesn't mean that life cant be great though. I think he could be a little more understanding in your desires to be grandma, but do not forget he may have insight with his daughter that you haven't been privy to... I would sit down and ensure that you both have an understanding that although the children come first, you need some security in your relationship... Failure to articulate what you are feeling is the fastest way to break up... Good luck!
I've heard it said around
I've heard it said around here that kids' should be the number one RESPONSIBILITY while the marriage is the number one PRIORITY. Sounds good.
Having said that, people do get hung up on semantics. In life in general, adults do make sacrifices for children. Because adults want the children to succeed, survive, and thrive. So it's a shared value and really no conflict.
The conflict typically comes when a bio parent essentially becomes an emotional vampire to their children, sacrificing EVERY damn thing to them and expecting others to, as well, so the parent can feel this top full tank of love juice at all times. Problem is this creates horrendous children who become non functional adults -- so all the sacrificing is really not for the child's benefit, it's for the bio parent's emotional neediness. Of course, it breaks the adults other relationships, too. Cuz no one on earth can sacrifice the way the bio parent wants them to.
If the bio partner (your partner in this case) has taught his children to respect him and you and to otherwise be good citizens everyone can be proud of, I wouldn't worry about the words he chooses to express himself. As long as he actually keeps the boundaries healthy, doesn't matter how the labeling and categorizing works out.
As for baby calling you gramma, do not make this a hill to die on. You are not the gramma. If baby and SD want him to say it and you are fine with it, no prob. But if they want to call you Missy Canadiangirl, just roll with it. As long as that name is acceptable to you.
Hey, this thread has made me
Hey, this thread has made me just come up with what I want to be called by any grandkids (and they better not come for many more years!). I want to be called Mrs. Grandpa! Then there will be no confusion to baby or anyone as to who I am. I love being Mrs. DH and this sounds great to me. Hey, if it works for Mrs. Claus it sure works for me!
I love this! FDH's stepdad is
I love this! FDH's stepdad is G-pa (literally, jeepah) which I've always felt weird about but since my son isn't the first grandkid I don't get a say. But Mrs. Grandma is awesome. I'm totally stealing your idea for myself. My SD is 8 so I probably have a year or two before I have to worry about that, lol.
Ha! Let's hope you have more
Ha! Let's hope you have more than a year or two!
And you are welcome to the title, maybe we'll meet each other in a mall food court one day and hear some kid say that and we'll look up from our cheese fries and say across the cafeteria, "Steptalk?"
We need a like button on this
We need a like button on this site!
Appreciate your input!
Maybe "priority" is just
Maybe "priority" is just semantics (and maybe not). What does he MEAN by priority? If there is $100 in the checking account at the end of the month and your car needs new brakes and his kid's car needs new brakes, does the kid get the priority there? If you and he have made plans but the kids decide to invite Dad to an event, does he back out on plans he made with you in order to attend the event with his kids? Probe some specifics with him and see what that tells you.
My DH and I take care of each other first, our kids second. That's how we describe it. We've been married for 10 years and this used to be a difficult issue for us but we have, I think, figured out how to take care of ourselves as a couple.
Thank you for such a great
Thank you for such a great response! Very much appreciated!
I have always tried to
I have always tried to support and listen to my partner when it comes to his adult children they have gone to great lengths to avoid, embarrass, disrespect and hurt me and my 3 kids, i do my best to cope and not to add stress and pressure onto my partner as I know he doesnt like how they behave or how they seem to create a constant power struggle.
However, both of his kids are always reaching out to him for money etc neither work or try to improve their lives and when they want to come see their dad (in our house) its on dad's nickel and then they treat our house as a flop house, barely spending time with dad let alone me or my 3 kids.
But what has caused me to ponder what my future marriage to this man would be like and yes he is an absolutely genuine, good hearted, nice man is he has accepted my kids as his own (as my kids dad walked out several years ago) my partner most recently said that he would like to go to see his daughter for her bd (shes 16 hours away) knowing that my son's bd is the same day he will be 8 her 23. i just found it interesting as whenever she snaps her fingers he does, even if it means leaving us behind or out of the joyful event of seeing the grandbaby.
I feel he is too worried that if he stays to celebrate my 8 yr olds birthday his daughter will resent that and act out so he would rather submiss to her to avoid future conflict and drama.
As well we have made several plans to go away and once his kids catch wind if these plans they suddenly start with the drama and stress and my partner and I's plans get squashed. Too me they are young adults who yes need their dad and his guidance and an occassional hand up but handouts are becoming constant and too frequent in my mind, and I feel he has no intention of figuring out a better more cohesive strategy to get them to become productive, contributing people to society.
Ok, with these details you
Ok, with these details you have now given I will say two things.
1. Your guy falls into the category of emotional vampire parent that I was describing. What he's doing is not good for his kids, it's only good for him (he gets to avoid conflict, feel popular, etc). He is not doing the hard work of parenting.
2. Your marriage to him will be like hell. Got it? Hell.
Thank you! It's been on my
Thank you! It's been on my mind alot as I see and feel more and more as time goes by thank you for your response!
Thank you! It's been on my
Thank you! It's been on my mind alot as I see and feel more and more as time goes by thank you for your response!
I second what catlettuce
I second what catlettuce says! Also there are worse things than being a single parent. Being in a horrible marriage with an atrocious blended family is one of them. Stay Free! You and your kids will be much happier.
Omg! Thank you so much cat!
Omg! Thank you so much cat! You are bang on with he is a horrible enabler and he will never stop the passive aggressive behaviors he "can't see them".
I don't live in my own house but I am seriously contemplating getting my own place as I cannot see myself marrying this man at this point (its almost 3 years) (i just got my divored finalized tho) so its not like we havent wanted to marry!! Everything happens for a reason. I am still madly in love with him but I dont know how I could live several more years in a relationship like this when we AREN't married I fear the marriage would be constantly bombarded with bs from his kids until I cracked, "as he never sees it".
Cat!!!! I found out the night
Cat!!!! I found out the night before my partners son moved out that my partners ex wife would be coming to (our) house to help pack up their son! While I was at work!
I say our house mind u we moved into his house that was him and his ex's and no im not on the deed, bills etc yet I work and contribute to the household via bills insurance etc.,
Thanks again!
When your DH allows his adult
When your DH allows his adult kids to treat you with disrespect he is shouting it loud and clear that THEY are his top priority. He told you that they will "Always" be his top priority. This means if you marry this man nothing will improve and he will do nothing about it.
I met DH when SD was almost an adult. I endured abusive behavior from both DH and SD for 20 years. While I was being verbally attacked by SD and her Husband, DH ran out the door telling me he didn't want to be in the middle. I gave him a choice of leaving. He chose to stay, and our marriage is better, but to this day 4 years later I still do not know whether he stayed for convenience or love. Sometimes this is unsettling. If I had it to do over again I would have never married him.
I have learned though to make myself MY top priority, involve myself with other things, think of SD as little as possible and for the most part have a happy life.
Let your partner be a BF if you want to, but until he realizes that his 'top priority' is the respect of his wife - by everyone - he is not worth marrying.
Chief you gave me huge
Chief you gave me huge insight with how my partner does things to be popular, well liked etc!
And not parenting! I have felt and believed this and Discussed this with him before, i have asked if "our" house will always be a flop house to his son and daughter to which he responds "yes!" as its not how he wants it but if thats the only opportunity he can have to spend time with his kids then he accepts it!
"what needs to change w/me
"what needs to change w/me (my thinking) in order to succeed in marriage (should we get married) do i just have unrealistic expectations of my partner and blended family."
In order to succeed in the marriage you are contemplating you'll need to adopt a doormat mentality. Enable his enabling. Have an open door and open wallet policy 24/7 concerning his adult children. Be okay with being the invisible behind the scene woman who does it all with no thanks. Accept the skids abuse. Oh and do all of this with a smile
Even in an intact family it's
Even in an intact family it's really hard to balance kids and marriage. Many marriages fail because one partner, (usually the man) doesn't feel like he's getting enough love and attention and looks elsewhere. Putting kids first all the time is a recipe for divorce. Somewhere along the line the dynamics of the family shifted and now the kids are what's most important rather than the lifelong marriages we saw from previous generations.
This topic reminds me of an article I read awhile back.
Great quote from Waldman, "If you focus all of your emotional passion on your children and you neglect the relationship that brought that family into existence... eventually, things can go really, really wrong,"
Thank you for the great
Thank you for the great wisdom! I believe you are so correct with what has been troubling me lately and I just havent been able to completely identify the issues i was thinking! Although when my partner and I had a discussion i was under the impression that yes i am to enable him and he said "when Ii (he)say something about my kids, i don't want you to interject, i want you to just say "oh that's nice" or "yes". I am basically not to say anything, unless its good!
But the real issue that brought this to a head for me was my daughters 15th birthday, my partner's son who was visiting for the week insisted on travelling in the same vehicle (he's 18 and drives) therefore making not enough room for my daughter's friend to "fit" in the vehicle, instead my partner says he will drive another vehicle and just meet us there, i suggested that the 18y/o and my son(7) who adores the 18y/o ride together and meet us there, my partner flipped and said "why should my son feel pushed out when he's only here for a week? To which I responded how does that make him feel pushed out? My daughter has insisted she wants her whole family there? My partner furiously responed with"if I say one more thing about his kid(s) i'm gone!"
I could not believe he said that and it was completely unjustified in my mind. Hence why we later had the above "talks". My partner is a great great guy but his lack of backbone is just devastating. Now he has asked me to back off his kids and not try so hard and see if they come to me, yet in the next sentence he asks me to go with him to go visit his kids in march, at this point im not interested in going.
^^^this is just crazy stuff.
^^^this is just crazy stuff. You're not allowed to talk unless he expressly gives you permission? Are you Edith Bunker? This relationship cannot survive. Really, it can't. The thing with the 2 cars was a whole 'nuther level of crazy.
Tell the guy you love him to pieces but you realize you can not conform to his idea of a partner. Sayonara. You'll be saving him the trouble of leaving you the next time you suggest something sensible like boys in one car/girls in the other to split up a crowd. And you'll be saving your self from having to hear this threat another time, "another 'attack' on my kids and I'm gone." Don't let the door hit your patootie on the way out, dude.
Really, op, this is some of the most overt and outrageous bio parent behavior I've heard on here. Usually it's "please give skid another chance, baby!" or "I had a talk with skid, she'll straighten up now," or "I do NOT favor my kids!" You've got a guy who flat out tells you to "shut it, Edit," and flies off the handle if you so much as utter a skid's name. Run. For. Your. Life.
**vent** The more I read
The more I read through my own posts i can see im really seeking some sort of a hint of validation in my feelings of "its ok to feel the way i'm feeling and to have the concerns i have with my partner" aren't I!??
I know what I have to do to put myself first or settle with being a doormat, I guess I am just scared that I will lose my relationship, yet why suffer and feel the way I feel for years to come" if i move out onto my own maybe I will get the respect I deserve, my relationship would deserve, and if not at least I can be grateful I didnt invest anymore time and energy into "hoping" the relationship would be respected, stronger and loyal.
Thx done venting! For now lol
Yes, you DO have a right to
Yes, you DO have a right to feel the way you do - and to have concerns with a partner who doesn't understand what is required for a good marriage. Why should you bend to his way of thinking, 'back off' and be a doormat for the rest of your life? Fortunately you did NOT marry this man. You can still have a relationship with him if you want. If you don't make it permanent it will be a lot easier to leave when you get so overly saturated with the B.S. - instead of being stuck with him because of finances.
I hear you op. It really is
I hear you op. It really is ok to have the concerns and feeling you are about your situation. Totally sucks that you've moved in together, shared your lives, been grandma, cared so much about him and his kids and get emotionally smacked around for being so selfless. In a way it's good that you've had this "trial run" because you get to see what life with him is really like. You may lose your (crappy) relationship if you move out on your own yet you will definitely lose your sanity and well being if you stay.
"maybe I will get the respect I deserve" Just wanted to say don't look to another person to "give" you respect. This is an inside job. When you respect yourself you won't tolerate these kind of situations or people who want to use and abuse you.
Focus on what's best for you and your minor children who still need a healthy whole mom.
***(What others said..) Do not marry this man! Even if you continue to cohabiting know that it will not get magically better because of a legal document.
Best wishes to you.
Thank you still learning! I
Thank you still learning! I agree whole heartedly its no better even tho his kids don't live with us! It is a thought i've had thinking to myself it is a trial run and I agree about the respect for self! I think this could also be why i've turned to this forum to air my concerns to bounce off others that can look at it unbiased, i agree that i would lose my sanity if this continues as his kids can do no wrong and he has just taken the attitude that he has given up on them changing or needing to be quite frankly decent! My partners kids do not treat me any different than my partners family, they all receive the same shitty disrespectful unappreciated attitude and lack of emotion, yet BM's family is gold in their eyes! Same thing happens my partner blames his family for the disengagement his family has from his kids and blames them for his kids not wanting to engage with them or appreciate the things they do. It's like everyone has done his kids wrong!I see it differently, I can understand why my partners family has little to do with them because I have first hand seen how thankless and unappreciative they are towards them. I don't know why my partner chooses to blame everyone else and ruthlessly defend his kids who manipulate, lie, steal and do so many other immoral behaviors. He just ostriches himself and continues to chase them, which fine, but I have no interest in chasing them anymore or "chasing the reward" that he seems to think he will get!
Oh my god chief! I could only
Oh my god chief! I could only dream of him saying something like "oh give my kid(s) one more chance etc!
My partner accuses me of not "doing" enough for his kids, or if i tell him it would be nice if your son said thank you once in awhile, he goes sideways and tells me how ungreatful my kids are to him and just attacks me! Whenever his children come to visit they get get catered too by my partner and if dinners ready and on the table at 5, my partner will text his kids to see where they have gone (in his truck) and ask them if we should wait for them to eat!? Ludracris! I get frustrated and he flies off the handle with me about how inconsiderate I am not to want to wait! *rolls eyes*
Lol! He really is a great guy
Lol! He really is a great guy very patient, caring, giving, compassionate as long as I don't say anything ~anything "realistic" about his kid's behaviour, which realistically i could handle its how he does nothing to improve the situation or how he does nothing with regards to them respecting our relationship. If i question his kid's behavior (i.e. a lie) in front of my partner,I do it in a diplomatic, polite way. My partner will defend his kid's lie or repeat the lie to me and try to get me to buy into the bs story. Or he will flip my reason for asking about the lie! And he says so we both know he's lying so what!!
I just find my partners response very unsettling for me.
Its so nice to be able to
Its so nice to be able to vent on such a neutral ground and gain insight and perspectives on my "situation". The reason I posted was after reading thru so many posts from posters!, I got thinking will my situation ever improve or does it get better. I realize people don't change unless they want too or they want to change their situation. Although I know my boyfriend loves me and is a great guy is that enough for me to "settle" for poor treatment due to his denial of how selfish and mean his kids are and how his priorities are messed up he would rather rock my boat then theirs! so be it, I shouldn't be accused of not doing enough or not being nice enough to his kids, i don't feel I should be punished or suffer his wrath when I state the obvious or try to hash it out for a solution., that I know for sure!
I have given and tried and done so much to try and lead his kids on a better path, only to learn that just recently on facebook my partner posted a comment to his daughter "oh be sure to tell canadiangirl3" and make sure you text her a thank you for the xmas stuff she sent for the baby! Of course she doesn't, I just find it irratating and patronizing to me! I know I am greatful he at least tried to make her in the very least acknowledge me, it just feels "off" or not genuine, I don't need to be thanked for stuff just shown common courtesy from my partner.
I don't want to bore everyone and be a wet blannket as the situation isn't going to change overnight or ever!
thanks everyone for "listening" (reading)!! You guys are great!!:):)
I have gone through this
I have gone through this thread ....... and honestly it was painful to read.
Canadiangirl, you really need to be strong, respect yourself and do what is best for you. Allowing your partner to blatantly treat you like this in front of his children and yours does nothing but damage to any future healing. The more you let him and his child stamp on your head, the more they will continue to do so, until you are way beneath the soil.
Like most stepmums on this site, the early stages of my relationship, when I wanted his children to like me, I put up with a whole lot of rubbish. I mean serious rubbish. At one stage my DH put his adult children on my car insurance so they could drive my car. It was his gift to me on my 40th so in his mind he thought it was okay. By the way, he did this without asking me. His children would not given greet me, they treated me and my son then 12 as if we were invisible. As I said that was a few years ago.
Having had enough of this kind of behaviour I decided enough was enough. I ended the relationship and decided to move back into my home (which I had rented out for years). When my DH actually saw that I was serious, a week before I moved, he pleaded with me to stay. We sat down and talked. I told him what my standards were and I was not going to be anybody's lapdog. He confessed that he felt guilty the effect his divorce had on his adult children and it was easier to deny it. That was 5 years ago. Now everyone knows there boundaries. Of course they SKs try every now and again. That last one was to have christmas at our house with their mother and them doing the cooking. This failed, as I told DH, no way.
In the process I learnt that everytime I spoke to DH about his children if it started on a negative note, instantly it would be denial or defensive on his part. So I make sure to always start on a positive note. Even when the delights thought it was a good idea for them and their mother to come to our house for Christmas. Once I start on a positive note, he is ready to listen and discuss. So far things has been only one way and it has been mine.
When I think of the years I
When I think of the years I suffered. The constant passive aggression behaviour of his children and my DH either never say it or turned his head. Had I had known, that strength and self worth was what was needed. I remember reading somewhere .... on it was in a book called 'stepmonsters' one wife saying she had a choice of being a doormat stepmom who everyone walked over or a strong bulldozer. I choose the strong bulldozer anyway.
If you partner is treating you like this now, I hate to see how he will treat you when you are married. If really need to stand your ground now.
Thanks Sammy! Its nice? I
Thanks Sammy! Its nice? I dont know if nice is the right word to use, i guess its just a way of saying its nice to know im not alone in my thoughts. My partners kids never address me when they visit or even acknowledge me. My partner always acuses me of walkkng out of the room or not acknowledging his son, I am polite but i figure why bother he isnt talking to me so i go about my day! This drives my partner to become annoyed with me!
I lived here with my partners son for 2 years (the son was still living here) I asked the boy why he has never said my name he just looked at me no response. I mentioned to my partner have you noticed so n so has never used my name! My partner just lOoked at me. To this day when the son comes for a visit he never says or uses my name! So bizarre!
My red flag went up back in march when the 22 year old came to visit. One night we were sitting out in the hottub in bathing suits and my partner leaned in to kiss me, just as he did that the 22 year old daughter open the door for a smoke, she dropped her smoke, huffed and stormed back into the house. No biggie to me, i thought, it was what my partner did that made me realize how submissive he is to her. He immediately jumped out of the hot tub sprang open the door and started calling her to come back out for her smoke!!! Its ok he said you dont have to run away blah blah, he later told me not to kiss him or be overly affectionate towards him as while his daughter was visiting in "our" house! I thought this was so sideways, yet im still here!!!
Thanks cat! And everyone else
Thanks cat! And everyone else who shared!
I realized I had a copy of the book stepmonster that i ordered awhile back i just had a nice relaxing bath and brought that stepmonster in with me:p excellent read! I am feeling much better now, meaning empowered and i feel i have a better handle on my situation, rather than feeling powerless, controlled, manipulated and just kinda beaten down! Thanks to all of you that have helped me see clearer, realistically, healthy!
It's interesting as all this shit happens how i suddenly just kind of realized how did i let this happen, how did i get here, how did i allow myself to be blindsided!
Reality glasses back on! Ready to stop my "helpless" ways and i am on a much healthy path to loving me again!! And leading by example for my children!
Let me get this straight?
Let me get this straight? :? :? :?
You: "my first priority is my children's emotional health, safety and stability will always be my first priority....."
DH: "(My partner said his) number one priority is his kids....."
And you are "shocked by that comment”. I am shocked at your shock. You are the one who clearly stated your kids were your priority and then your DH gave you the same message. No surprise in order IMHO.
You told him your kids come first and by default he is second and then you are hurt and offended when he responds that his kids are first and you are second" Really? :jawdrop:
You are both in a marriage doomed to fail if that is the perspective that you and your DH have IMHO.
My perspective is that the marriage and the spouse are always the unequivocal priority for both equity life partners. The marriage comes before spawn regardless of the biology of the spawn, grandspawn, etc….Certainly the top responsibility can and should be support of dependent children but the marriage is and should always be the unchallenged priority for both spouses. Grandspawn are the responsibility fo their own parents.
As far as you being called Grandma Vs. your first name, your DH nor your SD get to make that call. That is entirely your call. Minor children do not get to call me by my name. Depending on the kid in question is either "Dad", Uncle (Firstname), or Mr. (Last name). Never do I tolerate them referring to me by my first name. If their parents have an issue with that ... tough shit.