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No Way Without You Here!

sammigirl's picture

I am addressing all of you here on Steptalk. I could never do any of this without you!

My DH and I are moving back to our home State 2 weeks from yesterday. We have been through so much the past two years. It is going well and this is a very big step to improve our lives, after living here for 27 years.

As you all remember, I disengaged from my SD56 and SGD31 (mother/daughter), kicked my DH to SD's, filed for Protective Order and Property possession order; I shed tears and went through hell. You here on Steptalk have tolerated and listened to me and I WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE IT WITHOUT YOU. DH and I are beginning a new adventure and are very excited to make this transition.

I will be back on here in a few weeks to read and learn. You here will always be a part of my life, for one reason; I NEED TO STAY STRONG. I need your help to stay disengaged and work on the positive side of my life. Without you here, I don't know what I would have done.

Thank you so much!!!!

I will be back soon and read and chat with you.

sammigirl (skeeter)

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Great to hear from you skeeter/ samigirl. Yes please keep posting. I remember you.
I read everyday to stay strong too.
Safe journey on your move.

Acratopotes's picture

hey hey where are you going - no way you can leave us alone!!!!

yes you can take a break but never come back, oh hell NO - I will haunt you down Hon... you are my idol, I've noted all the things you told me to do via forums, I knew Aergia will be an adult skid one day..

sammigirl's picture

LOL....I will be back, because I can't be without all of you here! Steptalk is my rock!

sammigirl's picture

Hang in there! I love it here, because it is too easy to give in to the toxic behavior and this site keeps me thinking positive and moving forward.


sammigirl's picture

P.S. No more SD56 living 1 block away. Oh, yes, she will be in the town, where we move, because SGD31 lives approximately 10 miles from where we're moving. But I will NOT have to see her drive by every day or hear about all the drama in her life on a daily basis.

SD will text and call Dadeeeeee.....every day probably; but I DON'T CARE! She will have to put an effort into driving by our house now; it is at least 20 minutes off any main highways, to access our new home. Anyone visiting us, will have to intentionally be visiting, because it is a very private neighborhood and off to itself.

I am so excited! Can you tell?


Indigo's picture

You are just trying to avoid another winter here with it's silly drivers! Wink Safe journey. Check in when you can 'cuz we're going to miss you. Wow, what a great change.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is great news, and I hope the move takes you closer to your father as well. Your SD must be fit to be tied!

sammigirl's picture

Yes, I will be 30 minutes from my 100 yr. young Father; I am now 4 hours away from him. I am the closest sibling to help him. He still lives in his own home and is very independent and we are blessed with his sharp mind and good health. My Dad is very excited to have us much closer.

SD is bound to be fit to be tied; but she stays away from me and only calls and texts DH; with that said I haven't seen or heard a word from her. I do believe she finally figured out I am truly disengaged. Hopefully the peace will hold. SD and SGD will never give up, but it is so, so much better the past year.

My DH and I are very excited. We will be moving into our new home 2 weeks from today.

I'll be back here soon; keeping up my therapy here.
