Unofficial "stepmom"
As anyone who has read my blogs already knows, BM has a real problem accepting SD's life with her dad, me and her baby sister (and new sib on the way!) She is very insecure and jealous and tries to fill her head with nonsense all the time. Typical parental alienation. She hates us, so she wants her daughter to hate us too.
BM and my fiance separated 4 years ago and she filed for divorce about 6 months later. A year and a half after that, he and I got together after being close friends for about a year. Just a few months into our relationship, we were surprised by an unexpected (but not unwanted!) pregnancy. Turns out this little girl just really wanted to come into our lives because she came despite the protection we used!
At the time, we tried to be really sensitive to SD's adjustment to all this sudden change, as well as to BM's feelings, considering the divorce wasn't even final yet, even though they had been split up for 2 years. BM threw fits and we laid low, tried to give her time. Meanwhile, SD has wholeheartedly accepted the situation - she and I get along like gangbusters and although she was nervous about the pregnancy like any older sibling might be, she loves her baby sister from the bottom of her heart.
After almost 2 and a half years together, we decided to expand our family with another baby, just living our lives how we would if there wasn't an ex in the picture who refuses to officially become the EX. BM is still hell bent on acting like they're still a "family unit" and I'm some kind of homewrecker. She refuses to close the divorce and we haven't been able to afford a lawyer to do it ourselves. My poor fiance has tried on several occasions to close it on his own, but hasn't been successful. We're taking out a loan in the New Year to retain a lawyer because this has just gone on far too long.
My point in this rambling post is that BM forbids SD to call me her "stepmom" because we're not married. What is your opinion on this? We have been operating as a family unit for 2 and a half years and frankly, the day we get that marriage certificate, absolutely NOTHING will change in our household except for a piece of paper and how we pay our taxes. We are partners and spouses in every sense of the word... except legally. My "function" in the home is that of SD's stepmother, I am her sister's mother and her father's partner. Why can't BM get over it?
I really do try to put myself in BM's shoes, so I'm asking you all if I really should not call myself SD's stepmother (to her teachers, classmates, etc) until it becomes "official" on our wedding day. Is it wrong? Or is this just another way for BM to try to badmouth us to SD and to the world?
- Caitlin's blog
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God bless you!
Ditto on Fearless's saying she's nominate you for sainthood. BM is wacko!!!
And I think stepmom in training is perfect... that's what my SMIT stands for.
I joined this blog before DH and I were married seven months ago.
Happy New Year!
SMIT - so cute!
I didn't realize that. SMIT is just adorable!
The more I think about it, the more I like "stepmom in training" because it's cutesy and the more we keep it light and fun the better!
My ol pal Fearless strikes again!
Damn, you're good! You always know how to reassure me!
When SD brought up that her mom had instructed her not to call me her stepmom, I just asked her what she would prefer to call me. I said how about "Dad's fiancee" or "soon-to-be stepmom"? She just sat there looking pained, as if to say "Mom's not going to like either of those options." We all know that her Mom will only refer to me at THE GIRLFRIEND with giant emphasis on it as if I'm some kind of harlot. She just wants to minimize my role in the family, but guess what? She doesn't have that power because we won't give it to her!
I'll just go with "stepmom to be" even though BM will likely continue to cause a fuss over it. I will stand by it because like you said, it's the TRUTH and she can't deny it just because she doesn't *like* it!
Ah, I feel better.
My favorite was...
My favorite was when we were at a school event last year and she grabbed my fiance to introduce him to SD's friend's mom. Here's how it went:
My fiance walks past them with drinks for me and him.
BM: (grabbing fiance by the arm... TIGHTLY) Oh M, come meet Jan. Jan, this is my HUSBAND, M.
I approach. M is SPEECHLESS.
Me: Hi, I'm Caitlin, M's fi--
BM: (interrupting) Oh yes, this is Caitlin, T's mother. (our baby together)
Jan: (looking very uncomfortable and confused) Nice to meet you both.
Poor "Jan" kept giving me sympathetic looks because I think it was pretty obvious to her what BM was doing. We didn't even get a word in edgewise to correct her, but we didn't have to. I think people can see through her shenanigans. Thank GAWD.
Kill her with kindness
Kill her with kindness, that's what I always say! There's always a smile on my face even when I feel like puking inside!
Seriously though, if I continually give her no reason to be so awful towards me, she just makes herself look bad. She burns bridges left and right, so she's doing alright showing her true colors to people without any help from me. According to SD, she only has ONE friend - and she lives 800 miles away. How can she have no friends in her life? Oh right, because she's impossible to get along with! (Unless you live 5 or 6 states away, like her one friend.)
In all sense
You are the Step Mom, maybe not in the eyes of the law.. But you are in the sense of you take care of this little girl.
Ask K what she wants? Not what her mom wants or you want, but she wants and is most comfortable with.
This poor little girl is going to blow a gasket on her mom one of these days and I hope that you are there to witness it.. Because I think when all is said and done "K" is going to remember you, the sensible one who loved her and made her feel happy and stable and she will remember most of the bad about her mom vs the good.
If the BM could only talk to someone who could make it sink in. But apparently all the people she talks to feels the same way. or something.
I would say ask "K" what she wants...
Then you will have your answer.
K is conflicted
K is fiercely protective of her mother, so if you ask her what she wants, she just says miserably "I don't know" if it's not in line with what her mother wants. She doesn't want to bring on the wrath of Mommy Dearest, but she also really feels sorry for her and doesn't want to hurt her feelings.
Interestingly, K's therapist and BM's therapist are both trying to make it sink in that her behavior is going to backfire BIG TIME and she will push her own daughter away by her actions. She of course KNOWS they're wrong and she's the victim and blah blah blah so nothing's going to change there.
When she says that "everybody agrees" that "we're wrong" and we're "embarrassing K by coming to her school" etc, she's just making it up. Who in their right mind would say "oh yeah, that woman is terrible for coming to the school and showing her love and support for her fiance's kid!" Even if they DO "agree" with her, it's based on her lies, so how can you blame them?
Oops my post came after yours Caitlyn.
You did ask "K"...
Happy New Year, everybody!
The 3 or 4 people who bothered coming to work today are allowed to clock out early, so I'm outta here! I probably won't be on the computer for the next few days so HAPPY NEW YEAR!
May 2007 bring much happiness and peace to you all!
If it will make BM feel
If it will make BM feel better, Caitlin, then just play along and give her what she wants. Instead of calling yourself K's stepmom, then just call yourself HIS SEX GODDESS. I'm sure that will be MUCH easier for BM to swallow! ;°)
~ Anne ~
Try walking around with a
Try walking around with a feather boa and high heels... that might be pretty funny!
Another thing, maybe you can beat her to the punch and introducer her to people as... Hello, I'd like you to meet my husband's divorcee...