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What BM pulled this time

mediocrityrulesman's picture

The normal time to pick up SD (7) on Friday evenings is 5:30pm. Depending on my husbands work schedule, this works out just fine as long as they throw the other a text verifying the time. BM usually texts H between 2-4pm, usually saying ,'usual time?' Today, no text, not even at 5pm. It takes H 30 minutes to get where BM considers half-way. H didn't know what was gong on and he was still working. I'd get SD, but I don't have a friggin car. So, H texts BM, can they make it 6 instead of 5:30. BM all of a sudden has dinner plans which mos likely was her saying that her fagtastic fiancee has a show. (Let me just say, if WE pulled this B.S with her, she would freak out and say either we take her with us or meet her at the regular time.) H texts back something like, well, im still working, I need to make it 6. BM texts back, well, meet me towards (a town that would be even further) because if she went to the normal meeting spot, she'd be late, and SHE was still working herself (at home).........
So I told him to text back (being a smarty pants)that if she left now she'd still make it. lol. Nope, H cut his sh*t short and goes to meet BM. Waits there for 10 minutes until they show up at 6:15. Tell me that that makes sence.

I am sick to DEATH of BM being allowed to do whatever the hell she wants but once we need an extra hour until SD gets*t hits the fan. I really wanna slug her in the eyeball.


Sweatheart's picture

At least your hubby doesn't go running to her side at 2:00 a.m. at her beckoning call. believe me sister, it could be a LOT worse! This si the kind of BS culture we live in now. I am personally finding my own place and plan on NEVER getting married again. They are all IDIOTS.

steppie1999's picture

Don't ya hate it when they jump and run??
I know they do it for their kids but that's not the way BM looks at it...she thinks H's are still wrapped around their little fingers.


mediocrityrulesman's picture

it has been much worse than just that incident. Right now we're going through a pretty calm phase.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle

steppie1999's picture

Calm before the storm???