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Wow! The house across the street burned up this morning...

bewitched's picture

Thank goodness my son is still here; but he's being so hard on himself.

About 5:30 this morning, my son, who was sleeping in the basement, smelled smoke. Then he said he could see the shadows of flames dancing on the walls...he thought our house was on fire!

He came upstairs (I was sleeping away like a baby), opened the front door, and saw the house across the street on fire! He grabbed his cell to call 911...and was looking for his jeans to throw on and see if he could go help, when the guys who were staying there came running out of the house. Then he woke me. We watched as it burned, flames jumping up into the frozen winter night sky...took forever, it seemed, for the fire trucks to get there; and then the fire hydrant most have been frozen, as they had to drag the hoses all the way to Main street (two blocks) before they started putting water to it.

Anyway, everyone is ok. The house is a corporate house, where the flight for life crew stay when they are on shift. No lives were lost, everyone is ok, thank goodness. But my son, bless his heart, is so angry with himself for not immediately running over there and making sure everyone was out! I told him he had to have known, when the guys came running out, that they wouldn't just run out and leave their comrades to burn! But he's still down on himself over it.

For myself, I am so sad to see the house go. For one, I played there as a child. Second, with my dad's stroke, and my mothers COPD, I always felt a little more secure having EMT's staying right across the street, in the event I ever needed help in an emergency :sad:. But they're all alive and ok, that's the main thing.:smile:

Good grief. I am an insomniac...but once I do fall asleep, evidently I stay that way!


Sasha's picture

Your son did nothing wrong. He called 911, which was the right thing to do, then he looked for clothes to put on...totally appropriate. He can't go running outside in frigid cold in nothing but his skivvies.

I'm just glad to hear that no one was injured and there was no loss of life.

Really-ImTrying's picture

the other night that documented how people react in emergency situations. Some ridiculously low number of people (like 10% of the population) actually do anything. The VAST majority of us just freeze. The fact that he moved at all is a testament to his character. Good for him!!

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

What a sweet heart your son is. You tell him that he did his best and he can rescue me anytime from a burning house.

Thank God that at least no one was hurt.

Chel Bell's picture

before "acting" was the right thing to do first. That insured help was on the way. He's a young man who can think on his feet, insted of going into panic. He should feel proud of himself. I'm glad everyone was ok."~waiting on the world to change~"