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Rosedeer1's picture

So we got the decision from the courts and I just wante to let all of you know who have been keeping track that DH won placement so it is split custody with placement with Dad and she sees SS every wed. 4-7 and EOW which is amazing to take that from a BM but my DH is amazing. So thank you to all of your support and I hope now my SS will be happy not to mention I hope we no longer have to pay 150 a week I hope this means she has to pay us, that would be great. I am sad to say it makes me sooooooooooo happy knowing this is going to kill her, not losing her son but losing him to me will eat at her every day, she only gets to see him 8 days out of a month that is awesome for us and finally a great victory for great dads everywhere!!!


Rags's picture

A win for a family. That is truly great and inspirational news.

My regards to all of you.

Enjoy your new family dynamic and celebrate with that very fortunate young man.

The Principlist's picture

Having been there myself, my only advice to you is work to make your family a strong, happy, balanced unit. THAT in and of itself will drive BM bananas. It will make her physically sick to see you guys happy and interacting and her kid happy without her. I don't mean to purposely do these things to hurt her, I mean that by doing these things that will be a gift in and of itself. I will warn though that once BM sees things going well and SS being able to enjoy himself without her, she will try every trick in the book to upset balance in your home. She will say mean and nasty things to SS about you and DH or will play with SSs emotional health. Our BM is the master at playing the victim. She had brainwashed the kids into believing that we were these evil people that took them from her. That caused constant chaos in our home. Their attitudes changed towards DH and I and things were just strained. Once we got to the root of the hostility we tried to reassure the kids, but it wasn't until they were old enough to begin to rationalize for themselves that they started seeing things with clear-er eyes. The kids are now 12 and 13 and we still have moments like that, but they are less and less.

Congrats again. Now the hard part starts, but you can do it.

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be most painful. ~ME :->

Most Evil's picture

Now you have a way to set expectations, rules and rewards and apply them consistently without BM undermining you (as much). I think that is key to establishing a stable home life for your SS. Congratulations, this is great news!!!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

imagr8tma's picture

congrats on your ss getting out of a bad situation. Hope it all goes well.

SM#1's picture

this is a much better situation for you and SS. I know things will turn around for you. Just being without the stress of being at BMs whim.

Don't worry you won't have to pay support anymore. This will help you out financially as well. But I am not sure what she will pay for support. With BMs to DH it usually is nothing or not much of anything.

But thats ok you are still ahead the $600 a month, right?

stepmasochist's picture

I hope you guys all have an easy time adjusting to the new situation.

Best of luck!