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Birthday plans squahed

cinderella777's picture

So I made it clear to dh that I wanted an adult bday..maybe a night out or day in a hotel. Which we desperately need alone time too. It's our week but I asked him to ask the mom to take her kid for one day. He ALWAYS obliges mom's every request to change days on her birthday and Any other day. Literally always.

I went to nail place hoping to come back and go somewhere. It's a big bday.. My 45th. Kid is here. They gave me a lovely gift and cards so I feel guilty but I'm so mad inside. I bet he didn't even ask the precious mom and she's playing innocent like she didn't know

Rags's picture

Yet again we have the dreaded ball-less wonder non-man virus strike in the blended family universe.

Happy birthday!!!

Take care of you.

cinderella777's picture

LMAO I so needed that laugh. So, I asked him when are you going to ask the BM if she can take her tonight (if he leaves it too late , he'll have the perfect excuse to say no because it's last minute) and he said.... Soon. It's like he wont' do it which makes my blood boil. I don't know if he's scared or what. What am I in the twilight zone up in here??? Ughhhh I feel like a baby, but i'm so annoyed

catsmom01's picture

Yup. Take care of YOU. Next year, make the plans yourself and DH can either make plans for his kid or stay home alone.

cinderella777's picture

I don't know if there will be a next year with this shit. I can't stand the fact that the ex (in my mind) takes priority over me.

cinderella777's picture

Well it ended up shocking. Dh DID ask bm and she picked up kid and left her with grandparents so we ended up going out by 8pm. Had a nice night. I guess I was wrong.

As for step..They surprised me with a cake. Dh said she knew I didn't want her for my bday so I explained to her a heart felt sentiment that it was not personal just a grown up bday. She said and I quote.. 'yeahhh. I really don't care. Just stop talking. I just want cake'
So I said well I don't want you to feel rejected she said 'just close your mouth' I just want cake. Wowwww. Such a rude mouth but dh always says it's due to divorce. Sigh. Bratty. So kid issues continue

Anyway had a pretty good night. Dh made me a lovely collage photo frame with all my pets and family in it. That was sweet.
Our communication is still the same (terriblej but that was a thoughtful gift