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DH expects me to care for SS but then says I'm beig unfair

LindsayJ's picture

DH has been driving me crazy lately! He expects me to watch SS feed him bathe him make him mind be his caretaker while he's here. That's not my problem. My problem is if he hears me tell SS what to do or tell him he's in trouble he acts like I'm being unfair or mean to him. This is not true at all. I just expect him to mind and half te time he asks DH a question if he can do something DH says to ask me. Drives me nuts!! He told me not to punish him anymore bc I'm being unfair bc he was lying to me and I knew he was and I told him I didn't believe him and he jumped down my throat! Well don't leave me alone with him to watch him and be "mommy" if you think in unfair or incapable!! I just wanna knock his head off sometimes. My SS loves me tells me this all te time even sticks up for me to his daddy and tells him I'm not mean to him. But DH acts like that and it drives me insane!!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Stop taking care of him. Your husband cannot have it both ways. Either you are a parent figure or not. You are not a "cafeteria parent" where your husband can pick and choose your duties.

LindsayJ's picture

Well that's what I told him if he feels I am unable to parent him then stop leaving me alone with him!! Until then keep his mouth shut!! I am not being unfair. It's unfair to me to expect so much of me for nothing and then I get instead of thanks I get yelled at for doing it wrong. I'm sorry when the child lies about 75% of what comes outta his mouth how can I believe him.