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I am so p'od

mommy_2003's picture

My husband went yesturday for his visitation with sd and BM actually agreed to try and talk things out without court. My sd agreed that she lied about me calling her names and admitted that I wasn't mean to her and the reason that she doesn't want to come here is because she feels left out and doesn't have her own room. She is the only child at her mom's house and she lives with her she is used to being the center of attention. We have a 4 year old and a 10 month old baby here too. My husband said she started crying and saying that she misses doing things with me...he said it like he wanted me to feel sorry for her. I asked him if he remembered the last time she was here and I asked her if she wanted to go shopping with me...she rolled her eyes and said no and he was like oh, it's because she was having these problems...wth? I swear, everyone makes excuses for this girl..It's so annoying. She also doesn't like her therapist so they are going to find her a different one. BM is such a idiot, she doesn't understand that therapy isn't going to do anything unless they change the way they treat her at home. They treat her like a little princess that does nothing wrong and then when she goes out into the world and nobody else treats her like that...she assumes that they are mean and starts crying to BM. I think she just needs to get her *ss beat a couple times. So once again sd gets away with making up a bunch of lies and is not held accountable.
On a positive note though, they did come to a conclusion. She will only come the 2nd weekend of the month and my husband will go see her one day during the week...The cs will go up a hundred dollars...which I can live with. We are
going to my inlaws house on Sunday morning and he is picking her up...
so the first time I see her since she made all this stuff up will be with people that kiss her little butt. I should stop at a liquor store on my way there... Smile
Sorry, so long...I just had to vent.

StepLightly's picture

Yep, stop at the liquor store on the way and remember, that the 100 bucks a month will be the best expenditure out of everything;)