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More Great BM Logic...

shenanigans's picture

SD9's soccer team has a Facebook page, we are friends with the team and we also set up a Facebook account under SD's name, so she could follow the team on her IPad.(Note: that is SD's only friend on Facebook and she doesn't even know her login/password; we keep her logged in all the time on her Ipad)

DH and I have a Facebook page together and have always kept our privacy level high as we both have ex's. You can't search us and friend request us, we must friend request you.

Anyway, BM this week becomes friends with the soccer team sees DH and I's Facebook page, blocks us from her page, but leaves SD's Facebook page unblocked.

How do I know this you ask....because I didn't see BM when I looked at soccer team's Facebook from my tablet, but did see BM when I looked from SD's Ipad.

So here is the great BM logic... OMG I must block my horrible ex husband and his horrible wife from my Facebook page, but let me leave my daughter's Facebook page that I didn't even know existed unblocked.

SM logic, you stupid hag, if I really gave a sh*t about your stupid Facebook page, I could still see it from your daughter's Facebook account!

SM logic trumps BM logic!!!

Bonus points...our profile picture is the motorcycle that Hag tried to get in the divorce!

Lalena75's picture

This works the same for Biodad and gf logic. Only exh had a moment where he realized he couldn't see any of the pictures I posted of our dd he unblocked me still can't see my stuff because I have my page locked down but he can now enjoy our daughters page. His gf britches she can't see whole conversations, or the pictures uh you have me and my bf blocked that's why. I'm so very okay with that though. If dd thinks I should see a post or pic exh gf posts my dd just shows me her page.

lil_lady's picture

So your upset that BM blocked you on FB? I would hope you wouldn't use SD's facebook page to spy on her but ok...

shenanigans's picture

Please re-read my post, I never said I was upset, or that I would use SD's FB to "spy" on BM.

What I said was that I found it funny that she felt the need to block DH and I, but leave SD's FB
(that was set up for SD to see her soccer team's page only and that BM didn't even know existed until she saw SD's FB on the soccer team's page) unblocked. I mean think about that makes no sense!