Skids xpensive CHRISTMAS LIST - BM tells skid to ask your father for help - so bm and Dh can pay half each....HUH????? HELP
DH had a phone call from SS12 a couple of nights ago...saying good night and other sloppy make me throw up stuff....Im thinking 'sounds like he is buttering his dad up for something here' as DH was saying goodnight, SS said 'mum wants to know if....(the rest I couldnt decifer)
Although it sounded like buy this or that, and DH answered with ... 'well we will see....Ill look into it'
Hmmmm... Im wondering, what is this about....and of course after DH finished on the phone NOTHING IS SAID!....shit that pisses me off...
Anyways....sneaking thru his phone mssgs whilst he was still asleep this morning - SS12 had sent txt which says
' can you at least tell me an amount that you can put in for my christmas present'?
Now I cant be sure but it sounds like the little shit has been told off the slag bm that she cant afford his 'wish list' and to ask your dad if he can put in some money to help buy it for you'
so in other words.... DH and BM will be putting their money together to buy the ungrateful SS12 a xmas present.
Im sorry but I really dont like this - any of you like to comment...or at least give me some ideas on what to do next? Please
ss12 lives with the crazy bitch bm 100% of the time...the kids arent allowed around here bc Im a - woteva...u name it - Im it!!
How are they not allowed to
How are they not allowed to be around you? There's no CO in place?
How does DH feel about it? He's paying support but not able to see his kids? I'm sorry...I couldn't get past that part...can you clarify that, cause I have 2 different responses depending on the aforementioned questions...thx
The CO states that DH has
The CO states that DH has skids 3 nights a week, tues, thurs and sat....or if some other deal has been sorted between DH and BM .
But BM has 100% say on what goes.
skids used to be here all the time...and we payed the bitch her CS.... but eventually BM got jealous that the skids were enjoying have a mom and a dad as parents - cos at her place there is a mom and a mom....and so the PAS started...she is trying to prove that the lesbian household works better than ours I expect...
btw it dont worry me they aint here...and as the 2 skids ss are very delinquent, the oldest one is planning my murder...DH seems somewhat happy too.
Interesting agreement... Well
Interesting agreement...
Well if we were in this situation, I'd tell ss that you have a set budget for his Christmas gifts and they are for use for when he visits...
Check out THIS tackiness!!
Check out THIS tackiness!! GG's (biodad I live with) ex MIL, the Wookie, had the audacity to ask GG for money so that they could "buy a gift for us on the skid's behalf"
And get this!!! When I told GG that was the most tacky thing I have EVER heard of, GG got mad at ME for calling the saintly Wookie tacky!!! And guess where that money would have come from? That's right. . .ME!! Because at the time, GG was having ALL his pay direct deposited to the Behemoth with not one red cent to me!!!
your right...I sound
your right...I sound terrible...
Ill just let the DH and BM pretend they are still sharing the hell.
I guess why Im so annoyed is that BM will try on a weekly basis to get the skids to call or txt their dad asking him to buy them things..nothing they need just a heap of crap...cos some other kid has it they think they should get should see the stuff lying in the basement...they have had everything..This has been going on for used to occur in front of me, now its done by the secret txts or phone calls...
DH plays the guilty dad and provides money for what eva the brats ask for...(but really its the BM asking them to ask their father...and she mentions how he should be doing more for his sons.) Besides this...I think my DH needs a reality check...stop giving your kids everything they ask for...its bad for them.
whilst DH does this...we go short. I dont believe in using the credit cards after the weekly money is gone so Im trying to stop the ex divorced bitch from gaining the complete access to her ex husbands wallet for the sake of him...and me and my kids...
ex bitch cant cook - eats out every night...she has complete control ova the two kids who are now so grossly overweight they look embarrissing and she tells them to act up when they are here...
"ex bitch cant cook - eats
"ex bitch cant cook - eats out every night...she has complete control ova the two kids who are now so grossly overweight they look embarrissing and she tells them to act up when they are here..."
You too, eh?
IM convinced its a bit of
IM convinced its a bit of both...
the skids have neva been brought up properly....all they know is ' whoever is paying and giving me the best time is where Im at'
But the non age appropriate request tells me its a scheme worked out by the BM...done to make us look bad in the eyes of skids and whoever else will listen,,,,,mil sil etc...when we say no...
The Behemoth basically would
The Behemoth basically would say "go ask (insert GG's first name)" when they would ask for:
1. ATV
2. motorcyle (real one)
3. flat screen TV
4. anything outrageously expensive
Umm Behemoth, I'm sure you find this all funny knowing that it would be more lucrative for me to live with the local paperboy seeing that GG brings home less money than said paperboy after being sodomized by you via CS.
Oh yeah and the "sing songy" honey and syrupy voice that GG uses when speaking to his feral peccories. Just yesterday he described his PASed out spawn as his "three beeeauuuuuutiful children" again and I nearly threw up in my mouth.
Oh I remember those days well:
GG: (answering so quickly it practically burns his hand from the friction created by his mad dash to the phone) "HI HOOOONNNNEEEEEEEEEY!"
Prince Hygiene SS at the time 6 1/2: (dispensing with any formality like greetings as he needs to get to the point) "When can you buy me my motorcycle!!???"
GG: "Honnneeeeeey I got you a remote control motorcycle, remember?"
Prince Hygiene: (getting noticeably aggravated) "I want a REAL motorcyle AND an ATV; when are you gonna get me those?????!!!" (sounding demanding and getting louder)
GG: "We had to get rid of the ATV, remember b/c you and your sister and brother were breaking it and not following daddy and Auteur's rules"
Prince Hygiene: "I want an ATV NOW !!" [CLICK!!]
(Sound of Prince Hygiene violently hanging up on GG)
Auteur.... You and I both
You and I both know where the idea of the motorcycle and ATV came from...
or lets say the child decided thats what he wanted....a decent mother would bring the child back down to earth and explain why we dont expect presents like that...
but oh no...not our BM's....heres another way to make us the SM look like the biggest bitch...and another way to make the DH loose credibility in the eyes of the children...
pyscho slags!!
in fact....Im think I just heard her say...(well grossly overweight sweet child of mine...If I were you I would be getting in real quick and organise your christmas presents off your father and that aussie slut he married cos if you dont...theyll be giving you nothing, cos the money will be spent on the aussie sluts drug addicted sons and the daughter of the devil alchoholic
lol Auteur - your post
lol Auteur - your post cracked me up. I too would probably be better off financially if I lived with the local paperboy. I finally told DH that I wanted a specific amount of money from him per month, we'll call it rent, that gets paid to me before CS, period. That way when the Pox's (our BM) nephew needs a new Ipod, DH doesn't rush to buy it for him while I foot all the bills at the house.
Ha ha, just before Prince
Ha ha, just before Prince Hygiene PASed out (hopefully for good) two years ago, he was making his xmas list on the weekend of 9/12/09!!!
I actually appreciate when
I actually appreciate when the skids make a list. We don't have to guess what they want. We always throw in something that's not on the list too. I actually already bought SD19 one of her Christmas presents. We were in this cute little shop while on vacation, and there was a picture she really liked. I asked her if she liked it enough for me to buy it as a Christmas gift...she said yes. That's one less thing we have to buy at Christmas.
I think christmas lists are a
I think christmas lists are a self indulgant thing....
I never told my kids to make one....I always taught them to appreciate what is given to them otherwise they may end up with Im extremely embarresed that these little skids of mine write a their mother, and another to their father...and expect everything on the list???
Fair enough if they were still married....the mother and father can discuss what they are getting...but they are divorced...Im the one going out buying the presents in this family....together with my husband.
I feel both DH and I have the right to discuss what amount we will spend on christmas presents...last year them skids came over around 1030, opened their presents...left them on the couch and floor then left again about an hour later...
NO THANK YOU, nothing....One of the skids complained that he got another football shirt...(HORROR HEAD...IT WAS ON YOUR LIST)
These gifts are still lying around this house...
to sum it up....too much has been given to these kids for too long that they now expect more and more to feel normal...wait till they experiement with will give them the same high...and they will get drawn in further and further...
Well obviously the little 12
Well obviously the little 12 year old who has everything has been walking around the malls with his mom, thats where they go to fill up on their fast food all weekend, and he sees something...propably an iphone 5 and put the whine in his voice to his mamma asking if he could have one...and she says...maybe for xmas but I dont get enough money off your daddy to buy this for you...then she says...'but just for you sweetie...ill put half of the money in and you ask your daddy to put in the other half' then its all yours for xmas????
I am thinking now she is just trying to get at me and drag out more money off my husband yet again...she should be guiding the skids into whats appropriate at xmas..which is giving...not getting...or should I say...demanding what to get...
Holly know what she is doing...PAS STRATEGY...keep up the momentum...seee how horrible daddys new wife is...she was the one who has said no. She stopped your daddy putting money into a lovely present for you....or see how horrible the two of them are...they couldnt care less about you or a lovely present for you for xmas...stay with mommy
fn bitch
And ya know what? Having
And ya know what? Having skids that are PASed out ain't the worst thing in the world. Especially if they were as horrid and manipulative as my skids!!
Now if only GG would go into "oh well that was a 10 year mistake that I made so I'll just start a new with a new life"
Nope. He goes into pining sessions. Now if his kids were as good as gold, yeah I could see pining after them. But his youngest literally shit over my entire house on purpose. The hang up calls; the disrespect; the daughter at the time 9 years old calling him "stupid." Seriously I would say "if I ever see you again it'll be TOO SOON!!"
Yeah the BM is behind all of this but there comes a point when they KNEW what they were doing was wrong. They even ADMITTED that they "lied to the CPS people to make Mommy happy" and that "Mommy TRIED to make daddy look like a monster!!"
And they STILL beer bonged the PAS koolaid. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.
yeap the hang up calls....and
yeap the hang up calls....and then the calls where the little shit says to me
no fn hello, no who it nothing....just an attitude of 'i hate you and i wish you didnt ansa my phone call and i dont want to talk to u....this is my dads phone and yoou shldnt ansa"
I love your ideas.... I think
I love your ideas....
I think I will do just that and speak with DH about christmas ... we are the parents at the end of the day so we are the ones making the adult decisions about the spending...
Im going to introduce an idea which will see the kids getting some of the absolute crap out of this basement, wrapping it and giving it to a child in need...and they can go into the organisation concerned and give it to them persoanally so they can actually SEE how hard done by some kids are...
I will tell Dh to make an announcement that we wont be spending excessively on xmas this year.
I like the idea of giving kids $50 each and that they need to use this money to buy other people presents with....and they need to wrap them and they need to make sure everyone sees what they have brought....
Last year the skids demanded their father take them to the mall for hours on end to look for presents...most of the time was spent sitting in the food courts as the skids stuffed their faces with junk food....I complained as we had other things to we went home then had to take them there again the following presents were brought...they just stuffed their faces with food yet again.
We have the same thing going
We have the same thing going on over here, only SS12 is asking for a new laptop just because. I talked DH into giving SS12 his laptop when we bought a new one. The hard drive broke (probably because the Pox was using it to troll dating sites and picked up a virus (one other than the many venereal viruses she picked up)). Of course BM can't fix the laptop - she only has the strength to work 30 hours a week and is sooooooo broke. So I take SS12 to Best Buy to see if we can get it fixed. Now he calls DH nightly to ask for a new laptop. Apparently the Pox's laptop is crashing so she is setting these calls up so that they will have a "family laptop" over there. Over my dead body. Maybe SS12 can stop calling his dad a dumbass on the phone and calling repeatedly for 3 hours when DH is at work first. SS12 has also been asking about our insurance and getting braces. We'll pay for braces when the Pox pitches in her half of the payment. I promise he isn't getting them on my dime.
same same...braces...I have
same same...braces...I have been told we paid nothing but I betcha we did....
These skids are not brought up with manners at all....I am so annoyed at the way they call and call and txt and txt in a bit to get immediate attention off their fathers....they dont want anything in particular but love to call whilst he is at work...
In fact, when my husband goes away he cant turn his phone on to receive calls from me as the brats keep bombarding him with craps and demands....
I shake my head and completely understand why dh loves me so much....I dont demand, nor do i keep calling, nor do I demand to know where he is and 'wheres my xbox' -
And I will continue to tell these skids that using a phone in that manner is not right...I dont care what they say back to me....and I dont care what they think of me....someone has to guide them on whats right and whats wrong
What the heck is up with
:O What the heck is up with these kids (my SD9 as well) bleeping asking for Christmas crap in Sept/Oct? I cracked up when I read the part you wrote about your DH getting off the phone and saying nothing to you. That shit drives me crazy too!!!!! My DH does that.
My SD9 came home from school the other day talking about all the things she wants for Christmas. I said "Honey, it's okay to want some things, but Christmas is 3 months away and we're not spending the next 3 months talking Christmas presents."
Last year, against my wishes, my DH bought her a bike. The reason it was against my wishes is that she already had a bike and never rode it. I was right. She's been on it 1 time for 10 minutes and then came back inside. I hate that bike everytime I see it in the garage. Plus, she has a bike at her mom's house who lives close by. The amount of material things kids get from all the extended family during the holidays makes me so jealous. Everyone is busting their ass in this economy to cover expenses and these little brats want iphones??? My SD9 has better technology than me. Good luck to her mom when she starts sexting in 3 or 4 years. Won't be my fault. I don't think they should have these things anyway.
Back in my early, naive days
Back in my early, naive days of step-fatherdom, I was really into the "arms race" when it came to getting toys for the skids, trying to out-do "peferct" bio-daddy. At that time, I was foolish enough to think that it mattered to them. I mean, I knew that I could never measure up to their "perfect" bio-dads, but I thought that if I was a loving step-dad, who spent time with them AND got them nice presents, that they might care. NOPE. IT NEVER MATTERED.
No matter what I got them, it carried no weight. One year DW and I spent HOURS and HOURS looking for the "hot toy" of the year for SD. After many trips to Toys 'R Us, Wal*Mart, and the mall, we finally found one. Of course I paid for it (over $150.00 for this one item). On Christmas day, SD opened her present, played with it for five minutes, then went to her "perfect" bio-daddy's house for his Christmas visitation. When she came home, she never touched the toy again. We ended up giving it away.
In hindsight, it was foolish to think that I could compete with the bio-daddies, either in terms of a loving relationship, or even just materially by getting them presents. I haven't spent a penny on the skids in years, and I never will again. I would literally set the money on fire before buying those ungrateful heathens a single thing.
^^^^^THIS ^^^^^ DW and I have
^^^^^THIS ^^^^^
DW and I have the same arrangement. She handles all of the expenses for her "precious angels," and I cover the main housing expenses, plus my costs. It works MUCH better this way.
IMHO, the only way to be able
IMHO, the only way to be able to disengage from stuff that involves money is to have separate accounts and pre-negotiated contributions for necessities.
I had to do this with my ex-DH because he was stealing money from our joint account to give to SD and falsifying the entries in the checkbook to cover it up.
Separating our finances forced him to choose between himself and his daughter when he wanted to dole out money. An unintented consequence was that when HE had to sacrifice he was much less generous. Funny how that worked out.
I think my main concern stems
I think my main concern stems with these skids...that live with their mother all the time....and never come and see their father (because of me)...seem to think they can design their christmas as it used to dad feels like they are scheming up something behind my back...I really feel left out...
I just wish I could fly back home to my family for xmas and leave the DH to his miserable little skids - then fly back once all the craps been dealt....
I love a xmas where its stinkin hot and humid - I could go to the local bar, catch up with all my friends and not have to deal with them selfish horrible skids....