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'take me out dad by myself' demands the spoilt brat to his father

liks's picture

A week ago the horror skid 14 txts the father (my DH) this 'YOU SAID YOU WOULD TAKE US SOMEWHERE THIS WEEK SO WHEN ARE YOU'?

I actually found this txt on my DH's phone and he has told me nothing about his intention to 'take this spoilt selfish delinquent child' anywhere....DH had refused to take them anywhere due to their disgusting accusations towards me, my kids, and all my DH's family....

any ideas on how this should be handled.....DH has no idea I saw this txt....but Im worried that he is going to just 'spring' it on me as he is driving home from work that he has the 'guilty dad' syndrome and will be taking the spoilt fugly fat brat to some bullshit expensive kiddies place....

Poodle's picture

It hugely depends on where you are in your relationship with DH. Personally, from where I am with mine, I would be tempted to say nothing and wait to see exactly when DH tells you about the text or not. If he tells you soon and asks to confer, great. If he says nothing but appears to have killed the request by silence, good on him, and possibly good that he spared your feelings too. If he says nothing then either springs something unilateral on you or sneaks off without telling you, there is work to be done on the marriage -- which is the important aspect of all this for you.

liks's picture

Very wise words poodle....Im doing exactly as you are....waiting for him to say something.....he and I have discussed how selfish these skids are and he refusers to back down to their demands...besides...he didnt even say ill be taking you somewhere...they asked and I guess he may have suggested maybe next DH would never commit....geez I cant even get him to commit to where we are going for dinner...?