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SS12 acts like he is 3!

Stepmom_of_4's picture

Okay...So, I know that at 12 kids are moody and have an attitude! I am ready for that and that I can handle, but isn't there a major difference between having an attitude and acting like a 3 year old?
Let me start from the beginning...we have had a lot of trouble out of SS12 the last few months, bad grades, disrespectful to teacher, problems with other students...blah blah blah. I had been fussing about his behavior for months and BM and DH acted like I was just making all of this awful stuff up about their precious son...right up until the school started complaining!
So, then they decided to take control and ground him from everything.... which basically works for a week and doesn't the next.... but the last two weeks (week 1 was Spring Break- and SS12 spent the entire week with us) he has been a much better child. He was helpful, respectful and acted mature! I was very impressed.... then he spent the last weekend at BM's.... and today when he came back to us.... he acted like he was three... started fights with the younger Step kids, wouldn't do anything he was asked... huffed & puffed... rolled his eyes.... walks away when your talking to him.... THROW TEMPER TANTRUMS like a child. Not in front of DH though... and BM acts like I am making it up!
How do I deal with a 12, almost 13 year old that acts like he is 3?

trulove99's picture

can you euthanize 12 year olds? if your really just putting him out of his misery it should be ok! in case you're crazy, thats a joke_don't put ss to sleep im pretty sure its illegal.