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SD 18 1/2 who has not lived in our home for nearly a year as she runs around behaving like trailer trash, dragging us through the mud to anyone who will listen just texted me asking if she can come over and do her laundry because the washing machine at her boyfriends house (who is a loser and has no job or car and lives with his loser parents) is broken. There is a laundromat within walking distance of where she is currently living. Mind you, the only time she contacts us is if she needs something. Two weeks ago she wanted $600 to get her car out of impound and pay her car insurance (which we flat out said no). Its like she's oblivious to all that she has done to us. When she was home all she did was lie, manipulate and steal. I saw her Facebook page today and I can't believe how she talks! She tells everbody her name and "that she is f***ing amazing and if you don't think she is f***ing amazing then you can eat d**k". And thats only part of the vulgar paragraph. She had family members on there and past teachers and has no shame. She was raised in a warm and very loving environment and never wanted for anything. She was given a great education and we offered over and over to pay for college.

Well after I text her back "Um, no. Go to the laundromat up the street". She sends me a text back and says "that someday we will regret how we treat her"! I'll be damned if she's coming over to our house and washing her laundry (and probably her loser boyfriends) after how she continues to behave. She has told outrageous lies about my DH. She stole all of her savings bonds from her grandmother and told her that her dad took them. She used them to get numerous tattoos and piercings. They were her college bonds;$1500 out the window.

Sorry, I just had to do some major venting. I feel like she is trying to set us up to be there in case she wants something and has no real love or respect for us as her parents. Personally, I wish she would just leave us alone. My DH is beyond disgusted and doesn't answer the phone anymore when she calls. I don't blame him.

KDD's picture

Yes we did Foxie lol. We are hardworking and honest people. I don't think that we have to just deal with her and her bs for the rest of our lives. Her behavior is disgusting and she hasn't changed a bit since she got up in her dads face cursing and said that she was moving out and wasn't going to live in "this prison" anymore. She then went and told everybody that we kicked her out and that her dad slammed her against the wall. Complete lies. All she does is lie and lie and lie some more. I actually think she believes herself to be a poor little victim and that everybodys just being so mean and unfair to her. I can't even begin to tell you all of the horrible things she has done and said. We have a 10 yr old son to raise that is the total opposite. He's sweet and thoughtful and doesn't deserve the chaos. He misses her but I just can't have her around him acting and looking the way she does.

KDD's picture

Yes, I am thankful that my husband sees her for what she is. I'm still totally floored that after all the effort we put into her all these years, that she's turned out this way. It really has given me a whole new perspective about not automatically blaming the parents and sometimes people just turn out this way no matter how much love and support you gave them growing up.

She seems to think that after all she has done to us that she is still entitled to help when she wants it. She's 18 and left our home and chose not to go to college, so we are not obligated to do anything for her anymore. She not only burned the bridge, she turned around and pissed on it too and still has the nerve to ask for things and says that we are mean to her and treat her bad. I just can't even wrap my mind around that thought process.