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What would you do?????????

limesup's picture

ok so here goes. Needing advice - this weekend is my SO's weekend and his kids always have soooo many things they do it is crazy. Seems like I am just a taxi service. On Sunday night there is a Christmas program at the chucrh they attend with their mother. I do not want to attend. Last year it was terrible. Everytime there is an event sports, school whatever there is always so much tension. This past year has been horrible with BM, his mother, and the oldest kid that is spoiled bratty and so entitled and hardly ever comes to see her dad.

Over the past 5 years, he has missed things they are involved in because he was going and doing his hobbies, BUT I went even if it was not his weekend. I guess you could say that a lot of resentment has built up. I do not want to attend this thing and be miserable. I want to stay home and watch football and be happy!

He will be very angry, but I'm almost to the point of not caring or telling him exactly how it is. What would you do? I know that this has come up for many of you and there is always good advice on all kinds of things on here, so I thought I would ask before the big discussion later!

jumanji's picture

I could see if he was going, and upset that you wouldn't join him. But HE won't even go? Hell no.

limesup's picture

Oh yes!! He hunts, fishes, traps, etc... and has missed things. I have been home alone with them against the BM's wishes while he goes and does. I want to just be honest and say I'm not going I'm wathcing football have a nice time and keep your mouth shut

Willow2010's picture

I want to just be honest and say I'm not going I'm wathcing football have a nice time and keep your mouth shut
Then do this. You realize what an ass he would be if he actually gets mad at you for this right?

asnoraford's picture

If he has no problem going off and doing his own hobbies while the kids are there and doing their activities, then you should be very curious as to why he'll be upset that you are choosing to do the same. There is no reason to feel guilty that you are giving yourself the same break that he has given himself all this time. And there is nothing wrong with reminding him that you did support him all the times he wanted to do something instead of being with his kids, this weekend you will be doing something while he is with his kids.

Also, that is his ex - so any drama with her needs to be dealt with by him, not you.