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Overwhelming Family Time...

chzcayke's picture husband has a daughter and she's 11 (absolutely immature and whiney) and I have been disengaging for awhile which is working out for me. My husband doesn't understand, but no amount of talking to him is going to make him see where I am coming from. We have stopped arguing over it for now and all I can say is, I am a lot happier.

My husband comes from a HUGE family and the younger generation (us) are always planning trips, having bbqs, dinners together, watching football games. etc. It's nice that they are so close and I really do like the family (the younger generation anyways)but sometimes it is OVERWHELMING. There are 7 couples and each of those couples has children.(Except us-none of our own, but my husband has his daughter) There are a total of 10 children. I don't feel like I HAVE to join in on EVERY family function. Sometimes, I just want to relax at home or do something like go on a nice date night. I am a preschool teacher so by the time the weekend rolls around, I really just want to try and have a child free weekend if possible. I never tell my husband he can't see his daughter. I understand and respect his role as dad. (although I may not agree with his denial or lack of all)

He texts me today and asks if I want to go to Tahoe at the end of February with the whole crew. Do I really? No. But I understand I need to compromise so I say sure, but I will NOT share a room with a child. Now, the plan is to rent 2 cabins next to each other. I'm almost certain these cabins come with couches/pullout couches/etc. I don't see what the big deal is. Well, he got all huffy and then said never mind and I haven't heard back from him today. He along with most members of his family think that I just need to suck it up and be all Brady Bunch and so on and so forth. At least I make the effort to understand their points of view. No one gives a damn how I feel or why I feel the way I do.

I can just foresee what will happen tonight. He'll accuse me of not wanting to be around his daughter and he is right. All of her cousins have way better manners than her, but I wouldn't want to share a room with them either!!! But that's not the reason. If I can't have adult privacy then I don't want to go. I said I wouldn't mind if he went, but of course I get no response. Do I really want to spend an entire weekend with all of these kids 24/7? No. And all of those adults? No. But I would suck it up if we had our own room. I don't see why that adjustment can't be made?

I know I sound like a bitchy diva, but I am being truthful and honest in my feelings.

bluehighlighter's picture

I understand this, with mine it's a SS8 and a huge group of familes that all the people went to college together or have known each other for over 15 years. I don't know what to do either. Our kid is ok (ss8) it's the others that are crazy acting and all under age 10 there's over 10 kids and three more babies were just born this year not included in that number. They have all these annual traditions and trips and parties but it's just too much.

I'm sorry. I can relate though but no clue. I did talk to him about it... lots of defensiveness and then we have hung out with one of the couples alone with just us and the couple. That went well.