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BM called at 6 AM to talk weather!!!!

Madam Hedgehog's picture

A few weeks FDH and I announced our engagement. Not only did she throw a new custody suit at DH by the next monday (less than a week later), she has started a regime of BS that is driving me up the wall.

I'd like to start this out by stating that I was up for two hours last night with her son (almost 2) who she has trained to be an emotional hurricane (Ive literally seen her give him candy to "distract" him while he's hitting his brother or throwing himself on the ground screaming).

6 AM rolls around and I'm exhausted and pissed. And viola! BM calls FDH's phone to inform him that it's very cold outside and that power has gone out in different places in town. !!!!. Who the F*CK CARES!? If he needed the information she could have politely texted rather than calling like some emergency was happening.

FDH: "Why are you telling me this?"
BM: "Well, the sitter will be unavailable due to the power outage."
FDH: "Did the sitter call and tell you that?"
BM: "Well, no . . ."
FDH: "Then what are you talking about?" (angry now)
BM: "I'm sorry I called you so early in the morning. I guess I didn't know what time it was." (WTF!?)

And on that note, FDH hangs up on her, calls the sitter, and sitter says "no power outage, bring the boys as usual, I would have called you if there was a problem." AHHHHH! FDH then rolls over toward me for cuddling and apologizes for his retarded ex. He is the biggest sweetie on earth, but I SICK TO DEATH of BM's crap. It drives me crazy that she interferes with our life. I can't believe that I have this awesome guy in my life and sometimes I can't even appreciate it because I'm so pissed off at his ex-wife.

And it's just never ending. Every single day she cooks up some nonsense to push her way into our life. Not to mention the fact that she seems to be stalking FDH and keeps popping up at walmart every time he goes shopping and texting "oh, gee, I just saw your car at walmart and I'm there too!" Who drives through parking lot at walmart looking for their exhusband's car? We live in a town without many shopping options so there's always like 200 cars in the parking lot.


unbelieveable's picture

oh my...this is only the beginning for you...make him set boundaries NOW before it gets worse.

ddakan's picture

All I can say is, AT LEAST DH RECOGNIZES HER STUPID BEHAVIOR. Not all dhs acknowledge the manipulation by BM and they play right into the game. Try to put her out of your mind at these times and don't let her rob you of the enjoyment of cuddling.

When he hung up and was cuddling with you, you turn your mind away from what just happened, think a happy dh thought, and all the warm fuzzies....then, later, when he is gone you can come here and vent. That way BM doesn't control you.

I have picked my STEPTALK time as the only time I mention BM. I can say everything I want to about the psycho and get validated and understood. By doing this I lessen the impact my negativity takes on my other relationships. It has taken me 10 years to get to this point with that stupid hag.

I'm so sorry for the little 2 year old. He is only a product of what psycho has taught him to be. Provide as much calm, sanity, boundaries, and love as you can. You mostly have to endure this time, but know that you are a good influence on that boy's life. Smile

AVR1962's picture

Looks to me like bio mom is trying to show her importance in your future husband's life, a show to you that they still have a connection.