How can our future work
I am a single Mum of one child, my son nearly 12yo. He is very independant, well mannered, intelligent and very loving. Of course without being completely bias, he can be a pain in the butt like most children at different ages at times. I met my DP nearly 18 months ago and I have never met anyone so loving and generous. I am 41yo and my DP is 48yo and he has two very young children 5yo boy and 2 yo girl. We both respect and love each other and would like to be together long term. We have not rushed into our relationship eg. we dont want to move in together for the sake of our children adapting slowly with us being together. In the first 6 months the BM of my DP's children was very difficult and didnt want me near her children. Over this time I persisted for the sake of my DP and the BM has relaxed alot more and things did improve. My ex, BF of my son has always been very amicable and fair through the process of our son meeting my DP as we decided to stay friends for the sake of our son. Basically my side has really been a pretty simple process and my son enjoys and respects my DP. Over time, it has become fairly daunting to me now that my DP's children are so young. It is like stepping back and having to do 'little kids' things all over again. Where now my son is independant, respectful, understands and knows boundaries that I have taught over the years. He doesnt do the little kids things anymore, and watches movies that arent cartoon based anymore, plays his electronics, he can kick a ball, ride his bike, scooter, ripstik etc etc. Now in saying all of the above, we at this stage only have my DP's son (5yo) every second weekend for one night, two days. We still do not have DP's daughter (2yo) as the BM wont let this happen due to her young age. I have only met DP's daughter four times all up for about an hour or two at the most each time. My son is not really interested in my DP's son due to the age gap and when they are under the same roof every second weekend, we no longer push them to spend time together. My son really just isnt interested as there are no similar interests and a big difference in maturity between them. I dont want to have mess in my home (my own home is where the time spent with us and the children together) I dont want to feel in my own home when DP's son is with us that I cant watch what I want on the tv, or having to ensure my DP's son is entertained the whole time he is here as he wants to watch his kids shows on tv, play with his trucks throughout the home, playdough ground into my outdoor area from messy play, not eating anything I make except vegemite sandwiches (when food is offered "I dont like that" is his comment always), to get woken up in the middle of the night because he is scared, my DP having to get up sometimes 5 or 6 times in a night and I get woken up in this process. Wont sleep past 5:30am and my poor DP then has to get up early with him as his son wont go back to sleep. I dont want to go to the park and sit and wait for him to play on the fortes or swings, have to walk slow as he cant scooter very well yet. What I am getting at is I have been there done that with my own son in the past. He is now my son who comes and goes from me with his needs and not totally reliant on me anymore. I am so scared for the future as it will be part of the equation for many years yet to come and once DP's daughter starts spending nights in the future it will start all over again. I wanted my late forties to be enjoying time with my DP without the stress of little ones as my son will be in his late teens and off enjoying his life alot more than spending as much time at home. Also child support (which take a huge whack out of my DP's pay each month) will be for fourteen more years. He will be 62 years old (his children will be 16 and 19 and I will be 55 (my son will be 25). However will this work. I would be happy to live apart until they are much much older. I am at the point I dont even want to spend time with DP's son now on weekends as it just cramps my lifestyle in my own home. His son is a nice boy but I am just not committed anymore. Its like the novelty has now worn off with my patience to deal with DP's son and his complete reliance. My DP says we will work it out as we love each other so much. Do you think we have hope. Please help. I already have resentment towards his children and they cant help what this situation is.
Sorry I don't have any true
Sorry I don't have any true words of wisdom since I've only just begun my journey with an skid, but it seems like the situation will only get more complicated. You know what you're in for in regards to raising kids. If you're not interested in doing it all over again, I would say to find another partner who has either no kids or adult/teenage children (preferably NO kids
). I'm sure others on here would agree. And I don't blame you. You've done your part. You just have to figure out what's really important to you and stick with it.
Don't you just wish that once you've finally found a loving partner, someone you could wholly trust and spend the rest of your life with, everything else could be so easy and uncomplicated? Life is just not fair sometimes.
Good luck
I feel your pain. Although
I feel your pain. Although my boyfriend's kids are the same age as mine, they cause me to feel territorial of my home whenever they're here, and it's mostly due to them not being raised like mine have. They are also very rude and wasteful of the food I give them. The thought of being w/them on a more permanent basis exhausts me. I guess I don't have any good advice, since I'm in the same boat, just wanted to offer support. Good luck!
Thank you for your support
Thank you for your support and comments. I dont really know what the future will hold. I have talked to DP and he is adamant he will do anything to make it work. As for the short term I have decided to step back from his children and I have explained to DP that I need to sit back and have time out from his young ones. So every second weekend he will be having his son by himself. I guess this will give us an indication whether things will work due to the fact that we are really separating our lives with our childern in order to be together. Thanks again. Any further advice let me know what you think
I was in a similar situation
I was in a similar situation to you when I got together with the partner I later married. I already had 2 girls aged 17 and 19, and his own daughters were 5 and 7. I felt like I was having to go back and do it all over again, plus with much more difficult children than mine were. I have found having even part time custody very taxing and tedious at times, and if I had known JUST how difficult it would be at times I might not have taken the same path.
I think the tone of the latter part of your post expressed your feelings quite clearly of not wanting to be involved with his young children, and this is understandable and you should not apologise for it. You may be able to come to an arrangement that works for the two of you, or in time it may become clear that your path forward is not together.
Thanks Kes. I totally
Thanks Kes. I totally understand. It must have been hard having girls nearly ready to leave the nest. God my son is nearly 12 and I love the stage he is at. Of course he will have alot going on during his teens, but I am prepared for that as he is my biological son, but I already know I dont enjoy the time 'as you say' even part time custody, my DP's son of 5, and still yet to happen his 2yo in the near future. I love having normal conversations with my son, dont enjoy the younger age anymore. (especially hearing - I dont want to eat that. My mummy doesnt give me that to eat. I dont like it - (never even tasted it in his life before gggrrrrr) lol. Its all only because of me and my wants and desires - and a bucket list sounds perfect as per StepMum post above. Take care