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Teen aged SD lies and Bio Mom has threatened me

stibbers1's picture

Hi to this site and I need advice. I live with my BF and we are a blended family. Between us we have my bio daugjter and his bio daughter..aged 12 (mine) and 16 (his). The problem is there are diff rules for us all. It is his house and hechas his daughter full time. My daughter I share with her Dad 50/50. Anyway, it seems that more often than not what BF and his daughter say goes whether it be where we eat, weekend plans ect. She blames my own daughter for things she does wrong a LOT. She has issues with taking responsibility. One night she claimed she did dishes the day before and my BF got angry because I contradicted her...she DID NOT, I did them. One thing led to another and I was a lying devil and he took her side believing her lie. Then ger bio mom took exception and now openly hates me for presumably calling her daughter a liar. Fast forward 6 months and my step daughter is on speaker phone with her mom..volume up very loud i couldnt help but hear her mom make negative remarks about me. Again step daughter lied about it said it never happened after i told her dad how unhealthy it was for bio mom to bad mouth honestly just doing the best i can here. Im not out to be wicked as i truly care for step daughter but its very difficult when step daughter is telling lies at my expense. Next thing i know bio mom calls me and screams and yells that i dont matter I am nothing and nobody cares about me. She then proceeds to threaten to come over right then and there to handle it "like women". I dont know about anyone else but that is a direct threat against me and i take it very seriously. So things settle down but now when bio mom comes to get step daughter for her visits she comes INSIDE THE HOUSE. That is all kinds of wrong in my book. Its not my house but i live here and so does my daughter. I feel threatened by her and i dont trust her. I dont see how anyone can say her entering my place of residence is ok..?? Why why why does she even need to come inside? She says nothing to me just walks in hangs out with her daughter and then they leave. I need my BF and SD to understand this isnt something that should be happening. If god forbid we had a physical altercation then what? We are grown adults..we know there will be all sorts of consequences right? Bio Mom drives on a suspended license, had 3 DUIs and frankly has a lot to lose by going to jail. What can i say that will make people mainly bf and SD understand she cant be allowed in our home? SD is going to hate me for it and I dont know what to do. Its difficult enough being a step mom aka GF but SM for lack of better term and now I have to handle a hostile bio mom that wants to beat me up..its almost comical! I feel invisible and diregarded. Like i dont matter and I am only here to shuttle SD feed her and generally be a step mom without any sort of respect. Im sorry for the long vent but I truly am at my wits end.

stibbers1's picture

He does say he gets where I am coming from and would talk to SD before bio mom came to get her last night..then said he forgot so in she came..waltzing on in while he was at work. But at this point I dont know i can trust what that conversation would sound like you know? It should be tgat HE doesnt want her in the house but I fear it will be all about me thus making her hate me...does that make sense? He really needs to take one for the team but I dont think he has the cojones to do it

notsobad's picture

Your BF thought you lied about doing the dishes? To what end? Does he think you are lying about something as mundane as the dishes just to get his daughter in trouble?

That would have been it for me.

breakingthroughtheinstincts's picture

This sounds familiar. Ignore the lying, just calmly tell BF the truth and don't push him to admit his DD lies ("whoever you want to believe, darling"). If SD can't hurt you with it, she'll stop.

In terms of BM coming into the house - NO! You need BF to step up and defend you - if he agrees that BM has no place in your house then stand up for yourself: When SD gets to the door, let her in then quickly slide between BM and the doorway ("thanks for bringing her back".. fake smiles). If she tries to push past you, just calmly say to her "I'm sorry, I would prefer it if you didn't come in" or "now's not a good time". If you are worried about doing this then get BF to do it the first time to set the bar. I don't really see why SD is being dropped back while he is out at work if you are feeling threatened by BM anyway - what a horrible situation for BF to leave you in! What does he say?

CANYOUHELP's picture

Move out of the insane mess.... You do need to respect your daughter and yourself better than to tolerate this treatment by your BF or his ex. You're being walked all over by both of them, so why continue? Why does she come inside your home? All this is crazy. If he allows it, move out immediately, this is no life for you.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Move out of the insane mess.... You do need to respect your daughter and yourself better than to tolerate this treatment by your BF or his ex. You're being walked all over by both of them, so why continue? Why does she come inside your home? All this is crazy. If he allows it, move out immediately, this is no life for you.

Maxwell09's picture

This doesn't sound like a loving relationship at all. Why do you stay? What do you get out of this? HE doesn't treat you like you are his partner because he is busy treating his daughter like his partner. This sounds like the ramblings of a college dorm roommate squabble. BM should never come into your house or even your partner's house. If you wouldn't let a stranger do it, then why does BM get to do it?

stibbers1's picture

He is def a control freak..we grew up quite diff as well and there are a lot of things we dont see eye to eye on but agree to disagree. We have been together for 5 years and cohabitating for 3.