What is wrong with BM's?!?!?!?!?
I suppose this is more of a rant, but if anyone has an actual answer that would be nice
BM's are so resentful. They keep kids away from their dad for no other reason than that they can. Why??? I can't figure this one out and don't have the guts to ask my friend who actually is a BM. Granted, they do this to varying degrees. My friend does it once in a while for an hour or so but then you have our BM who keeps them away for months.
BMs fall into 2 categories: those who work & those who don't. I think you should have to work to collect child support. Too many BMs out there use their kids as a paycheck and even have them so they can collect. My mom collected child support for me but guess what... she worked 40 hours a week & that money put me through college. Our BM has never had a job yet when they don't have anything she blames it on my DH. She told my 2 skids my DH hasn't paid in 3 years. What a lie to make her look "better" (which is what she has to do to make herself look better than anyone). My DH was injured at work and missed 6 months of payments, legitimately. Believe it or not he wants to pay his CS, otherwise they will have nothing.
On the topic of child support, you should have to turn in receipts. Our BM get a $hitload of money to sit on her ass yet the kids never have anything new and the younger boy always has hand me downs. SS11 was ecstatic to receive a pair of jeans for christmas one year. They always look like scrubs (dirty clothes, coats, smell bad, need haircuts, etc.)
No motivation in life. This is also not ALL BM's, just those ones that constantly have their hand out. Our BM lives with her parents at age 31 as well as her little sister who, suprise! has 2 kids and no man (she put in her "work" aka 2 kids). Our BM refuses to work and gives her kids the lamest excuses that they eat up.
Why is it that these moms seem to care about everything except the kids? My step sons are truly at a disadvantage in life. They are both in therapy, which is a good thing for them but BM isn't the least embarrassed about it as their problems are due to her manipulations. Children are not chess pieces. They are adults in training having crappy childhoods with these BMs teaching them to be crappy adults. It is so sad.
My skids are brainwashed. We can physically show them the facts from CS that my DH has been paying all these years and only hasn't because of an injury, and they won't believe it. They are mommas boys in the worst way.
Thanks to any of you who have read this even in part It is continually hard to be a stepparent although I have been one for 8 years. We thought it would get a bit easier with age but their mom has only brainwashed them further. My heart hurts for my skids and I feel there is nothing left we can do but watch them grow up into unsuccessful adults because of a selfish, manipulative, lazy BM.
I feel exactly the same way.
I feel exactly the same way. BM uses CS for nothing but drugs, tanning, and outings to the bar while, at the same time, complaining that SDs don't have clothes, shoes, school clothes, etc. She doesn't work and has lived rent free for the last 4 years. And she calls SO and I pathetic. Yeah, right. Those kids are nothing but food stamps and a check to her. It's really just depressing.
Sounds like we have the same
Sounds like we have the same BM
How I wish this were true. I
How I wish this were true. I have told my husband that they will start to "see" their mom for who she is as they get older. Unfortunately it has not worked this way so far. My SS11 currently "hates" my DH for "lying" to him. Our BM told my skids DH hasn't paid in 3 years but I can go on the CS website and show SS11 in black & white that he has & he still believes mom. Long road ahead.
one word - vindictive
one word - vindictive
If you ever get an answer,
If you ever get an answer, let me know! For ten years, between CS, tax deductions and child care credits, BM was collecting over $15,000 a year, tax free and the kids ran to us constantly because whenever they needed anything basic, like something better than Payless shoes (both kids have seriously screwed up feet) BM suddenly developed situational deafness.
My Skids are now both over 21. The elder is 24 and has SOME sort of freaking disability, autism spectrum, depression, PDD, WHO THE F&%$ knows?! Mother basically threw her out of the house because the kid is a lump. I'm struggling to get this kid a diagnosis so I can get her the right kind of help (something she should have gotten 10 or more years ago and would have if BM had even HALF a freaking brain). I ask for a simple thing like a doctor's name so I can get medical records. Do you think the woman can even answer an email?! For the love of all that is sacred, I'm trying to help her child here!!! I'm not asking for anything other than information.
That woman makes me want to beat my head against the wall.
Nothing against you
Nothing against you personally Stepdown.. but the BM of my kid says she isnt crazy either.
I tend to think otherwise
I could have wrote that. I
I could have wrote that. I have 2 BM's in my life. NEITHER work. BOTH live off of my SO Child support their NEW men in their lives and the State. BM #2 keeps SS3 away from us at all costs. We are fighting right now to make her follow the parenting plan. Had to get an attorney. She refuses to answer her phone.
BM #1 is the one that CALLS non stop to place blame. She is the "right" fighter. Always has to be right. Always manages to bring up everything she can think of from 5 years ago. And is a complete hypocrite. It makes me sick.
On the other hand I am a BM. And my ex doesn't pay any support. The way I viewed things was simple. If he was going to help provide for our children (which he does) then why would I take what he had so he couldn't survive? Why would I keep my child from him? We made these kids together. I didn't get prego alone. BM's who are crazy bitches give us normal ones a bad name. MY ex and I only communicate when needed. No other times. And there is NEVER talk about the past.
Well at least I am not
Well at least I am not alone!
And I do understand that not ALL BM's are awful. My mom was one but she worked 40 hours a week and banked my measly $125 a month CS and it paid for a couple of semesters of college. Unfortunately all of the awful BMs are giving the good ones a bad name. I just don't get why the awful ones are so awful for no reason.
Thanks for sharing your stories. Even though we all stir up $hit with our feelings about these things its good to know this forum exists for us to all vent anonymously.