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a weekend of realuzations

12yrstepmonster's picture

So ss15 is now talking bad about me to dd12. I have known he has said things in the past. Dd has told me. I have used that to explain to her the issues that arise from step families. This time I wasn't here and she went to DH. Who in turn confronted SS about a lot of different things- including not thanking people for Christmas gifts, for his constant issues. In the end DH says. If you don't want to be here I don't want you here. Don't take that to mean I don't want you to be here personally. I just don't want you to come and sit around with an attitude. This is who I am....what I do.

In a nutshell I have told dh if ss speaks ill of me again to dd- I will take dd on his visitation weekends and go to my parents. When he protested I said the other option is to take Ss to your parents.

I have not signed up to go thru another 4 years of this bs that I went hey with SD.


sonja's picture

I think you handled that well. I'd be telling him that he can see his son elsewhere instead of saying I wont be around 1st.. I have almost had to say this to my fdh about sd4 when her behavior was so bad and he wasn't correcting it. Good luck