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alwaysthemom's Blog

Sick and tired

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of hearing that b*tchs name every freaking day. Sick of her calling, just plain sick of her being. Skids think I give one rats ass about their mom they are wrong. Moms doing this, moms doing that. So the f*ck what. Kids got out of school early today, work was called off for HB and all I hear today is b*tch calling DH, skids saying mom blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't care. Every time b*tch calls DH it pisses me off cause if she needs him to do something he automatically gets right on it, but when b*tch needs to be told something, he drags his feet. Having a bad day, SORRY!!!

Grinding MY teeth

alwaysthemom's picture

Today I take BD10 to the orthodontist, referred by our regular dentist. Regular dentist has already told me 2 yrs ago, BD10 will probably need braces. Ortho tells me BD needs braces. OK. I get home and call Biodad and give him the news. He gets mad and says that it's ridiculous and that I should wait til BD10 is about 13 or 14. He thinks I should get a 2nd opinion. He says he will not support my decision to put BD10 in braces. I tell him well regardless if you support it or not you are still responsible for 50% if I choose to put BD10 in braces. That pisses him off even more.

GRRRRRR!! So irritating!! but also on the brighter side.

alwaysthemom's picture

Now I know that DH needs to communicate with BM, but when she tries to make the conversation long and personal it's aggrevating. I'd rather chew on a piece of tinfoil then have DH have any contact with THE THANG, as he calls her. That's all I have to say about that. You guys may not know, but I have been taking classes for real estate appraisal. Took my exam today. Everybody cross their fingers. I'll let you know if I passed or not.

Alarm went off in my head

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Took the 5 little darlings out for dinner and a movie tonight. Had a great time. Saw Spiderwick, it's pretty good by the way. But you know when you get kids in a comfortable setting, like riding in the car shotgun they say the darndest things. We were all talking on the way home and SS11 says, "My cousin and her friends do drugs." I was like WHAT!! He says "my cousin does drugs." Mind you cousin is about 11 or 12 too??? This cousin is on BM side of the family. Cousins dad is a known user, and so is SS11 BM. When I say drugs I mean pot and possibly others but weed for sure.

Do I have the right to be irritated??

alwaysthemom's picture

Things seem to be looking up compared to my last blog. But one question I have. DH works nights and is home during the day. BM waits til he goes to work to call him. I have told him this bothers me that she does this because she knows I'm not around and he answers her call during working hours. I limit the times I call him myself. I feel as though everything we have gone through the last month was a waste of time. Because he pacified me at the time I was angry about BM not taking kids on her time but both of them expecting me to.

Those of you who

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read my recent blog know what has been happening this Christmas. But there is something I would like to ask you. BM tried to manipulate MY husband by threatening to take the kids away if I didn't quit with the drama. I don't want her to have the last say. I want to throw it in her face that if she EVER tries that again I will persue turning her in for fraud on a government document. Which would make her pay back all payments made and possibly jail time. Also DH could go back on some tax returns and claim SS and make her back pay.

All Hell is breaking loose

alwaysthemom's picture

HB is yet again allowing BM to dictate MY time. She is suppose to have skids over the holiday dec. 28-Jan. 1. Today she called and told him how the cow ate the cabbage and has scheduled her holiday time once again around her social life. I told DH I wanted her to take her kids on the ordered days so as I could do the things I wanted and needed to do without kids around.(relax for #1) Anyway, he naturally agreed to her proposed days and that has left me holding the bag. Because he works I stay with the kids. I am beside myself with anger. This has happened the last 3 years.

Sometimes this sucks

alwaysthemom's picture

I come to this website to vent right?, but it just sucks sometimes. I want to tell stories about happy times not always the crap. I feel as though I have nowhere else to turn. I had a previous post about skids being sent home possibly with pinkeye.(very contagious) BM didn't bother to make doc appointments til today when HB called her about it. Of course I was the one pushing him to make the call. I don't think either one of them felt it was neccessary to get kids into the doc.

Do any of you

alwaysthemom's picture

girls have a problem with your HB watching porn by hisself and then coming in the bedroom wanting to have sex? I do. Am I overreacting? It makes me feel like he needs to get geared up to be with me. He says it's for info purposes only.
