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amackeral's Blog

SS19 living with us again, shoot me now please!

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Ugh, what a hassle this is going to be.

SS19's lease was up about 2 months ago, and he couldn't afford to renew it. Since then he's his sister, SD21, rent money to stay at her place but hasn't been staying there because she's a slob and her apartment stinks. So he's been crashing with different friends.

SD21 just moved to a new place and they have very strict guest policies so SS19 can't stay with long term now. And he can't afford his own place, so guess where he is...yep back at our house. I'm already dreading it...

DH is finally home, for good...but it's not all good.

amackeral's picture

Like most around here, we go absent when things are going well and we don't need to vent.

Things have been going "well" because I backed off. DH had given SS18 until end of September to find a place and move I was counting down days til I no longer had to deal with the miserable bastard. Now DH will be taking that back I'm sure, because the friend that SS was going to room with can't move out yet (long story short, her parents are super controlling and withdrew all her money from her bank account). So now I'm stuck with SS for...who knows how long.

SD20's plans changing possibly

amackeral's picture

SD20 and her bf were supposed to get a place together when school started back up. His parents are now expressing they really don't want him living with his gf, they want him to focus on school and not be distracted "playing house". SD and her bf had previously decided to have SD live with him but not tell his parents, but SD has since realized how bad it would be to start her relationship off with her possible in-laws on a lie, so she told bf she wasn't going to move in with him if he couldn't convince his parents to give their blessing.

DD9s BF, so frustrating

amackeral's picture

DD9 has called me so many times over the last few days so upset and mad at her dad. And I don't know how to help her, it's very frustrating for me.

When DD decided to go with her dad for 3 weeks, she had no idea he was dating a new woman who has 3 kids of her own. Now DD is feeling very left out and pushed aside.

Her dad has a terrible habit of promising her that they'll do XYZ things, to get her excited to see him, and then they don't do XYZ at all and of course she's only 9, she gets upset.

Oh HAPPY day!

amackeral's picture

SS18 gave me the best news today...he just left a bit ago to talk to someone about an apartment for rent!

I noticed yesterday he had been going through/organizing his stuff in his closet...I'm not much for praying for "selfish" things/reasons but if anyone up there hears this prayer...PLEASE let it be cheap and available now!

Just go away SS, I don't care to talk to you anymore!

amackeral's picture

After being verbally assaulted by SS18 so many times, I just wish he would never talk to me again! And I think he knows this, that's why he asks "How was your day?" EVERY F'ING DAY!

I wish when he talked to me it didn't grate on my nerves like fingers down a chalk board. I wish I could completely ignore him, I wish I could pretend like he doesn't exist. I wish he would just move out already! And I wish I could make my conscience shut up!

O/T but so frustrated

amackeral's picture

Why are there so many stupid people out there? As well as naive people who the stupid people prey on!

Some background- when I moved in with DH, he was having troubles with the financial company who owns his house. Payment had skyrocketed, he couldn't afford the payment (when he bought the house, he was living with a previous gf, so he couldn't afford the house on his own), he was trying to modify the loan/refinance so the payment was lower, finance company was stringing him along, telling him he wasn't sending in all the paperwork. This went on for 19 months.

Me or the I know the answer

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Tonight, I got my answer to the question if DH ever had to choose between me and the skids.

DD9 is in a play, and while she was at her play, DH and I were supposed to go do something. What we hadn't decided yet, but just spend time together since he is only home weekends.

SS18 won tickets to the local speedway/raceway and told his dad "it's a family pass, 2 adults and 2 kids, or 3 adults. You (DH), me (SS18) and SD20 should go". Earlier today, DH said he was torn what to do now, spend time with me, or go with skids...

Don't treat me like one of the kids

amackeral's picture

DH has really struck a nerve and I don't know how to get him to see/understand how ridiculous he's being thinking I have to follow each and every single rule we set down for all 3 kids.

He set a rule "no food in the bedrooms" for the kids because where we live we have a big problem with sugar ants. So we want to keep the food limited to the kitchen and sometimes the living room, as long as everyone is picking up after themselves.
