Anne Boleyn's Blog
Follow-Up to My Stupid Moving Box / Lawn Equipment Issue
Thanks for all the comments and advice on my earlier blog about FDH suggesting I give my moving boxes to BM.
Now I am Supposed to be BM's Moving Box Service
We are in the process of moving (Saturday). My house is literally filled with boxes. I have some good U-Haul boxes that I purchased for the last move and have stored here in case we had to move again. They are not cheap! I also have about 50 liquor store boxes that I obtained over the last few weeks by driving by there and getting them, hauling them home, etc... Mind you, I recently had surgery and am not supposed to be doing much but I have pretty much handled the entire packing and box procurement myself.
BM is moving herself and the kids in with her BF when school gets out.
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I never thought I'd get to write this blog,
This was the first weekend that we had the skids that went well. Seriously, it was really good.
FDH and BM are finally parenting. SD11 has been restricted to two hours of computer time per day. She has a bedtime (here at least) and FDH doesn't put up with her crap. It's amazing to witness the transformation in this child.
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No Skids for me tonight!
Well, the bad news is that FDH is stuck in an aiport all day today and won't be coming home from his business trip until like 1AM. But the good news is that my house will not be invaded by Skids tonight!
It feels like a couple of pounds were just lifted from my shoulders. No stress tonight.
Just thought I'd share my glimmer of relief.
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Am I wearing a Kinkos Name Tag??
As you may know, YSD is diabetic. She's been having issues lately with extemely high glucose. When she was here the weekend before last, she got sick because of it. That sprung FDH into action and he called the children's hospital, talked to a resident and got some advice. He then started looking at previous tests (data is stored in the testing device) and noticed she'd only been testing a couple times a day, far less than needed.
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I'm not effin' doing it-- and other recent revelations
FDH was headed out of town today so we spent last night having some wine and talking after dinner. It was quite a nice evening. What amazed me is that we had such a nice, relaxing conversation where we both learned something about the other that will be helpful to our relationship. I don’t know if just having been at counseling was the factor but whatever it was, we learned some things.
What I learned about him:
(Continued in the comments)
Family Photos that Include BM
First, I have to say that I had a wonderful weekend with FDH. It was our first weekend in over a month that we didn't have his kids or my family here visiting-- just the two of us. Ahhhhh. Even though we're moving and spent most of our time packing, etc... we had a fantastic time. It was really great to reconnect with him.
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Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back- Disney Dad just can't stay away
Surprisingly, Catherine of Aragon (BM), seems to finally be fed up with SD11. She texted FDH yesterday morning saying “I’ve had enough. I told her I want her back in school in two weeks. From now on, she only gets two hours of computer time a day. You in?” I had to laugh at this because I’ve been saying that her excessive computer use / addiction is really the source of the problems. This anxiety BS is just her way of making people feel sorry for her and letting her stay home on the computer 24/7. Anyway, I was thrilled to hear this as BM is finally getting it.
King Henry Made an Ugly Appearance at Dinner Last Night
I’ve really been trying hard not to let things bother me as much. When I need to vent, I come here. When I need to really discuss something with FDH, I am trying to have more calm, productive conversations. But last night King Henry/ FDH pushed me over the edge.
I was in a great mood yesterday afternoon, despite the stupid email from Catherine of Aragon about SD11’s therapist issues. I vented here and let it go. I took an amazing long walk on the beach and rode my bike. I cooked a delicious meal for us, which is kind of a big deal as I don’t cook often.
Ranty rant rant about Catherine of Aragon (BM)
YSD has been having major issues for the last several months. She's never been an easy kid and I've always felt her parents let her get away with murder but she's seriously out of control lately. To put it into perspective, she's basically been out of school since Christmas. She's now in the Hospital Homebound program and it's being chalked up to what she's saying is severe social anxiety. She's hardly doing her work in this program.
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