OT-Changing your last name!
Read this today and found it very interesting. About changing your last name. I can get what the woman is saying but hell I want to change my last name so bad it is not even funny. Multiple reasons...
1. I have one of those names that is so easy to turn into a joke
2. I do not like that I have the same last name as my biological dad
3. I basically have never liked my last name and think it will just be easier to all have the same last name
4. Future SS8 is super excited for us all to have the same last name. I think to him it will make us all more of a family, He is cute.
With that being said I do get this story and can understand where she is coming from.
Check it out or let me know your thoughts.
- AshMar654's blog
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I didn't change my last name
I didn't change my last name for a few reasons...
1. I have accomplished quite a bit in my industry with my last name - changing it would mean losing some of that "brand recognition" i've built up.
2. I'm very proud of my last name because I'm very proud of my father and everything he's accomplished.
3. I kind of feel that it's an outdated way of doing things - as if I'm becoming my husband's property after marriage.
But I do use his last name socially, like on social media and such, because he really likes it and wanted me to change it but I just couldn't be bothered, especially because it's a whole mess of paper work like mentioned in the article lol.
I didn't change my name
I didn't change my name either. Several reasons:
Well established in my profession.
I changed my last name when I married my first DH. Never felt right and I took my own name back when we divorced.
Complete paperwork hassle.
DH wouldn't consider changing HIS name. Not that I really expected him to, but it clearly demonstrated a double standard. I'm not the quiet wifey type.
If I was really well known in
If I was really well known in my profession I would maybe keep it but I am not.
I think if I honestly liked my last name I would keep it. I am not entirely sure my SO would like that as be would never change his, yeah double standard. Let's face it he has no say on if I change my name or not.
I just really hate the one I have. I even considered changing it to my stepdads name at one point. I really wanted to distance myself from my bio-dad.
Then change your name! You
Then change your name! You have good reason to do so, and if that's what makes you happy and feel good, go for it. We all have our own stories, and don't let a bunch of strangers influence your decision.
Thanks, I just liked the
Thanks, I just liked the story thought it was interesting. Everyone has their reasons and nothing wrong with that. My mom changed hers both times she was married. She is of an older mind set too that a woman should take the husband's last name because that is a true marriage and bond.
I think it should be a discussion and each person should do what they want.
I just saw the bananahammock
I just saw the bananahammock episode of "Friends" the other day
But, it's Princess Consuela Bananahammock!!
never get your fake names
never get your fake names mixed up
Have I commented on your wit
Have I commented on your wit lately?
I changed mine. I loved my
I changed mine. I loved my italian sounding maiden name, but it did make me feel more part of "the family"
It REALLY made it easier when it came to SD17. SD has Type 1 Diabetes and all skids are on my insurance. Having to sort out insurance issues is SO much easier since we have the same last name.....people just assume I'm her mom and give me the info I need and let me order what I need. When I was still "Italian Name" they would tell me they needed SD17's approval before they could make any changes, etc. UM excuse me! This policy is in MY name, the premium come out of MY paycheck, and the insulin and supplies are paid for by ME. I'll do what I want! Now it's easier.
my DHs ex changed her last
my DHs ex changed her last name to a fake made up name. Just made up gibberish. lol they've been married almost 30 years and have two kids, she hates DH though. I never hated my exDH so I kept his name for over 20 years! I sure would not be taking fake names though. I'd maybe take some old family name if not maiden name, but not made up stuff. SDs think it's funny.
Yeah that can be annoying at
Yeah that can be annoying at times. My mom kept her name after she divorced my bio dad and he ended up marrying a woman with the same name as her and had a daughter same name as me. When they got pregnant my brother asked if it was a boy would he name the kid the same name as his.
I wish I could make that up but no really happened my family still jokes about and makes fun of it to this dad. Bio-dad is really messed up.
My mom hated that there was another woman with the same last name as soon as she married my step-dad she changed it to his.
My maiden name was a
My maiden name was a variation of my first name. I never liked the combination.
When I married the first time I was thrilled to change my name to have a "normal" combination.
When I met second husband I thought I'm glad we're just dating and I'm not marrying him as his last name is another variation of my first name. When we decided to get married I added his last name to first husband's last name so now I have a double last name. I wasn't going back to the simple variation again.
I like my name now. It was a good solution for me. It wouldn't have worked if I had divorced the first time, but since he died it works.
***names changed within the
***names changed within the text for privacy****
I changed my name when I got married.
I had a high-profile family tragedy growing up and so I thought I would like to get rid of my last name. I had even considered a legal name change prior to being married.
As I signed the marriage license, relinquishing my last name, it felt a little wrong to me. It felt old fashioned and the feminist in me cringed a bit. I wasn't sure I liked being someone else's last name and it didn't make me feel connected or more unified.
So there we go. The skids and BM, DH and I all have the same last name now. The very first time I heard my new last name was when the minister pronounced us married. "congratulations Mrs. Reynolds" she said. I actually recoiled some and I knew I was in trouble.
I told myself I would give it 12 months and if it still didn't feel good, I would change it back to my maiden name. I only bothered to change my driver's license and even that took my 3 months to do.
Every time I encountered 'Reynolds' with the BM and skids, I sneered. I actually wanted a tee-shirt made that said "They're not mine!" that I could wear in public so people would not think that MY children were so misbehaved and awful.
I shifted back to using my maiden name but the bank....everyone was getting confused and it was a hassle either way.
I realized how much I had accomplished with my maiden name...Also, the family tragedy...I was no longer ashamed of it. That name was a badge of honor because anyone who made it through that was a damn hero!
12 months into marriage, I paid over $500 to change my name legally back to my maiden name. DH was devastated and furious at the time but now we laugh about it and he jokes that he should take my name because he doesn't want to share a name with BM anymore.
I had very unique madden and
I had very unique madden and very unique exDHs name that I kept after divorce. By unique I mean only people of our families have it, no one else. I loved my ex's name and it goes well with my first name, I had for most of my adult life. Both my maiden and first husband's names are ethnic and suit me.
I got married second time last year and thought it would be rude to keep my exDH's name and my DH would. be hurt ( I did think about it, not because I love my ex lol I dint, I love my DH, but because I love the name, so does everyone else). So now I have very common last name that does not suit me but who cares? Many people (many of my students and their parents for example)still call me by my ex's name once in awhile and it's ok, doesn't bother me.
My last name is a man's first
My last name is a man's first name.... I used to wear my ex-h's name but I never changed... I'm not sure yet whether I'll take SO's name, just wear it, or not at all.
I did change my name the
I did change my name the first time around. In never changed it back nor changed it the second time around. DH doesn't mind one way or another. Reason? I got married real young and have had this name longer than anything else so I consider it my name. Plus it is the same as the biokids. I'm not close to my family of origin. My former sisters- and brothers- in law are much more family to me. And I'm just a little lazy. All that paperwork and ordering new name tapes for uniforms. In do answer to Mrs. Hisname though.
As a teen, I wanted to change
As a teen, I wanted to change my last name because my older sister was a notorious druggie criminal in our small community, and I experienced backlash because of it.
As an adult, I kept my maiden name for professional reasons. Eventually, I took DH's last name. (It might have had something to do with the silent tantrum he pitched at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when I renewed my license). It's unusual, hard to pronounce, and has been tarnished by HIS criminal relatives.
If the worst happens and DH predeceases me, I'll go back to my maiden name. After all the strife I've experienced with skids and inlaws, I have no desire to share a name with them.
I worked with a man who took
I worked with a man who took his WIFE's name when they married. His 'maiden' name was Smith. She is the last in a long line and they want their children to carry on the line.
Good for that man. That is
Good for that man. That is awesome. I think it should be a discussion and men should not assume a woman will take their name anymore.
Over here in NL both partners
Over here in NL both partners can take each other's names, or hyphenate, mix-and-match.
Friends who married last year have hyphenated. He was Joe Smith and she was Jane Jones. He is now Joe Smith-Jones and she is Jane Jones-Smith.
I kept my name, and our kid has my last name. My last name is very Irish, and my kid's first name is very Irish. Both are impossible to spell or pronounce correctly, at least in NL, so at least I kept the theme going
My DD kept maiden name. Sadly
My DD kept maiden name. Sadly she widowed last year,
they didn't have kids yet, were planning. My DD is of a mindset that women should keep their names. If she gets married again some day, she'd again keep maiden name.
I find it more convenient to have the same name.
I googled my name and I am
I googled my name and I am the only that comes up. It is because of the way my mom spelled it. Alot came up with my name more than I thought would.
What comes up when you google
What comes up when you google "Alot?"
Quit a few came up with my
Quit a few came up with my maiden name. Hundreds upon hundreds came up with the name I use now...
I am surprised at how many are into the arts!
I kept my name as a middle
I kept my name as a middle name since my education and career is attached to that name- and use DH's name as my last name.
I wanted to have the same name as DD, and bonus- I learned much later from the SDs that it pissed off BM. }:)
My maiden name has 12
My maiden name has 12 letters. I couldn't change my name fast enough. Lol
I won't take my numpty's last
I won't take my numpty's last name. I have a number of reasons to this.
Cause you will be known as
}:) }:) }:) Cause you will be known as Mrs Numpty - his mothers name lol..... and poor Polly will have a different last name, opportunity I waited for, I can simply come and get her no way you can proof she's yours